『杭电1448』The Treasure
Problem Description
We have arrived at the age of the Internet. Many software applications have transformed from stand-alone to online applications. Computer games are following this trend as well. Online games are becoming more and more popular, not only because they are more intelligent, but also because they can bring great profits. "The computer game industry is developing rapidly in China. Online game revenues amounted to 1.3 billion Yuan last year and are expected to reach 6.7 billion Yuan by 2007." reported by China Daily in 2004.
However, good games originate from good programmers. We take for example that there is a RPG (Role Playing Game) and your boss asks you to implement some tasks. For simplicity's sake, we assume there are two kinds of roles in this game: one is player and the other is monster. You should help the player to achieve the goal: reach the place where treasure is positioned as early as
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