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Access 模糊参数 分页查询

程序员文章站 2022-06-22 17:07:57
复制代码 代码如下:string sql = "select count(id) as rcount from tbproduct where classid in(" + ids + ") and...

复制代码 代码如下:

string sql = "select count(id) as rcount from tbproduct where classid in(" + ids + ") and productname like '%'+@productname+'%'";
oledbparameter[] sps = new oledbparameter[1];
sps[0] = accessdb.createparameter("@productname", oledbtype.varchar, productname, 50, parameterdirection.input);
int resultcount = (int)accessdb.executescalar(sql, sps);
recordcount = resultcount;
if (resultcount >= 0)
if ((resultcount % pagesize) == 0)
pagecount = resultcount / pagesize;
pagecount = (resultcount / pagesize) + 1;
if (pageindex == 1)
sql = "select top " + pagesize.tostring() + " * from tbproduct where classid in(" + ids + ") and productname like '%'+@productname+'%' order by id desc";
int minrecord = (pageindex - 1) * pagesize;
sql = "select top " + pagesize.tostring() + " * from tbproduct where id not in(select id from (select top " + minrecord.tostring() + " id from tbproduct where classid in(" + ids + ") and productname like '%'+@productname+'%' order by id desc )tema) and classid in(" + ids + ") and productname like '%'+@productname+'%' order by id desc";
pagecount = 0;
return accessdb.executedataset(sql, sps).tables[0];