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Linux signals理论、C语言捕获信号及处理

程序员文章站 2022-06-24 20:47:26
首先需要知道signals和interrupt是不同的。 signal属于进程通信机制的一种实现方式 (还有的实现为:Pipes、Sockets 其中Sockets又可分为: Syste...

其中Sockets又可分为: System V IPC Mechanisms、Message Queues、Semaphores、Shared Memory)


Interrupts can be viewed as a mean of communication between the CPU and the OS kernel. Signals can be viewed as a mean of communication between the OS kernel and OS processes.

Interrupts may be initiated by the CPU (exceptions -e.g.: divide by zero, page fault), devices (hardware interrupts -e.g.: input available), or by a CPU instruction. They are eventually managed by the CPU, which “interrupts” the current task,and invokes an 0S-kernel provided ISR/interrupt handler

Signals may be initiated by the OS kernel(下面的实例也揭示了这一点), or by a process( kill() ). They are eventually managed by the OS kernel, which delivers them to the target thread/process, invoking either a generic action (ignore, terminate, terminate and dump core) or a process-provided signal handler.




the process has to register a signal handling function to the kernel.

原型是:c void (int sig)

第二步:获得signal handler

To get the signal handler function registered to the kernel, the signal handler function pointer is passed as second argument to the ‘signal’ function

原型是:c void (*signal(int signo, void (*func )(int)))(int);
简单化:c sigfunc *signal(int, sigfunc*);



void sig_handler(int signo)
  if (signo == SIGINT)
    printf("received SIGINT\n");

int main(void)
  if (signal(SIGINT, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
  printf("\ncan't catch SIGINT\n");
  return 0;
//需要终止时,另一个终端使用 ps aux查看进程号,然后用 kill -9 进程号

还值得一提的是,这儿用while(1) sleep(1)

On a side note, the use of function sleep(1) has a reason behind. This function has been used in the while loop so that while loop executes after some time (ie one second in this case). This becomes important because otherwise an infinite while loop running wildly may consume most of the CPU making the computer very very slow



void sig_handler(int signo)
    if (signo == SIGUSR1)
        printf("received SIGUSR1\n");
    else if (signo == SIGKILL)
        printf("received SIGKILL\n");
    else if (signo == SIGSTOP)
        printf("received SIGSTOP\n");

int main(void)
    if (signal(SIGUSR1, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
        printf("\ncan't catch SIGUSR1\n");
    if (signal(SIGKILL, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
        printf("\ncan't catch SIGKILL\n");
    if (signal(SIGSTOP, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
        printf("\ncan't catch SIGSTOP\n");
    // A long long wait so that we can easily issue a signal to this process
    return 0;


$ kill -USR1 进程号


$ ./sigfunc

can't catch SIGKILL

can't catch SIGSTOP
received SIGUSR1