Oracle数据库 DGbroker三种保护模式的切换
– maximum protection
在maximum protection下, 可以保证从库和主库数据完全一样,做到zero data loss.事务同时在主从两边提交完成,才算事务完成。如果从库宕机或者网络出现问题,主从库不能通讯,主库也立即宕机。在这种方式下,具有最高的保护等级。但是这种模式对主库性能影响很大,要求高速的网络连接。
– maximum availability
在maximum availability模式下,如果和从库的连接正常,运行方式等同maximum protection模式,事务也是主从库同时提交。如果从库和主库失去联系,则主库自动切换到maximum performance模式下运行,保证主库具有最大的可用性。
– maximum performance
在maximum performance,主库把归档的 archived log通过arch进程传递给从库,在这种方式下,主库运行性能最高,但是不能保证数据不丢失,且丢失的数据受redo log的大小影响。在redo log过大的情况下,可能一天都没有归档一个日志,可以通过手工切换日志的方式来减小数据的丢失。
2.模式切换(maximum performance切换至maximum availability)
dgmgrl> show configuration verbose; configuration - dgc protection mode: maxperformance databases: atest1 - primary database atest2 - physical standby database properties: faststartfailoverthreshold = '30' operationtimeout = '30' faststartfailoverlaglimit = '30' communicationtimeout = '180' observerreconnect = '0' faststartfailoverautoreinstate = 'true' faststartfailoverpmyshutdown = 'true' bystandersfollowrolechange = 'all' observeroverride = 'false' externaldestination1 = '' externaldestination2 = '' primarylostwriteaction = 'continue' fast-start failover: disabled configuration status: success
sql> select database_role,protection_mode,protection_level from v$database; database_role protection_mode protection_level ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- primary maximum performance maximum performance
dgmgrl> show database verbose 'atest2'; database - atest2 role: physical standby intended state: apply-on transport lag: 0 seconds (computed 1 second ago) apply lag: 0 seconds (computed 1 second ago) apply rate: 97.00 kbyte/s real time query: on instance(s): atest properties: dgconnectidentifier = 'atest2' observerconnectidentifier = '' logxptmode = 'sync' delaymins = '0' binding = 'optional' maxfailure = '0' maxconnections = '1' reopensecs = '300' nettimeout = '30' redocompression = 'disable' logshipping = 'on' preferredapplyinstance = '' applyinstancetimeout = '0' applyparallel = 'auto' standbyfilemanagement = 'auto' archivelagtarget = '0' logarchivemaxprocesses = '4' logarchiveminsucceeddest = '1' dbfilenameconvert = '' logfilenameconvert = '' faststartfailovertarget = '' inconsistentproperties = '(monitor)' inconsistentlogxptprops = '(monitor)' sendqentries = '(monitor)' logxptstatus = '(monitor)' recvqentries = '(monitor)' applylagthreshold = '0' transportlagthreshold = '0' transportdisconnectedthreshold = '30' sidname = 'atest' staticconnectidentifier = '(description=(address=(protocol=tcp)(' standbyarchivelocation = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/atest/archivelog' alternatelocation = '' logarchivetrace = '0' logarchiveformat = '%t_%s_%r.dbf' topwaitevents = '(monitor)' database status: success
dgmgrl> edit database atest1 set property logxptmode=sync; property "logxptmode" updated
dgmgrl> edit configuration set protection mode as maxavailability; succeeded.
f. 确认数据库的的保护模式,如步骤a
b.使用maximum performance的时候,参数(备库)logxptmode设置为async就好/
c.使用maximum protection或者maximum availability的时候,参数(备库)logxptmode要设置为sync。
d.(经测试)使用maximum protection时,当备库出现异常(如网络问题,数据库宕机),主库会挂起(告警日志会报如下错误),当备库恢复正常之后,主库也会恢复。
lgwr: error 1034 attaching to rfs for reconnect
e.使用maximum protection时,在当备库出现异常的情况下,当主库挂起时,(主库)可以强制切换到 maximum performance,但当重新切回maximum protection(在备库恢复时),主库需重启。
dgmgrl> edit configuration set protection mode as maxprotection; operation requires shutdown of instance "atest" on database "atest1" shutting down instance "atest"... unable to connect to database ora-12545: connect failed because target host or object does not exist failed. warning: you are no longer connected to oracle. please complete the following steps to finish the operation: shut down instance "atest" of database "atest1" start up instance "atest" of database "atest1"
以上内容是小编给大家分享的oracle数据库 dgbroker三种保护模式的切换的相关内容,希望大家喜欢,同时也感谢大家一直以来对网站的支持与厚爱。
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