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程序员文章站 2022-06-23 23:27:30
wpf (windows presentation foundation) 技术能让你创建窗口和对话框。它的优势是在窗体设计时能与代码分开。 这里有个简单的显示弹出消息练...

wpf (windows presentation foundation) 技术能让你创建窗口和对话框。它的优势是在窗体设计时能与代码分开。


复制代码 代码如下:

$xaml = @"

 <border borderthickness="20" borderbrush="yellow" cornerradius="9" background='red'>
   <label fontsize="50" fontfamily='stencil' background='red' foreground='white' borderthickness='0'>
    system will be rebooted in 15 minutes!

   <label horizontalalignment="center" fontsize="15" fontfamily='consolas' background='red' foreground='white' borderthickness='0'>
    worried about losing data? talk to your friendly help desk representative and freely share your concerns!

$reader = [system.xml.xmlreader]::create([system.io.stringreader] $xaml)
$window = [system.windows.markup.xamlreader]::load($reader)
$window.allowstransparency = $true
$window.sizetocontent = 'widthandheight'
$window.resizemode = 'noresize'
$window.opacity = .7
$window.topmost = $true
$window.windowstartuplocation = 'centerscreen'
$window.windowstyle = 'none'
# show message for 5 seconds:
$null = $window.show()
start-sleep -seconds 5