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Flutter Weekly Issue 46

程序员文章站 2022-06-25 08:39:07
教程/Articles 1. "说说 Flutter 中最熟悉的陌生人 —— Key" 插件/Librarys 1. "dna" 一个 flutter plugin. 轻量级的Dart到Native的超级通道,可直接在dart代码中调用原生代码,目前支持安卓 JAVA 和 iOS ObjC. 1. ......


  1. 说说 flutter 中最熟悉的陌生人 —— key


  1. dna

    一个 flutter plugin. 轻量级的dart到native的超级通道,可直接在dart代码中调用原生代码,目前支持安卓 java 和 ios objc.

  2. dead simple wifi connect functionality for flutter.

  3. slider_button

    a flutter package for creating a slider button widget.

  4. an aws cognito plugin for flutter. supports both ios and android.

  5. flappytranslator

    a flutter internationalized strings generator.

  6. a heatmap calendar based on github's contributions chart

  7. openjmu

    rebuild from jidatong using flutter. (due to non-public user system, you can't login or register to our service.)

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

  8. loading_indicator_view

    a collection of awesome flutter loading animation

  9. an intuitive way to work with persistent data in dart

  10. handle vibration on ios and android in flutter apps

  11. a set of flutter widgets that simplifies implementing most used ui cases.

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

  12. flutter_universal_platform

    a web-safe implementation of dart.io.platforms. helps avoid the "unsupported operation: platform._operatingsystem" runtime error.

  13. this package provides internationalization and localization facilities, including message translation, plurals and genders, date/number formatting and parsing, and bidirectional text.

  14. generate random data(string, integer, ips etc...) using dart.

  15. a library for dart that generates fake data.

  16. expansion_tile_card

    an expansion on the flutter sdk's standard expansiontile, to create a google material theme inspired raised widget, expansiontilecard, instead.

  17. daynightswitcher

    just a simple simple day / night switcher widget made in pure dart. it allows you to quickly show a beautiful dark mode switcher widget to your users.

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

  18. starter project for flutter plugins willing to access native and synchronous rust code using ffi

  19. immutable dart collections via the builder pattern.

  20. a modern google style nav bar for flutter.

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

  21. a flutter spannablegrid widget that allows it's cells to span columns and rows and supports moving cells inside the grid.

  22. ever want to create a quick form without wiring everything up? this might be the library for you.

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

  23. date_field

    contains datefield and dateformfield which allows the user to pick a datetime from an input field!

  24. a flutter package provides some implementations of textinputformatter that format input with pre-defined patterns


  1. flutter ffi+webassembly example


  1. flutter based simple hackernews app

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

  2. fluttergamingapp

    a flutter ui template of a game streaming app i found on dribble.

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46

    Flutter Weekly Issue 46