DB2 数据库创建、表的ixf文件导出导入示例
[db2inst1@localhost ~]$ db2set db2codepage=1208 #设置编码
[db2inst1@localhost ~]$ db2 create database wms automatic storage yes using codeset utf-8territory cn pagesize 32768 #创建wms数据库
db2 create db xxdb on /app/dbdata using codepage "gbk" country "zh_cn"
tab="unteck_attachment_his unteck_busi_log unteck_dict_entry unteck_dict_type unteck_login_log unteck_menu unteck_operation unteck_organization unteck_primarykey unteck_resource unteck_role unteck_role_resource unteck_user unteck_user_role"
db2 connect to cpsdb
db2 set schema='odsuser'
for tabtemp in $tab
echo $tabtemp
db2 "export to ${todir}/${tabtemp}.ixf of ixf select * from ${tabtemp}"
3. 导入表的ixf文件
db2 connect to myetldb;
db2 set schema=odsuser;
db2 import from etl_busi_type.ixf of ixf modified by forcecreate commitcount 10000 replace_create into etl_busi_type
db2 import from etl_busi_type_tosend.ixf of ixf modified by forcecreate commitcount 10000 replace_create into etl_busi_type_tosend
db2 import from etl_contact_pepole.ixf of ixf modified by forcecreate commitcount 10000 replace_create into etl_contact_pepole