2022-06-17 14:48:52
hough圆变换的原理很多博客都已经说得非常清楚了,但是手动实现的比较少,所以本文直接贴上手动实现的代码。这里使用的图片是一堆硬币:首先利用通过计算梯度来寻找边缘,代码如下:def detect_ed...
def detect_edges(image): h = image.shape[0] w = image.shape[1] sobeling = np.zeros((h, w), np.float64) sobelx = [[-3, 0, 3], [-10, 0, 10], [-3, 0, 3]] sobelx = np.array(sobelx) sobely = [[-3, -10, -3], [0, 0, 0], [3, 10, 3]] sobely = np.array(sobely) gx = 0 gy = 0 testi = 0 for i in range(1, h - 1): for j in range(1, w - 1): edgex = 0 edgey = 0 for k in range(-1, 2): for l in range(-1, 2): edgex += image[k + i, l + j] * sobelx[1 + k, 1 + l] edgey += image[k + i, l + j] * sobely[1 + k, 1 + l] gx = abs(edgex) gy = abs(edgey) sobeling[i, j] = gx + gy # if you want to imshow ,run codes below first # if sobeling[i,j]>255: # sobeling[i, j]=255 # sobeling[i, j] = sobeling[i,j]/255 return sobeling
def hough_circles(edge_image, edge_thresh, radius_values): h = edge_image.shape[0] w = edge_image.shape[1] # print(h,w) edgimg = np.zeros((h, w), np.int64) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if edge_image[i][j] > edge_thresh: edgimg[i][j] = 255 else: edgimg[i][j] = 0 accum_array = np.zeros((len(radius_values), h, w)) # return edgimg , [] for i in range(h): print('hough transform进度:', i, '/', h) for j in range(w): if edgimg[i][j] != 0: for r in range(len(radius_values)): rr = radius_values[r] hdown = max(0, i - rr) for a in range(hdown, i): b = round(j+math.sqrt(rr*rr - (a - i) * (a - i))) if b>=0 and b<=w-1: accum_array[r][a][b] += 1 if 2 * i - a >= 0 and 2 * i - a <= h - 1: accum_array[r][2 * i - a][b] += 1 if 2 * j - b >= 0 and 2 * j - b <= w - 1: accum_array[r][a][2 * j - b] += 1 if 2 * i - a >= 0 and 2 * i - a <= h - 1 and 2 * j - b >= 0 and 2 * j - b <= w - 1: accum_array[r][2 * i - a][2 * j - b] += 1 return edgimg, accum_array
其中输入是我们之前得到的边缘图,以及确定强边缘的阈值,以及一个包含着我们估计的半径的数组;返回值是强边缘图以及参数域矩阵。代码中首先遍历边缘图,通过阈值留下那些较强的位置,这里的阈值需要自己根据自己的输入图进行调节。接着就是进行hough变换,这里的候选半径集合需要根据自己的输入图进行调节。在绘制参数域的过程中,只遍历了所需正方形区域(大小为 r*r)的 1/4,这是因为在坐出参数域上的一个点之后,由于圆的对称性,就可以找到与之对称的另外三个点,无需额外进行遍历。
def find_circles(image, accum_array, radius_values, hough_thresh): returnlist = [] hlist = [] wlist = [] rlist = [] returnimg = deepcopy(image) for r in range(accum_array.shape[0]): print('find circles 进度:', r, '/', accum_array.shape[0]) for h in range(accum_array.shape[1]): for w in range(accum_array.shape[2]): if accum_array[r][h][w] > hough_thresh: tmp = 0 for i in range(len(hlist)): if abs(w-wlist[i])<10 and abs(h-hlist[i])<10: tmp = 1 break if tmp == 0: #print(accum_array[r][h][w]) rr = radius_values[r] flag = '(h,w,r)is:(' + str(h) + ',' + str(w) + ',' + str(rr) + ')' returnlist.append(flag) hlist.append(h) wlist.append(w) rlist.append(rr) print('圆的数量:', len(hlist)) for i in range(len(hlist)): center = (wlist[i], hlist[i]) rr = rlist[i] color = (0, 255, 0) thickness = 2, center, rr, color, thickness) return returnlist, returnimg
def main(argv): img_name = argv[0] img = cv2.imread('data/' + img_name + '.png', cv2.imread_color) # print(img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) gray_image = cv2.cvtcolor(img, cv2.color_bgr2gray) # print(gray_image.shape[0], gray_image.shape[1]) img1 = detect_edges(gray_image) cv2.imwrite('output/' + img_name + "_after_find_detect.png", img1) thresh = 1500 # 需要注意的是,在img1中有些地方的像素值是高于255的,这是由于之前的kernel内的数更大 # 但这并不影响图像的显示 # 因此这里的thresh要大于255 radius_values = [] for i in range(10): radius_values.append(20 + i) edgeimg, accum_array = hough_circles(img1, thresh, radius_values) cv2.imwrite('output/' + img_name + "_after_binary.png", edgeimg) # findcircle hough_thresh = 70 resultlist, resultimg = find_circles(img, accum_array, radius_values, hough_thresh) print(resultlist) cv2.imwrite('output/' + img_name + "_circles.png", resultimg) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.argv.append("coins") main(sys.argv[1:]) # todo
到此这篇关于python手动实现hough圆变换的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关python hough圆变换内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!
上一篇: JS实现秒杀倒计时特效