英文全称dynamic naming and configuration service,na为naming/nameserver即注册中心,co为configuration即注册中心,service是指该注册/配置中心都是以服务为核心。服务在nacos是一等公民
public synchronized datasourceservice getdatasource() { try { // embedded storage is used by default in stand-alone mode // in cluster mode, external databases are used by default // 根据system.getproperty("nacos.standalone")来判断你到底是不是standalone模式 // standalone模式,使用内置数据库 if (propertyutil.isembeddedstorage()) { if (localdatasourceservice == null) { localdatasourceservice = new localdatasourceserviceimpl(); localdatasourceservice.init(); } return localdatasourceservice; } else { // 如果不是standalone,直接创建外部的数据源 if (basicdatasourceservice == null) { basicdatasourceservice = new externaldatasourceserviceimpl(); basicdatasourceservice.init(); } return basicdatasourceservice; } } catch (exception e) { throw new runtimeexception(e); } }
@override public void init() { querytimeout = convertutils.toint(system.getproperty("querytimeout"), 3); jt = new jdbctemplate(); // set the maximum number of records to prevent memory expansion jt.setmaxrows(50000); jt.setquerytimeout(querytimeout); testmasterjt = new jdbctemplate(); testmasterjt.setquerytimeout(querytimeout); testmasterwritablejt = new jdbctemplate(); // prevent the login interface from being too long because the main library is not available testmasterwritablejt.setquerytimeout(1); // database health check testjtlist = new arraylist<jdbctemplate>(); ishealthlist = new arraylist<boolean>(); tm = new datasourcetransactionmanager(); tjt = new transactiontemplate(tm); // transaction timeout needs to be distinguished from ordinary operations. tjt.settimeout(transaction_query_timeout); // 判断到底是是不是用外部数据库 // 这个可以在中看到 // setuseexternaldb("mysql".equalsignorecase(getstring("spring.datasource.platform", ""))); // 好家伙,直接判断配置的是不是mysql,是mysql那就是外部数据库,进行reload,不是,那就不管了 if (propertyutil.isuseexternaldb()) { try { reload(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); throw new runtimeexception(db_load_error_msg); } if (this.datasourcelist.size() > db_master_select_threshold) { configexecutor.scheduleconfigtask(new selectmastertask(), 10, 10, timeunit.seconds); } configexecutor.scheduleconfigtask(new checkdbhealthtask(), 10, 10, timeunit.seconds); } }
@override public synchronized void reload() throws ioexception { try { // 根据配置文件,构建数据源集合 datasourcelist = new externaldatasourceproperties() .build(envutil.getenvironment(), (datasource) -> { jdbctemplate jdbctemplate = new jdbctemplate(); jdbctemplate.setquerytimeout(querytimeout); jdbctemplate.setdatasource(datasource); testjtlist.add(jdbctemplate); ishealthlist.add(boolean.true); }); new selectmastertask().run(); new checkdbhealthtask().run(); } catch (runtimeexception e) { fatal_log.error(db_load_error_msg, e); throw new ioexception(e); } }
list<hikaridatasource> build(environment environment, callback<hikaridatasource> callback) { list<hikaridatasource> datasources = new arraylist<>(); // 把胚子信息绑定到当前的externaldatasourceproperties对象,赋值操作 // 因为外面是直接new出来的,需要对属性根据文件进行赋值 binder.get(environment).bind("db", bindable.ofinstance(this)); preconditions.checkargument(objects.nonnull(num), "db.num is null"); preconditions.checkargument(collectionutils.isnotempty(user), "db.user or db.user.[index] is null"); preconditions.checkargument(collectionutils.isnotempty(password), "db.password or db.password.[index] is null"); // 可以配置多个数据库 for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) { int currentsize = index + 1; preconditions.checkargument(url.size() >= currentsize, "db.url.%s is null", index); // 拿到spring.datasource.xxx一堆,这个针对所有的数据源都适用 datasourcepoolproperties poolproperties =; // 为每一个数据源进行单独的url,user,password进行替换 poolproperties.setdriverclassname(jdbc_driver_name); poolproperties.setjdbcurl(url.get(index).trim()); poolproperties.setusername(getordefault(user, index, user.get(0)).trim()); poolproperties.setpassword(getordefault(password, index, password.get(0)).trim()); hikaridatasource ds = poolproperties.getdatasource(); ds.setconnectiontestquery(test_query); datasources.add(ds); callback.accept(ds); } preconditions.checkargument(collectionutils.isnotempty(datasources), "no datasource available"); return datasources; }
private static final string jdbc_driver_name = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.driver";
public class externaluserpersistserviceimpl implements userpersistservice { @autowired private externalstoragepersistserviceimpl persistservice; private jdbctemplate jt; @postconstruct protected void init() { jt = persistservice.getjdbctemplate(); } /** * execute create user operation. * * @param username username string value. * @param password password string value. */ public void createuser(string username, string password) { string sql = "insert into users (username, password, enabled) values (?, ?, ?)"; try { jt.update(sql, username, password, true); } catch (cannotgetjdbcconnectionexception e) { logutil.fatal_log.error("[db-error] " + e.tostring(), e); throw e; } } /** * execute delete user operation. * * @param username username string value. */ public void deleteuser(string username) { string sql = "delete from users where username=?"; try { jt.update(sql, username); } catch (cannotgetjdbcconnectionexception e) { logutil.fatal_log.error("[db-error] " + e.tostring(), e); throw e; } } /** * execute update user password operation. * * @param username username string value. * @param password password string value. */ public void updateuserpassword(string username, string password) { try { jt.update("update users set password = ? where username=?", password, username); } catch (cannotgetjdbcconnectionexception e) { logutil.fatal_log.error("[db-error] " + e.tostring(), e); throw e; } } /** * execute find user by username operation. * * @param username username string value. * @return user model. */ public user finduserbyusername(string username) { string sql = "select username,password from users where username=? "; try { return this.jt.queryforobject(sql, new object[] {username}, user_row_mapper); } catch (cannotgetjdbcconnectionexception e) { logutil.fatal_log.error("[db-error] " + e.tostring(), e); throw e; } catch (emptyresultdataaccessexception e) { return null; } catch (exception e) { logutil.fatal_log.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getmessage(), e); throw new runtimeexception(e); } } public page<user> getusers(int pageno, int pagesize) { paginationhelper<user> helper = persistservice.createpaginationhelper(); string sqlcountrows = "select count(*) from users where "; string sqlfetchrows = "select username,password from users where "; string where = " 1=1 "; try { page<user> pageinfo = helper .fetchpage(sqlcountrows + where, sqlfetchrows + where, new arraylist<string>().toarray(), pageno, pagesize, user_row_mapper); if (pageinfo == null) { pageinfo = new page<>(); pageinfo.settotalcount(0); pageinfo.setpageitems(new arraylist<>()); } return pageinfo; } catch (cannotgetjdbcconnectionexception e) { logutil.fatal_log.error("[db-error] " + e.tostring(), e); throw e; } } @override public list<string> finduserlikeusername(string username) { string sql = "select username from users where username like '%' ? '%'"; list<string> users = this.jt.queryforlist(sql, new string[]{username}, string.class); return users; } }