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程序员文章站 2022-06-23 18:57:04
在xp上明明已经安装了jdk1.5并设置好了java_home,可偏偏tomcat在启动过程中找不到。 报错信息如下:neither the java_home nor t...

报错信息如下:neither the java_home nor the jre_home environment variable is defined at least one of these environment variable is needed to run this program;提示找不到java_home各jre_home路径,何解?



复制代码 代码如下:


rem set classpath and java options


rem $id: setclasspath.bat 505241 2007-02-09 10:22:58z jfclere $


set java_home=c:\program files\java\jdk1.5.0_05

set jre_home=c:\program files\java\jre1.5.0_05

rem make sure prerequisite environment variables are set

if not "%java_home%" == "" goto gotjdkhome

if not "%jre_home%" == "" goto gotjrehome

echo neither the java_home nor the jre_home environment variable is defined

echo at least one of these environment variable is needed to run this program

goto exit


if not exist "%jre_home%\bin\java.exe" goto nojavahome

if not exist "%jre_home%\bin\javaw.exe" goto nojavahome

if not ""%1"" == ""debug"" goto okjavahome

echo java_home should point to a jdk in order to run in debug mode.

goto exit


if not exist "%java_home%\bin\java.exe" goto nojavahome

if not exist "%java_home%\bin\javaw.exe" goto nojavahome

if not exist "%java_home%\bin\jdb.exe" goto nojavahome

if not exist "%java_home%\bin\javac.exe" goto nojavahome

if not "%jre_home%" == "" goto okjavahome

set jre_home=%java_home%

goto okjavahome


echo the java_home environment variable is not defined correctly

echo this environment variable is needed to run this program

echo nb: java_home should point to a jdk not a jre

goto exit


if not "?sedir%" == "" goto gotbasedir

echo the basedir environment variable is not defined

echo this environment variable is needed to run this program

goto exit


if exist "?sedir%\bin\setclasspath.bat" goto okbasedir

echo the basedir environment variable is not defined correctly

echo this environment variable is needed to run this program

goto exit


rem set the default -djava.endorsed.dirs argument

set java_endorsed_dirs=?sedir%\endorsed

rem set standard classpath

rem note that there are no quotes as we do not want to introduce random

rem quotes into the classpath

if not exist "%java_home%\bin\tools.jar" goto nojavac

set classpath=%java_home%\lib\tools.jar


rem set standard command for invoking java.

rem note that nt requires a window name argument when using start.

rem also note the quoting as java_home may contain spaces.

set _runjava="%jre_home%\bin\java"

set _runjavaw="%jre_home%\bin\javaw"

set _runjdb="%java_home%\bin\jdb"

set _runjavac="%java_home%\bin\javac"

goto end


exit /b 1


