2022-06-17 14:43:03
function browseforfile( )
' select file dialog...
function browseforfile( ) ' select file dialog based on a script by mayayana ' known issues: ' * tree view always opens desktop folder ' * in win7/ie8 only the file name is returned correctly, the path returned will always be c:\fakepath\ ' * if a shortcut to a file is selected, the name of that file will be returned, not the shortcut's 'on error resume next '===========1, file browserer in xp ================== set objdialog = createobject("useraccounts.commondialog") objdialog.filter = "txt|*.txt" objdialog.initialdir = "c:\" intresult = objdialog.showopen if intresult <> 0 then browseforfile = objdialog.filename exit function else msgbox "error." end if end function browseforfile
2003下'for windows 2003
function selectafile set objdialog = createobject("safrcfiledlg.fileopen") intresult = objdialog.openfileopendlg selectafile = objdialog.filename end function
function browseforfile( ) '===========2, fileselect in ie ====================== 'another way to get file path dim objie, strselected browseforfile = "" set objie = createobject( "internetexplorer.application" ) objie.toolbar = false objie.resizable = false objie.statusbar = false objie.width = 300 objie.height = 100 objie.visible = true objie.navigate( "about:blank" ) do until objie.readystate = 4 loop ' center the dialog window on the screen with objie.document.parentwindow.screen objie.left = (.availwidth - objie.width ) \ 4 objie.top = (.availheight - objie.height) \ 4 end with objie.document.write "<html><body><input id=""fileselect"" name=""fileselect"" type=""file""><body></html>" with objie.document.all.fileselect .focus .click strselected = .value end with objie.quit set objie = nothing if trim(strselected) = "" then msgbox "you selected no file." wscript.quit end if browseforfile = strselected end function browseforfile
function choosefile() dim result result = "" dim ie : set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application") with ie .visible = false .navigate("about:blank") do until .readystate = 4 : loop with .document .write "<html><body><input id='f' type='file'></body></html>" with .all.f .focus .click result = .value end with end with .quit end with set ie = nothing choosefile = result end function choosefile
好了这篇 关于vbs选择本地文件功能的代码就介绍到这了,需要的朋友可以参考一下。