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解决错误Docker Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.

程序员文章站 2022-06-22 18:58:55
Win10 启动Docker报错The virtual switch ‘DockerNAT’ cannot be deleted because it is being used by running virtual machines or assigned to child pools.Docker.Core.HttpBadResponseException:Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing vir...

解决错误Docker Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.

Win10 启动Docker报错

The virtual switch ‘DockerNAT’ cannot be deleted because it is being used by running virtual machines or assigned to child pools.

Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.

The virtual switch 'DockerNAT' cannot be deleted because it is being used by running virtual machines or assigned to child pools.
   在 Docker.Core.Logging.ClientExceptionInterceptor.<InterceptResponseAsync>d__0.MoveNext() 位置 C:\workspaces\stable-2.3.x\src\github.com\docker\pinata\win\src\Docker.Core\Logging\ClientExceptionInterceptor.cs:行号 17
--- 引发异常的上一位置中堆栈跟踪的末尾 ---
   在 System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   在 Docker.Core.Logging.LoggingMessageHandler.<SendAsync>d__4.MoveNext() 位置 C:\workspaces\stable-2.3.x\src\github.com\docker\pinata\win\src\Docker.Core\Logging\LoggingMessageHandler.cs:行号 37
   ...... 省略 


The virtual switch 'DockerNAT' cannot be deleted

  1. 查看网络连接
    看到这个错误,就去网络连接中查看连接解决错误Docker Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.
  2. 设备管理器中删除设备
    解决错误Docker Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.
  3. 关闭所有虚拟机
The virtual switch 'DockerNAT' cannot be deleted 
because it is being used by running virtual machines or assigned to child pools. 

注意到because it is being used by running virtual machines or assigned to child pools.
不能被删是被占用了解决错误Docker Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.


当当当 重启成功
解决错误Docker Unhandled exception: job failed with message: Failed while removing virtual Ethernet switch.


相关标签: 错误记录 docker