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oracle TFA 升级实例讲解

程序员文章站 2022-06-17 19:22:51
此操作也可用于安装 [root@rac1 oracle]# cd /opt/oracle.tfa/ [root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# ls tfa-linux_v18.2.1....


[root@rac1 oracle]# cd /opt/oracle.tfa/
[root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# ls
[root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# unzip tfa-linux_v18.2.1.zip 
archive:  tfa-linux_v18.2.1.zip
  inflating: readme.txt              
  inflating: installtfa-linux        
[root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# ls
installtfa-linux  readme.txt  tfa-linux_v18.2.1.zip
[root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# ./installtfa-linux 
tfa installation log will be written to file : /tmp/tfa_install_11436_2018_07_06-02_45_51.log

starting tfa installation

tfa version: 182100 build date: 201805291110

tfa home : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home

installed build version: 0 build date: 201308012341

tfa is already installed. patching /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home...
tfa patching typical install from zipfile is written to /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfapatch.log

unable to determine the status of tfa in other nodes.
tfa will be patched on node rac1:

do you want to continue with patching tfa? [y|n] [y]: 

applying patch on rac1:

stopping tfa support tools...

shutting down tfa for patching...

shutting down tfa
oracle-tfa stop/waiting
. . . . . 
killing tfa running with pid 1708
. . . 
successfully shutdown tfa..

renaming /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/jar to /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/jlib
adding install_type = gi to tfa_setup.txt
copying /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/output/ to /u01/app/grid/tfa/rac1/

the current version of berkeley db is 4.0.103
copying je-4.1.27.jar to /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/jlib/
copying je-6.4.25.jar to /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/jlib/
running dbpreupgrade_4_1 utility
output of upgrade : pre-upgrade succeeded

copying tfa certificates...
moving properties.bkp to properties
moving properties.bkp to properties
moving properties.bkp to properties

running commands to fix init.tfa and tfactl in localhost

starting tfa in rac1...

creating sym link /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/k17init.tfa to /etc/init.d/init.tfa
creating sym link /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/k17init.tfa to /etc/init.d/init.tfa
creating sym link /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/k17init.tfa to /etc/init.d/init.tfa
creating sym link /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/k17init.tfa to /etc/init.d/init.tfa
creating sym link /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/k17init.tfa to /etc/init.d/init.tfa
starting tfa..
oracle-tfa start/running, process 12551
waiting up to 100 seconds for tfa to be started..
. . . . . 
. . . . . 
successfully started tfa process..
. . . . . 
tfa started and listening for commands
removing /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/jlib/je-4.0.103.jar

enabling access for non-root users on rac1...
error: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/internal/.buildversion does not exists 

adding default users to tfa access list...

warning - tfa software is older than 180 days. please consider upgrading tfa to the latest version.
warning - tfa software is older than 180 days. please consider upgrading tfa to the latest version.
| host | tfa version | tfa build id         | upgrade status |
| rac1 | | 18210020180529111033 | upgraded       |
| rac2 | -           | -                    | not upgraded   |

[root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# tfactl syncnodes
-bash: tfactl: command not found
[root@rac1 oracle.tfa]# cd  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac1/tfa_home/
[root@rac1 tfa_home]# ls
bin         client_pub.crt  input     jlib  output      resources       tfa_directories.txt  tfa.md5        transfers
browser     database        install   jre   public.jks  server.jks      tfa.jks              tfa_setup.txt
client.jks  ext             internal  log   repository  server_pub.crt  tfa.lock             tmp
[root@rac1 tfa_home]# cd bin
[root@rac1 bin]# ./tfactl syncnodes

current node list in tfa : 
1. rac1
2. rac2

node list in cluster :
1. rac1
2. rac2

node list to sync tfa certificates : 
     1  rac2

do you want to update this node list? [y|n] [n]: 

syncing tfa certificates on rac2 :

tfa_home on rac2 : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/tfa/rac2/tfa_home

shutting down tfa on rac2...
copying tfa certificates to rac2...
copying ssl properties to rac2...
shutting down tfa on rac2...
tfa-00002 oracle trace file analyzer (tfa) is not running
tfa-00104 cannot establish connection with tfa server. please check tfa certificates
sleeping for 5 seconds...
starting tfa on rac2...

| host | status of tfa | pid   | port | version    | build id             | inventory status |
| rac1 | running       | 16580 | 5000 | | 18210020180529111033 | complete         |
| rac2 | running       | 25693 | 5000 | | 18210020180529111033 | complete         |