2022-06-25 15:34:56
json字符串插入节点或者覆盖节点jfdajson是json字符串jsonobject obj=jsonobject.parseobject(jfdajson);obj.put("dj",xydjdm...
jsonobject obj=jsonobject.parseobject(jfdajson); obj.put("dj",xydjdm);// 更新dj字段 obj.put("xydjmc",xydjmc);// 添加xydjmc字段 obj.tostring();
http://host/tree_data/node/${treeid} in: {node: {key: ..., ...}, parent: ${key}, sequ: ${sequ}}
http://host/tree_data/node/${treeid}/${key} in: {node: {key: ..., ...}}
create table `catagory_tree` ( `id` bigint(11) not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(32) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci not null comment '分类树名称:product:产品分类 goods:商品分类', `json_tree` text character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci not null comment '直接存储antd树表的数据结构', `modify_staff` varchar(32) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci not null, `modify_time` datetime(0) not null, primary key (`id`) using btree, index `ak_uni_catagory_tree_name`(`name`) using btree ) engine = innodb auto_increment = 2 character set = utf8 collate = utf8_general_ci row_format = compact;
[{ "id": 1, "code": "flow_node_1", "name": "环节a", "children": [{ "id": 2, "code": "rule_node_1", "name": "规则a" }, { "id": 3, "code": "rule_node_2", "name": "规则b" }, { "id": 4, "code": "parallel_node_2", "name": "并行节点", "children": [{ "id": 5, "code": "rule_node_3", "name": "规则c1" }, { "id": 6, "code": "rule_collection_1", "name": "规则集1", "children": [{ "id": 7, "code": "rule_node_4", "name": "规则c21" }, { "id": 8, "code": "rule_node_5", "name": "规则c22" }] }] }, { "id": 9, "code": "mutual_node_1", "name": "互斥节点", "children": [{ "id": 10, "code": "rule_node_6", "name": "规则d1" }, { "id": 11, "code": "rule_node_7", "name": "规则d2" }] }] }, { "id": 12, "code": "flow_node_2", "name": "环节b" }]
<dependency> <groupid>com.alibaba</groupid> <artifactid>fastjson</artifactid> <version>1.2.49</version> </dependency>
package cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.controller; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.service.catagorytreeservice; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.utils.actionhelper; import io.swagger.annotations.apioperation; import io.swagger.annotations.apiparam; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import java.util.map; @restcontroller public class catagorytreecontroller { @autowired private catagorytreeservice catagorytreeservice; @apioperation(value="查询分类树信息", notes="输入分类树id") @requestmapping(value = "/api/v1/tree_data/node/{treeid}", method = requestmethod.get) public map getone(@apiparam(required = true, value = "分类树id") @pathvariable integer treeid){ return actionhelper.responseok(catagorytreeservice.getone(treeid)); } @apioperation(value="新建节点", notes="根据输入参数创建节点") @requestmapping(value = "/tree_data/node/{treeid}", method = requestmethod.post) public map addone(@apiparam(required = true, value = "分类树id")@pathvariable integer treeid, @apiparam(required = true, value = "节点信息、父类id、数组位置") @requestbody map map){ return actionhelper.responseok(catagorytreeservice.addone(treeid,map)); } @apioperation(value="更新节点信息", notes="更新节点信息") @requestmapping(value = "/tree_data/node/{treeid}/{id}", method = requestmethod.patch) public map updateone(@apiparam(required = true, value = "分类树id")@pathvariable integer treeid, @apiparam(required = true, value = "节点id")@pathvariable integer id, @apiparam(required = true, value = "节点信息") @requestbody map map){ return actionhelper.responseok(catagorytreeservice.updateone(treeid,id,map)); } @apioperation(value="删除节点详情", notes="删除节点详情") @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.delete,value = "/tree_data/node/{treeid}/{id}") public map remove(@apiparam(required = true, value = "分类树id")@pathvariable integer treeid, @apiparam(required = true, value = "节点id")@pathvariable integer id){ return actionhelper.responseok(catagorytreeservice.remove(treeid,id)); } }
jsonarray jsonarray = json.parsearray(jsontree); //由json字符串变成json数组对象 jsonarray.tojsonstring() //由json数组对象变成json字符串
package cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.service; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.database.dao.catagorytreerepository; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.database.model.catagorytree; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.utils.recursive; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.common.exception.alreadyexistexception; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.common.exception.badrequestexception; import cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.common.exception.notfoundexception; import com.alibaba.fastjson.json; import com.alibaba.fastjson.jsonarray; import com.alibaba.fastjson.jsonobject; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.transactional; import java.util.*; @service public class catagorytreeservice { @autowired private catagorytreerepository catagorytreerepository; /** * 查询单个分类树 * @param treeid * @return */ public json getone(integer treeid) { catagorytree catagorytree = catagorytreerepository.findbyid(treeid.longvalue()).get(); return json.parsearray(catagorytree.getjsontree()); } /** * 增加单个节点 * @param treeid * @param map * @return */ @transactional public json addone(integer treeid, map map) { catagorytree catagorytree = catagorytreerepository.findbyid(treeid.longvalue()).get(); string jsontree = catagorytree.getjsontree(); jsonarray jsonarray = json.parsearray(jsontree); object parentid = map.get("parentid"); integer sequ = (integer) map.get("sequ"); if(sequ <= 0 ){ throw new badrequestexception("数组位置不正确"); } map nodemap = (map) map.get("node"); jsonobject node = new jsonobject(nodemap); list list = new arraylist(); list keylist = recursive.recursive(jsonarray,"id",list); for (object key : keylist) { if (nodemap.get("id").tostring().equals(key.tostring())) { throw new alreadyexistexception("节点id为" + key); } } recursive.addrecursive(jsonarray,node,sequ,"id",parentid); catagorytree.setjsontree(jsonarray.tojsonstring()); catagorytreerepository.save(catagorytree); return jsonarray; } /** * 修改单个节点 * @param treeid * @param id * @param map * @return */ @transactional public json updateone(integer treeid, integer id, map map) { catagorytree catagorytree = catagorytreerepository.findbyid(treeid.longvalue()).get(); string jsontree = catagorytree.getjsontree(); jsonarray jsonarray = json.parsearray(jsontree); list list = new arraylist(); list keylist = recursive.recursive(jsonarray,"id",list); jsonobject node = new jsonobject(map); if (id.tostring().equals(map.get("id").tostring())) { for (object key : keylist) { if (id.tostring().equals(key.tostring())) { recursive.updaterecursive(jsonarray,"id",id,node); catagorytree.setjsontree(jsonarray.tojsonstring()); catagorytree.setmodifytime(new date()); catagorytreerepository.save(catagorytree); return jsonarray; } } }else { throw new badrequestexception("id is not allowed to be modified"); } throw new notfoundexception("节点id为" + id); } /** * 删除节点以及子节点 * @param treeid * @param id * @return */ @transactional public json remove(integer treeid, integer id) { catagorytree catagorytree = catagorytreerepository.findbyid(treeid.longvalue()).get(); string jsontree = catagorytree.getjsontree(); jsonarray jsonarray = json.parsearray(jsontree); list list = new arraylist(); list keylist = recursive.recursive(jsonarray,"id",list); for (object key : keylist) { if (id.tostring().equals(key.tostring())) { recursive.removerecursive(jsonarray,"id",id); catagorytree.setjsontree(jsonarray.tojsonstring()); catagorytreerepository.save(catagorytree); return jsonarray; } } throw new notfoundexception("节点id为" + id); } }
package cn.chinaunicom.srigz.goods.admin.utils; import com.alibaba.fastjson.jsonarray; import com.alibaba.fastjson.jsonobject; import java.util.list; public class recursive { /** * 递归取出所有key对应的value值 * @param jsonarray 需要查询的目标主体 * @param key 需要查询的字段名key * @param list 存储value值 * @return */ public static list recursive(jsonarray jsonarray, string key, list list) { for (object obj : jsonarray) { jsonobject jsonobject = (jsonobject) obj; jsonarray children = jsonobject.getjsonarray("children"); if (children != null) { list.add(jsonobject.get(key)); recursive(children,key,list); }else { list.add(jsonobject.get(key)); } } return list; } /** * 增加节点 * @param jsonarray 需要更新的目标主体 * @param node 增加节点信息 * @param sequ 数组的位置 * @param key 目标主体中的字段名key * @param value 节点信息与key对应的value */ public static void addrecursive(jsonarray jsonarray, jsonobject node, integer sequ, string key, object value) { for (object obj : jsonarray) { jsonobject jsonobject = (jsonobject) obj; jsonarray children = jsonobject.getjsonarray("children"); if (children != null) { if (value.tostring().equals(jsonobject.get(key).tostring())) { if(sequ > children.size()){ children.add(children.size(), node); }else{ children.add(sequ-1, node); } return; } addrecursive(children,node,sequ,key,value); } else { if (value.tostring().equals(jsonobject.get(key).tostring())) { jsonarray array = new jsonarray(); array.add(node); jsonobject.put("children", array); return; } } } } /** * 根据条件更新节点 * @param jsonarray 需要更新的目标主体 * @param key 目标主体中的字段名key * @param value 更新节点信息与key对应的value * @param node 更新节点信息 */ public static void updaterecursive(jsonarray jsonarray, string key, object value, jsonobject node) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonarray.size() ; i++) { jsonobject jsonobject = jsonarray.getjsonobject(i); jsonarray children = jsonobject.getjsonarray("children"); if (value.tostring().equals(jsonobject.get(key).tostring())) { if(children != null){ node.put("children",children); } jsonarray.set(i,node); return; }else if(children != null){ updaterecursive(children,key,value,node); } } } /** * 删除节点 * @param jsonarray 需要更新的目标主体 * @param key 目标主体中的字段名key * @param value 节点信息与key对应的value */ public static void removerecursive(jsonarray jsonarray,string key,object value) { for (object obj : jsonarray) { jsonobject jsonobject = (jsonobject) obj; if (value.tostring().equals(jsonobject.get(key).tostring())) { jsonarray.remove(jsonobject); return; } jsonarray children = jsonobject.getjsonarray("children"); if (children != null) { removerecursive(children,key,value); } } } }
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