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程序员文章站 2022-06-24 20:42:48
<%Response.Buffer=True OneFile Search Engine (ofSearch v1.0) Copyright ?000 Sixto Luis...

OneFile Search Engine (ofSearch v1.0)
Copyright ?000 Sixto Luis Santos <sixtos@prtc.net>
All Rights Reserved

This program is freeware. This program is NOT in the Public Domain.
You can freely use this program in your own site.

You cannot re-distribute the code, by any means,
without the express written authorization by the author.

Use this program at your own risk.

Globals --------------------------------------

Const ValidFiles = "htmltxt"
Const RootFld = "./"

Dim Matched
Dim Regex
Dim GetTitle
Dim fs
Dim rfLen
dim RootFolder
Dim DocCount
Dim DocMatchCount
Dim MatchedCount

Procedure: SearchFiles()
Public Sub SearchFiles(FolderPath)
Dim fsFolder
Dim fsFolder2
Dim fsFile
Dim fsText
Dim FileText
Dim FileTitle
Dim FileTitleMatch
Dim MatchCount
Dim OutputLine

Get the starting folder
Set fsFolder = fs.GetFolder(FolderPath)
Iterate thru every file in the folder
For Each fsFile In fsFolder.Files
     Compare the current file extension with the list of valid target files
    If InStr(1, ValidFiles, Right(fsFile.Name, 3), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
     DocCount = DocCount + 1
     Open the file to read its content
        Set fsText = fsFile.OpenAsTextStream
            FileText = fsText.ReadAll
             Apply the regex search and get the count of matches found
            MatchCount = Regex.Execute(FileText).Count
            MatchedCount = MatchedCount + MatchCount
            If  MatchCount > 0 Then
                DocMatchCount = DocMatchCount + 1
                 Apply another regex to get the html documents title
                Set FileTitleMatch = GetTitle.Execute(FileText)
                If FileTitleMatch.Count > 0 Then
                     Strip the title tags
                    FileTitle = Trim(replace(Mid(FileTitleMatch.Item(0),8),"</title>","",1,1,1))