2022-06-24 08:04:54
import pygame from pygame.locals import * from sys import exit four_neigh = {"left": (0, -1), "right": (0, 1), "up": (-1, 0), "down": (1, 0)} eight_neigh = list(four_neigh.values()) + [(1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)] direction = {pygame.k_up: "up", pygame.k_left: "left", pygame.k_right: "right", pygame.k_down: "down"} def hex2rgb(color): b = color % 256 color = color >> 8 g = color % 256 color = color >> 8 r = color % 256 return (r, g, b) class game(object): def __init__(self, title, size, fps=30): self.size = size pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.keys = {} self.keys_up = {} self.clicks = {} self.timer = pygame.time.clock() self.fps = fps self.score = 0 self.end = false self.fullscreen = false self.last_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.is_pause = false self.is_draw = true self.score_font = pygame.font.sysfont("calibri", 130, true) def bind_key(self, key, action): if isinstance(key, list): for k in key: self.keys[k] = action elif isinstance(key, int): self.keys[key] = action def bind_key_up(self, key, action): if isinstance(key, list): for k in key: self.keys_up[k] = action elif isinstance(key, int): self.keys_up[key] = action def bind_click(self, button, action): self.clicks[button] = action def pause(self, key): self.is_pause = not self.is_pause def set_fps(self, fps): self.fps = fps def handle_input(self, event): if event.type == pygame.quit: pygame.quit() exit() if event.type == pygame.keydown: if event.key in self.keys.keys(): self.keys[event.key](event.key) if event.key == pygame.k_f11: # f11全屏 self.fullscreen = not self.fullscreen if self.fullscreen: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size, pygame.fullscreen, 32) else: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size, 0, 32) if event.type == pygame.keyup: if event.key in self.keys_up.keys(): self.keys_up[event.key](event.key) if event.type == pygame.mousebuttondown: if event.button in self.clicks.keys(): self.clicks[event.button](*event.pos) def run(self): while true: for event in pygame.event.get(): self.handle_input(event) self.timer.tick(self.fps) self.update(pygame.time.get_ticks()) self.draw(pygame.time.get_ticks()) def draw_score(self, color, rect=none): score = self.score_font.render(str(self.score), true, color) if rect is none: r = self.screen.get_rect() rect = score.get_rect( self.screen.blit(score, rect) def is_end(self): return self.end def update(self, current_time): pass def draw(self, current_time): pass class test(game): def __init__(self, title, size, fps=30): super(test, self).__init__(title, size, fps) self.bind_key(pygame.k_return, self.press_enter) def press_enter(self): print("press enter") def draw(self, current_time): pass def press_space(key): print("press space.") def click(x, y): print(x, y) def main(): print(hex2rgb(0xfcf040)) game = test("game", (640, 480)) game.bind_key(pygame.k_space, press_space) game.bind_click(1, click) 其二: import pygame import game from random import choice, randint score = 0 solid = 1 fragile = 2 deadly = 3 belt_left = 4 belt_right = 5 body = 6 game_row = 40 game_col = 28 obs_width = game_col // 4 side = 13 screen_width = side*game_col screen_height = side*game_row color = {solid: 0x00ffff, fragile: 0xff5500, deadly: 0xff2222, score: 0xcccccc, belt_left: 0xffff44, belt_right: 0xff99ff, body: 0x00ff00} choice = [solid, solid, solid, fragile, fragile, belt_left, belt_right, deadly] class barrier(object): def __init__(self, screen, opt=none): self.screen = screen if opt is none: self.type = choice(choice) else: self.type = opt self.frag_touch = false self.frag_time = 12 self.score = false self.belt_dire = 0 self.belt_dire = pygame.k_left if self.type == belt_left else pygame.k_right left = randint(0, screen_width - 7 * side - 1) top = screen_height - side - 1 self.rect = pygame.rect(left, top, 7*side, side) def rise(self): if self.frag_touch: self.frag_time -= 1 if self.frag_time == 0: return false -= 2 return >= 0 def draw_side(self, x, y): if self.type == solid: rect = pygame.rect(x, y, side, side) self.screen.fill(color[solid], rect) elif self.type == fragile: rect = pygame.rect(x+2, y, side-4, side) self.screen.fill(color[fragile], rect) elif self.type == belt_left or self.type == belt_right: rect = pygame.rect(x, y, side, side), color[self.type],, side // 2 + 1) elif self.type == deadly: p1 = (x + side//2 + 1, y) p2 = (x, y + side) p3 = (x + side, y + side) points = [p1, p2, p3] pygame.draw.polygon(self.screen, color[deadly], points) def draw(self): for i in range(7): self.draw_side(i*side+self.rect.left, class hell( def __init__(self, title, size, fps=60): super(hell, self).__init__(title, size, fps) self.last = 6 * side self.dire = 0 self.barrier = [barrier(self.screen, solid)] self.body = pygame.rect(self.barrier[0][0], 200, side, side) self.bind_key([pygame.k_left, pygame.k_right], self.move) self.bind_key_up([pygame.k_left, pygame.k_right], self.unmove) self.bind_key(pygame.k_space, self.pause) def move(self, key): self.dire = key def unmove(self, key): self.dire = 0 def show_end(self): self.draw(0, end=true) self.end = true def move_man(self, dire): if dire == 0: return true rect = self.body.copy() if dire == pygame.k_left: rect.left -= 1 else: rect.left += 1 if rect.left < 0 or rect.left + side >= screen_width: return false for ba in self.barrier: if rect.colliderect(ba.rect): return false self.body = rect return true def get_score(self, ba): if > and not ba.score: self.score += 1 ba.score = true def to_hell(self): += 2 for ba in self.barrier: if not self.body.colliderect(ba.rect): self.get_score(ba) continue if ba.type == deadly: self.show_end() return = - side - 2 if ba.type == fragile: ba.frag_touch = true elif ba.type == belt_left or ba.type == belt_right: # self.body.left += ba.belt_dire self.move_man(ba.belt_dire) break top = if top < 0 or top+side >= screen_height: self.show_end() def create_barrier(self): solid = list(filter(lambda ba: ba.type == solid, self.barrier)) if len(solid) < 1: self.barrier.append(barrier(self.screen, solid)) else: self.barrier.append(barrier(self.screen)) self.last = randint(3, 5) * side def update(self, current_time): if self.end or self.is_pause: return self.last -= 1 if self.last == 0: self.create_barrier() for ba in self.barrier: if not ba.rise(): if ba.type == fragile and > 0: self.score += 1 self.barrier.remove(ba) self.move_man(self.dire) self.move_man(self.dire) self.to_hell() def draw(self, current_time, end=false): if self.end or self.is_pause: return self.screen.fill(0x000000) self.draw_score((0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c)) for ba in self.barrier: ba.draw() if not end: self.screen.fill(color[body], self.body) else: self.screen.fill(color[deadly], self.body) pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': hell = hell("一百层", (screen_width, screen_height))
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