2022-06-26 08:08:09
这6道sql题都很好,建议都过一遍;考察知识点:回购率、复购率的理解子查询inner join重点推荐第2题,第5题,第6题理解需求、理解题意 (★★★★★)datediffceil 函数row_number() 、 子查询内容二八定律的应用– lulu_Course– 1.统计不同月份的下单人数select month(paidTime),count(distinct userid) from data.orderinfowhere isPaid = “未支付”group...
- 回购率、复购率的理解
- 子查询
- inner join
- 重点推荐第2题,第5题,第6题
- 理解需求、理解题意 (★★★★★)
- datediff
- ceil 函数
- row_number() 、 子查询内容
- 二八定律的应用
– lulu_Course
-- lulu_Course
-- 1.统计不同月份的下单人数
select month(paidTime),count(distinct userid) from data.orderinfo
where isPaid = "未支付"
group by month(paidTime)
-- 2.统计用户三月份的回购率和复购率
-- 复购率:
select count(ct),count(if(ct>1,1,null))
from(select userid,count(userid) as ct
from order_info
where isPaid = "已支付"
and month(paidTime) = 3
group by userid)t
-- 回购率:涉及跨月份
# 法1:代码适合一次性需求
select count(1) from
where userid in (子查询,算出3月份的userid)
and month(paidTime) = 4
group by userid;
# 法2:
-- step1:
select * from(
select userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01") as m
from order_info where ispaid = "已支付"
group by userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01"))t1
left join(
select userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01") as m
from order_info where ispaid = "已支付"
group by userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01"))t2
on t1.userId = t2.userId and t1.m = date_sub(t2.m,interval 1 month)
-- where t1.m = date_sub(t2.m,interval 1 month)亦可
-- step2:
select t1.m,count(t1.m) as 购买人数,count(t2.m) as 回购人数 from(
select userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01") as m
from order_info where ispaid = "已支付"
group by userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01"))t1
left join(
select userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01") as m
from order_info where ispaid = "已支付"
group by userid,date_format(paidTime,"%Y-%m-01"))t2
on t1.userId = t2.userId and t1.m = date_sub(t2.m,interval 1 month)
-- where t1.m = date_sub(t2.m,interval 1 month)
group by t1.m
-- 3.统计男女用户的消费频次是否有差异
理解:求消费频次?总计、求平均 (当然篇平均数未必是靠谱的,这只是一个其中的分析思路吧)
select sex,avg(ct) from(
select t1.userid,sex,count(1) as ct from order_info t1
inner info(
select * from user_info
where sex <> "" )t2
on o.userid = t.userid
group by userid,sex)t3
group by sex;
-- 4.统计多次消费的用户,第一次和最后一次消费间隔是多少?
-- 操作1
select userid
from order_info
where ispaid = '已支付'
group by userid
having count(1)>1;
-- 操作2:(lulu:勉强估计一下生命周期)
select avg(interval) as avg_interval
from(select userid
,datediff(max(paidTime),min(paidTime)) as interval
from order_info
where ispaid = '已支付'
group by userid
having count(1)>1
) tepmt;
-- 5.统计不同年龄段,用户的消费金额是否有差异
-- 计算每个用户的消费频次
select age,avg(ct)
from(select o.userid
,count(o.userid) as ct
from order_info o where ispaid = '已支付'
inner join(
select userid,ceil((year(now())-year(birth))/10) as age
from userinfo
where birth > '1901-00-00')t -- 过滤掉117
on o.userid = t.userid
group by o.userid,age)t2
group by age;
-- 补充知识:ceil()函数和floor()函数
-- ceil(n) 取大于等于数值n的最小整数;
-- floor(n) 取小于等于数值n的最小整数;
-- 6.统计消费的二八法则,消费的top20%用户,贡献了多少额度
-- 方法1:取巧做法,见lulu
-- 方法2:row_number/子查询方法
select sum(total) as 'top20%贡献额度'
from(select userid
,sum(price) as total
,row_number()over(order by sum(price) desc) as 排名
from order_info o where ispaid = '已支付'
group by userid
) t
where 排名 < (select count(1) from order_info where ispaid = '已支付' group by userid) * 0.2;
-- 取巧做法:select count(userid)*0.2 得到 17000m-- row_number()/ 注意临时表不能复用
上一篇: os x 10.11 el capitan系统安装图文教程
下一篇: 利用JDBC实现数据库的操作