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程序员文章站 2022-06-17 22:14:08
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 '   调整错误处理方法,错误信息输出到logfile文件,可以查看扫描失败原因 
 '     如果出现“rpc 服务器不可用”错误,是因为远程主机没开机 
 '     如果出现“rpc 服务器不可用”之外的错误,可能是由于正在运行的程序造成,请你把此信息告诉我 
 '     重启后再次扫描就可以排除非“rpc 服务器不可用。”的错误 
 '     如果扫描到的硬件信息为空,应该是驱动问题(或bios不完善),请自行解决 
 '   增加输出bios的发行日期,和主板信息放在一起 
 '   修正所有getinfo过程遇错的处理方法,避免返回的数组上限不符合输出要求导致脚本报错。 
 '     之所以为出现这种情况,是因为win32类检索不到硬件或连接到win32类失败; 
 '     原来判断是否出现err,忽略了检索不到硬件的情况(连接成功无err,count为0) 
 '     检索不到硬件多数是因为驱动没装好 
 '   增加getideprotocol过程,获取ide控制器使用的协议,只是增加了代码,没有调用 
 '   计划增加检索其它存储器控制器的过程 
 '   检索硬盘/显卡/网卡/声卡的过程增加 deviceid 属性(设备标识符) 
 '     此属性不被输出,用于脚本内部判断 
 '   原来输出搜索到的第一个硬盘 
 '   改为输出搜索到的第一个interfacetype属性为ide的硬盘的信息 
 '   增加sort过程,排序硬件信息 
 '   调整输出信息的分类,同类信息尽可能的只使用一个逗号分隔,以便导入xls后在同一列 
 '   查询到的硬件信息如果是空或0,有可能是相关驱动不完善或未定义此信息,也可能是未安装驱动 
 '   因为wmi查询就代表了系统知道这些硬件的详细信息,查不到信息就是系统不知道 
 '   系统不知道硬件的详细信息,代表着性能可能有所缺失,建议找个好驱动安装 
 '   值得注意的是主板驱动 
 '   (为了更容易理解,此版本的升级信息被编辑过) 
 '   取消2.2版增加输出的硬盘接口类型 
 '     由于stat也归于ide接口,这会导致误解 
 '     ps:脚本只输出搜索到的第一个硬盘 
 '   getmemoryinfo过程增加memorytype、formfactor、typedetail三个属性 
 '     输出增加内存类型、封装类型 
 '     输出增加硬盘容量、接口类型 
 '   getosinfo过程增加去掉caption属性中带有的逗号“,”的代码 
 '     原因:在检测2003系统时,读取到的caption属性,带有逗号“,” 
 '     这会影响输出,因为输出是以逗号“,”为分隔符的 
 'version:2.0 b5发布版 
 '   getnetworkinfo过程改为使用macaddress属性非空、 
 '     manufacturer属性非"microsoft"判断网卡 
 'version:2.0 beta4 
 '   getnetworkinfo过程使用netconnectionstatus属性判断网络适配器 
 '     netconnectionstatus属性表明连接状态(2000系统不支持此属性) 
 '     物理网络适配器才具有此状态(包括停用状态在内) 
 'version:2.0 beta3 
 '   getnetworkinfo过程增加一个判断 
 '     忽略读取ipaddress(0)时会产生err类型数据的适配器(对战平台) 
 'version:2.0 beta2 
 '   getosinfo过程原来使用的name、servicepackmajorversion属性 
 '     改为使用caption、csdversion属性 
 '   所有getinfo过程增加错误处理代码,避免正在扫描的时候 
 '     脚本遇到运行时错误导致脚本退出 
 'version:2.0 beta1 
 '   增加扫描失败记录,再次运行脚本只读取失败记录,忽略配置信息 
 '   getnetworkinfo过程增加一个判断 
 '     忽略netconnectionid属性(接口名称)为空的适配器 
 '   初始版本 

 option explicit 
 '作 者: lz-myst qq:8450919 
 '       多个配置项用“;”隔开 
 dim input, infooutfile, logfile '请按格式给input赋值 
 'input = "pc021=administrator=cylslynetbar" 
 input = "pc001-109=administrator=cylslynetbar;pc110-85=administrator=lyjfnetbaradmin" 
 infooutfile = "硬件信息.txt" 
 logfile = "未扫描的计算机.txt" 
 redim arrconfig(0) 
 dim wshshell, fso, intcount1, intcount2 
 intcount1 = 0 
 intcount2 = 0 
 set wshshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") 
 set fso = wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") 
 wshshell.popup "扫描过程会很慢,请耐心等待,完成后会给出提示",,"扫描开始" 
 linkremoteserver arrconfig 
 dim lennum1, lennum2 
 if intcount1 > intcount2 then 
  lennum1 = 0 
  lennum2 = len(intcount1) - len(intcount2) 
  lennum1 = len(intcount2) - len(intcount1) 
  lennum2 = 0 
 end if 
 sort infooutfile 
 wshshell.popup "扫描结果:" & _ 
         vbcrlf & vbtab & "扫描成功:" & space(lennum1) & intcount1 & " 台" & _ 
         vbcrlf & vbtab & "扫描失败:" & space(lennum2) & intcount2 & " 台" & _ 
         vbcrlf & "扫描失败的电脑已做记录,再次运行脚本只扫描记录里的电脑",,"扫描完成" 
function readconfig 
 dim objmatches, objmatche,objlogfile, arrlog, intubarrconfig 
 if fso.fileexists(logfile) then 
  if fso.getfile(logfile).size = 0 then 
   set objmatches = getmatche("([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)", input) 
   for each objmatche in objmatches 
    getconfig objmatche.submatches(0), objmatche.submatches(1), objmatche.submatches(2) 
   if objmatches.count = 0 then 
    msgbox "配置信息格式不正确,请修改" 
   end if 
   set objlogfile = fso.opentextfile(logfile) 
   do until objlogfile.atendofstream 
    arrlog = split(objlogfile.readline,"=") 
    intubarrconfig = ((ubound(arrconfig)+1)\3+1)*3-1 
    redim preserve arrconfig(intubarrconfig) 
    arrconfig(intubarrconfig-2) = arrlog(0) 
    arrconfig(intubarrconfig-1) = arrlog(1) 
    arrconfig(intubarrconfig-0) = arrlog(2) 
  end if 
  set objmatches = getmatche("([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)", input) 
  for each objmatche in objmatches 
   getconfig objmatche.submatches(0), objmatche.submatches(1), objmatche.submatches(2) 
  if objmatches.count = 0 then 
   msgbox "配置信息格式不正确,请修改" 
  end if 
 end if 
end function 

'    如果返回swbemlocator对象connectserver方法的实例,调用outinfo过程 
'    如果返回err信息(字符串类型),输出计算机名[ip]、用户名、密码及错误信息到logfile文件 
'   outinfo过程 
'    如果返回err信息(字符串类型)输出计算机名[ip]、用户名、密码及错误信息到logfile文件 
'   计算机名[ip]、命名空间、用户名、密码传递给linkserver过程 
function linkremoteserver(arrarray) 
 dim objerrlog, e, objlinkserver, objconnection, objwbemlocator, objerr 
 set objwbemlocator = createobject("wbemscripting.swbemlocator") 
 set objerrlog = fso.createtextfile(logfile,true) 
 for e = 0 to ubound(arrarray) step 3 
  set objlinkserver = linkserver(arrconfig(e),"root\cimv2",arrconfig(e+1),arrconfig(e+2)) 
  if err then 
   objerrlog.writeline arrarray(e) & "=" & arrarray(e+1) & "=" & arrarray(e+2) & "=" & _ 
             "错误编号:" & cstr(err.number) & _ 
             ",错误原因:" & cstr(err.description) & _ 
             ",错误来源:" & cstr(err.source) & " by linkserver function" 
   intcount2 = intcount2 + 1 
   objerr = outinfo(objlinkserver) 
   if vartype(objerr) = 8 then 
    objerrlog.writeline arrarray(e) & "=" & arrarray(e+1) & "=" & arrarray(e+2) & "=" & objerr 
    intcount2 = intcount2 + 1 
   end if 
  end if 
end function 

'   某个getinfo过程返回err对象,则返回false 
function outinfo(objremote) 
 dim outfile, arrinfo, stroutinfo, tmp, a 
 if fso.fileexists(infooutfile) then 
  set outfile = fso.opentextfile(infooutfile,8) 
  set outfile = fso.createtextfile(infooutfile) 
  outfile.writeline "计算机名,系统(初装日期),主板型号(厂商)(发行日期),cpu型号(接口类型),外频,l2容量(速度)," & _ 
 end if 
 arrinfo = getosinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 stroutinfo = arrinfo(0) & "," & arrinfo(1) & "(" & arrinfo(2) & ")," 
 arrinfo = getboardinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & arrinfo(0) & "(" & arrinfo(1) & ")" 
 arrinfo = getbiosinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & "(" & arrinfo(2) & ")," 
 arrinfo = getcpuinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & arrinfo(1) & "(" & arrinfo(8) & ")," & arrinfo(4) & "," & _ 
        arrinfo(6) & "(" & arrinfo(7) & ")," 
 arrinfo = getmemoryinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 tmp = 0 
 for a = 1 to ubound(arrinfo) step 6 
  tmp = tmp + cint(arrinfo(a)) 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & arrinfo(0) & "条,共" & tmp & "m," 
 tmp = "" 
 for a = 2 to ubound(arrinfo) step 6 
  if a = ubound(arrinfo) - 4 then 
   tmp = tmp & arrinfo(a) & "(" & arrinfo(a+1) & ")," 
   tmp = tmp & arrinfo(a) & "(" & arrinfo(a+1) & ") " 
  end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & tmp 
 tmp = "" 
 for a = 4 to ubound(arrinfo) step 6 
  if a = ubound(arrinfo) - 2 then 
   tmp = tmp & arrinfo(a) & "(" & arrinfo(a+1) & ")," 
   tmp = tmp & arrinfo(a) & "(" & arrinfo(a+1) & ") " 
  end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & tmp 
 tmp = "" 
 arrinfo = getdiskinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 for a = 1 to ubound(arrinfo) step 5 
  if arrinfo(a+1) = "ide" then 
   tmp = arrinfo(a) & "(" & arrinfo(a+2) & "g)," 
   exit for 
  end if 
 if tmp = "" then 
  stroutinfo = stroutinfo & "硬盘型号未检索到," 
  stroutinfo = stroutinfo & tmp 
 end if 
 arrinfo = getvideoinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & arrinfo(0) & "(" & arrinfo(1) & "m)," 
 arrinfo = getnetworkinfo(objremote) 
 if vartype(arrinfo) = 8 then 
  outinfo = arrinfo 
  exit function 
 end if 
 stroutinfo = stroutinfo & arrinfo(1) & "," & arrinfo(2) & space(17-len(arrinfo(2))) & arrinfo(3) 
 outfile.writeline stroutinfo 
 intcount1 = intcount1 + 1 
 outinfo = true 
end function 

'   strnamespace:命令空间 
'   strusername:用户名 
'   strpassword:密码 
'   连接失败,返回错误对象 
function linkserver(strcomputer,strnamespace,strusername,strpassword) 
 dim objwbemlocator 
 set objwbemlocator = createobject("wbemscripting.swbemlocator") 
 dim objconnection 
 on error resume next 
 set objconnection = objwbemlocator.connectserver _ 
           (strcomputer, strnamespace, strusername, strpassword) 
 if err then 
   set linkserver = err 
   exit function 
 end if 
 on error goto 0 
 objconnection.security_.impersonationlevel = 3 
 set linkserver = objconnection 
end function 

'   strstring:要执行正则表达式的字符串 
function getmatche(strpatrn, strstring) 
 dim regex 
 set regex = new regexp 
 regex.global = true 
 regex.ignorecase =true 
 regex.pattern = strpatrn 
 set getmatche = regex.execute(strstring) 
end function 

'   intnum:进制(2|8|16) 
function changetodecimal(strstring, intnum) 
 changetodecimal = 0 
 if isnull(strstring) then changetodecimal = 0 : exit function 
 dim a, m 
 for a = 1 to len(strstring) 
  m = lcase(mid(strstring, a, 1)) 
  select case m 
   case "a" :m = 10 
   case "b" :m = 11 
   case "c" :m = 12 
   case "d" :m = 13 
   case "e" :m = 14 
   case "f" :m = 15 
  end select 
  changetodecimal = changetodecimal + m * intnum^(len(strstring)-a) 
end function 

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相关标签: 收集 硬件信息