2022-06-23 14:59:02
最近做数据同步功能,从接口获取数据然后存到数据库中以便后续对数据进行相关操作,下面就贴一下相关代码。 从接口拿到数据后,下面就将数据存到数据库中: 其中AUTOID_SEQ.NEXTVAL为Oracle中的自增序列 至此,数据已经同步到指定的数据库中啦,打完收工! 注意:拼接sql的时候一定要按照字 ......
1 import; 2 import; 3 4 public class digests { 5 private static final string appkey = "appkey"; 6 private static final string secret = "secret"; 7 private static final string openapi_ip_port_http = "ip"; 8 9 /** 10 * 分页获取数据。 11 */ 12 private static final string get_data = "balabala"; 13 14 //md5加密 15 public static final string md5(string s) { 16 char[] hexdigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 17 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; 18 try { 19 messagedigest mdtemp = messagedigest.getinstance("md5"); 20 try { 21 mdtemp.update(s.getbytes("utf-8")); 22 } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) { 23 mdtemp.update(s.getbytes()); 24 } 25 byte[] md = mdtemp.digest(); 26 int j = md.length; 27 char[] str = new char[j * 2]; 28 int k = 0; 29 for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { 30 byte byte0 = md[i]; 31 str[(k++)] = hexdigits[(byte0 >>> 4 & 0xf)]; 32 str[(k++)] = hexdigits[(byte0 & 0xf)]; 33 } 34 return new string(str).touppercase(); 35 } catch (exception e) { 36 } 37 return null; 38 } 39 40 //创建token 41 public static final string buildtoken(string url, string paramjson, 42 string secret) { 43 string tempurl = null; 44 if (url.contains("https://")) 45 tempurl = url.substring("https://".length()); 46 else { 47 tempurl = url.substring("http://".length()); 48 } 49 int index = tempurl.indexof("/"); 50 string uri = tempurl.substring(index); 51 string[] ss = uri.split("\\?"); 52 if (ss.length > 1) { 53 return md5(ss[0] + ss[1] + secret); 54 } 55 return md5(ss[0] + paramjson + secret); 56 } 57 58 /** 59 * http方式 分页获取数据。 60 */ 61 public static string getdata(double pageno, long starttime) throws exception { //第一个参数是当前页数,第二个参数是请求数据的开始时间(为毫秒数) 62 string url = openapi_ip_port_http + get_data ; 63 map<string, object> map = new hashmap<string, object>(); 64 jsonobject jsonobject = jsonobject.parseobject(getdefaultuseruuid()); 65 string opuseruuid = jsonobject.getstring("data"); 66 //system.out.println(opuseruuid); 67 map.put("appkey", appkey);// 设置appkey 68 map.put("time", system.currenttimemillis());// 设置时间参数 69 map.put("pageno", pageno);// 设置当前页数 70 map.put("pagesize", 1000);// 设置一页多少条 71 map.put("opuseruuid", opuseruuid);// 设置操作用户uuid 72 map.put("starttime", starttime);// 设置开始时间 73 map.put("endtime", system.currenttimemillis());// 设置结束时间 74 string params = json.tojsonstring(map); 75 system.out.println(" ====== getdata请求参数:【" + params + "】"); 76 string data = httpclientsslutils.dopost( 77 url + "?token=" 78 + digests.buildtoken(url + "?" + params, null, secret), 79 params); 80 system.out.println(" ====== getdata请求返回结果:【{" + data + "}】"); 81 82 return data; 83 } 84 }
1 import net.sf.json.jsonarray; 2 import net.sf.json.jsonobject; 3 4 public class syncdatafn { 5 6 public int jxjson() throws exception { 7 //此处省略数据库连接相关语句,具体见上一篇properties配置文件连接数据库 8 9 // 创建statement用于执行sql语句 10 connection.setautocommit(false); 11 stmt = connection.createstatement(); 12 13 long maxtime; 14 string sqlmaxtime = "select max(eventtime) as maxtime from data"; 15 resultset rs1 = stmt.executequery(sqlmaxtime); // 查询数据库看数据是否已经存在,表示只更新没有更新进来的数据 16 if ( { // 该条数据存在 17 maxtime = rs1.getlong("maxtime"); 18 } else { 19 maxtime = (long) 0; 20 } 21 rs1.close(); 22 23 //得到json数据 24 string json = digests.getdooreventshistory(1, maxtime); 25 jsonobject jsonobject = (jsonobject) jsonobject.fromobject(json); 26 string to = (string) jsonobject.getstring("data"); 27 jsonobject toobject = jsonobject.fromobject(to); 28 double total = integer.parseint(toobject.getstring("total")); 29 int page = (int) math.ceil(total / 1000); 30 for (double k = 1; k <= page; k++) { 31 32 //得到json数据 33 string jsontemp = digests.getdata(k, maxtime); 34 string data = jsonobject.fromobject(jsontemp).getstring("data"); 35 string list = jsonobject.fromobject(data).getstring("list"); 36 jsonarray jsonarr = jsonarray.fromobject(list); 37 38 string dataname[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 39 string eventtype[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 40 string eventtime[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 41 string eventname[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 42 string cardno[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 43 string personid[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 44 string personname[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 45 string deptname[] = new string[jsonarr.size()]; 46 47 for (int i = 0; i < jsonarr.size(); i++) { 48 49 dataname[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("dataname"); 50 eventtype[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("eventtype"); 51 eventtime[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("eventtime"); 52 eventname[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("eventname"); 53 cardno[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("cardno"); 54 personid[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("personid"); 55 personname[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("personname"); 56 deptname[i] = jsonarr.getjsonobject(i).getstring("deptname"); 57 //如果得到的字段有null的,做相应处理 58 cardno[i] = (cardno[i] == "null") ? null + "," : "'" 59 + cardno[i] + "'"; 60 personname[i] = (personname[i] == "null") ? null + "," : "'" 61 + personname[i] + "',"; 62 + deptuuid[i] + "',"; 63 deptname[i] = (deptname[i] == "null") ? null + "," : "'" 64 + deptname[i] + "',"; 65 66 strsql = "insert into door_events_history values(autoid_seq.nextval," 67 + "'"+ dataname[i]+ "','"+ eventtype[i]+ ","+ eventtime[i]+ ",'"+ eventname[i]+ "',"+ cardno[i]+ ","+ personid[i]+ ","+ personname[i]+ deptname[i] + ")"; 68 69 try { 70 string sql = "select cardno,eventtime from data where cardno = " 71 + cardno[i] 72 + " and eventtime = " 73 + eventtime[i]; 74 resultset rs = stmt.executequery(sql); // 查询数据库看数据是否已经存在 75 if ( { // 该条数据已经存在 76 } else { 77 stmt.executeupdate(strsql); 78 count++; 79 } 80 rs.close(); 81 } catch (exception e) { 82 e.printstacktrace(); 83 } finally { 84 85 } 86 } 87 88 connection.commit(); 89 } // for结束 90 91 // 先关闭statement 92 if (stmt != null) 93 try { 94 stmt.close(); 95 } catch (sqlexception e) { 96 e.printstacktrace(); 97 } 98 // 后关闭connection 99 if (connection != null) 100 try { 101 connection.close(); 102 } catch (sqlexception e) { 103 e.printstacktrace(); 104 } 105"当前时间===" + new date()); 106"同步结束"); 107"共更新了"+ count + "条数据"); 108 return count; 109 } 110 }
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