2022-06-25 08:58:55
vbs显示当前标准时间,例如:执行下面的代码则显示:2013-05-11 19:10:11
option explicit
dim blndate, bl...
vbs显示当前标准时间,例如:执行下面的代码则显示:2013-05-11 19:10:11
option explicit dim blndate, blntime dim dtmdate dim intday, intformat, inthour, intmin, intmonth, intsec, intutc, intvalid, intyear dim striso with wscript.arguments ' check command line arguments if .unnamed.count = 0 then dtmdate = now if .unnamed.count > 0 then dtmdate = .unnamed(0) if .unnamed.count > 1 then dtmdate = dtmdate & " " & .unnamed(1) if .unnamed.count > 2 then dtmdate = dtmdate & " " & .unnamed(2) if .unnamed.count > 3 then syntax on error resume next dtmdate = cdate( dtmdate ) if err then on error goto 0 syntax end if on error goto 0 if not isdate( dtmdate ) then syntax intvalid = 0 blndate = true blntime = true if .named.exists( "d" ) then blndate = true blntime = false intvalid = intvalid + 1 end if if .named.exists( "t" ) then blndate = false blntime = true intvalid = intvalid + 1 end if if intvalid <> .named.count then syntax if intvalid > 1 then syntax end with ' format the output string intyear = datepartlz( "yyyy", dtmdate ) intmonth = datepartlz( "m", dtmdate ) intday = datepartlz( "d", dtmdate ) inthour = datepartlz( "h", dtmdate ) intmin = datepartlz( "n", dtmdate ) intsec = datepartlz( "s", dtmdate ) if blndate then striso = intyear & "-" & intmonth & "-" & intday if blntime then striso = striso & " " & inthour & ":" & intmin & ":" & intsec ' display the result wscript.echo trim( striso ) function datepartlz( myinterval, mydate ) ' add a leading zero to the datepart() if necessary dim strdatepart strdatepart = datepart( myinterval, mydate ) if len( strdatepart ) < 2 then strdatepart = "0" & strdatepart datepartlz = strdatepart end function sub syntax wscript.echo vbcrlf _ & "date2iso.vbs, version 1.02" _ & vbcrlf _ & "convert any date/time to iso date/time" _ & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _ & "usage: cscript.exe //nologo date2iso.vbs date [ time ] [ /d | /t ]" _ & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _ & "where: ""date"" is the date to convert (default: current date/time)" _ & vbcrlf _ & " ""time"" is the optional time to convert" _ & vbcrlf _ & " /d return date only (default: both date and time)" _ & vbcrlf _ & " /t return time only (/d and /t are mutually exclusive)" _ & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _ & "note: if the specified date is ambiguous, the current user's date" _ & vbcrlf _ & " and time format is assumed." _ & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _ & "written by rob van der woude" _ & vbcrlf _ & "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" wscript.quit 1 end sub
'vbs校准系统时间 by batman dim objxml, url, message message = "恭喜你,本机时间非常准确无需校对!" set objxml = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") url = "http://open.baidu.com/special/time/" objxml.open "get", url, false objxml.send() do until objxml.readystate = 4 : wscript.sleep 200 : loop dim objstr, localdate objstr = objxml.responsetext localdate = now() set objxml = nothing dim objreg, regnum set objreg = new regexp objreg.global = true objreg.ignorecase = true objreg.pattern = "window.baidu_time\((\d{13,})\)" regnum = int(objreg.execute(objstr)(0).submatches(0)) /1000 dim olddate, bjdate, num, num1 olddate = "1970-01-01 08:00:00" bjdate = dateadd("s", regnum, olddate) num = datediff("s", localdate, bjdate) if abs(num) >=1 then dim dm, dt, tm, objshell dm = dateadd("s", num, now()) dt = datevalue(dm) tm = timevalue(dm) if instr(now, "午") then dim arr, arr1, h24 arr = split(tm, " ") arr1 = split(arr(1), ":") h24 = arr1(0) if arr(0) = "下午" then h24 = h24 + 12 else if h24 = 12 then h24 = 0 end if tm = h24 & ":" & arr1(1) & ":" & arr1(2) end if set objshell = createobject("wscript.shell") objshell.run "cmd /cdate " & dt, false, true objshell.run "cmd /ctime " & tm, false, true num1 = abs(datediff("s", now(), bjdate)) message = "【校准前】" & vbcrlf _ & "标准北京时间为:" & vbtab & bjdate & vbcrlf _ & "本机系统时间为:" & vbtab & localdate & vbcrlf _ & "与标准时间相差:" & vbtab & abs(num) & "秒" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _ & "【校准后】" & vbcrlf _ & "本机系统时间为:" & vbtab & now() & vbcrlf _ & "与标准时间相差:" & vbtab & num1 & "秒" set objshell = nothing end if wscript.echo message
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