VBScript版的PHP extract()函数
' asp/vbscript dictionary extract
' author: wangye
' for more information please visit
' this code is distributed under the bsd license
' collection 集合或者字典,可以通过for each访问的
' request.form 或者 request.querystring
' specified 指定必须存在的属性,假如该属性不存在,将自动创建一个
' prefix 每个属性的前缀修饰
' callback 对于集合或者字典的每个元素(key-value)的值进行函数调用
' 函数原型:
' function filter(key, value)
' filter = value
' end if
' 最终值将以该函数返回的值为准
function extract(collection, byval specified, prefix, callback)
dim varname, varvalue, dynobj, searchkey
specified = "," & replace(specified, " ", "") & ","
set dynobj = new dynamicobject
for each key in collection
searchkey = "," & key & ","
if instr(1, specified, searchkey, 1)>0 then
specified = replace(specified, searchkey, "")
if left(specified, 1) <> "," then
specified = "," & specified
end if
if right(specified, 1) <> "," then
specified = specified & ","
end if
end if
varname = prefix & key
varvalue = collection(key)
if callback<>"" then
varvalue = getref(callback)(key, varvalue)
end if
dynobj.add varname, varvalue, property_access_readonly
specified_array = split(specified, ",")
dim i
for i = lbound(specified_array) to ubound(specified_array)
if specified_array(i)<>"" then
dynobj.add prefix & specified_array(i), "", _
end if
set extract = dynobj.getobject()
end function
dim query
set query = extract(request.querystring, "name,id", "", "")
response.write query.name
response.write query.id
set query = nothing
1. 通过extract()函数的specified参数,该参数是个以逗号隔开key的字符串,你可以看到刚才示例代码中运用了这个特性,如果查询字符串未包含相应的key,但是你又使用了这个key,只要specified列表中有,就会自动建立值为空的属性,所以就不会报错啦。
2. 通过返回对象的hasattr_方法进行使用前判断,这个方法可以判断extract()函数返回的对象是否存在相应的属性,比如代码有:
dim query
set query = extract(request.querystring, "name,id", "", "")
if query.hasattr_("job") then
response.write "job : " & query.job
end if
set query = nothing
3. 通过返回对象的getattr_方法进行安全访问,这个方法会在使用前判断指定的属性是否存在,如果不存在则用默认值替代,详细参考dynamicobject说明,比如代码:
dim query
set query = extract(request.querystring, "name,id", "", "")
response.write "job : " & query.getattr_("job", "no job")
set query = nothing
dim name, job, id
name = trim(request.querystring("name"))
job = trim(request.querystring("job"))
id = clng(trim(request.querystring("id")))
' function filter(key, value)
' filter = trim(value)
' end function
function filter(key, value)
on error resume next
select case key
case "id" ' 判断id是否是数字
if not isnumeric(value) then
exit function
end if
if clng(value)<1 then
exit function
end if
end select
' 最后记得让函数返回值,该值在extract将被置为该返回值
filter = trim(value)
if err.number<>0 then
filter = ""
end if
end function
dim query
set query = extract(request.querystring, "name,id,job", "", "filter")
response.write query.name
response.write query.job
response.write query.id
set query = nothing
上一篇: Iiscnfg.vbs IIS 配置脚本