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程序员文章站 2022-06-19 19:24:26
下拉菜单支持输入,并根据输入内容自动定位:参考:演员发表于 10/23/2001 8:58:16 am 的文章 “罗亭的可输入下拉框的解密简化版.”,在此特别感谢相关人等。本文为这个下拉框增加了一点...

参考:演员发表于 10/23/2001 8:58:16 am 的文章 “罗亭的可输入下拉框的解密简化版.”,在此特别感谢相关人等。


function getleftpostion( theobj )
  var pos = 0;
  while ( theobj != null )
    pos += theobj.offsetleft;
    //get the object which contain theobj.
    theobj = theobj.offsetparent;
  return pos;
function gettoppostion( theobj )
  var pos = 0;
  while ( theobj != null )
    pos += theobj.offsettop;
    //get the object which contain theobj.
    theobj = theobj.offsetparent;
  return pos;
function checkversion()
  var isbadversion=true;
  var curver=navigator.appversion;
  var pos=parseint(curver.indexof("msie"));
  if (pos>=1)
    var intver=parseint(curver.charat(pos+5));
    if (intver>=5)
    { isbadversion=false;}
  if (isbadversion)
    var msg="this page may not be displayed properly: "+
            " this product requires microsoft internet explorer 5 or later browser only.";

//check the browser version

// the array of comboboies
thearray = new array();

function combobox(objid, objhandler)
    this.comobj = document.all[objid];
    this.comobj.selectedindex = -1;
    this.getvalue = getvalue;
    this.doresize = doresize;
    this.dochange = dochange;
    this.losefocus = losefocus;
    this.doselectidx = doselectidx;
    this.focus = focus;
    this.keypress = keypress;
    this.change = change;

    var strmsg="";

// create the text object
    var txtobjidname = objid + "_text";

    if (document.all[txtobjidname] != null)
        strmsg="the following id: " + txtobjidname +" is used internally by the combo box! "+
           "use of this id in your page may cause malfunction. please use another id for your controls.";

    var txtinner = "<input type=text id=" + txtobjidname + " name=" + txtobjidname + " onblur=" + objhandler + ".losefocus() " + " onkeyup=" + objhandler + ".keypress()" +  " onchange=" + objhandler + ".keypress()" + " style=display: none; position: absolute value= >";