--创建数据库create database Etp; --连接数据库connect to Etp; --断开连接disconnect Etp; --查看当前数据库下有哪些表list ta
create database Etp;
connect to Etp;
disconnect Etp;
list tables;
create table studentInfo(
stuno char(5) not null,
stuname varchar(8),
stubirth date
describe table studentinfo;
alter table studentinfo add stutel int;
alter table studentinfo add abc int;
alter table studentinfo alter column stutel set data type char(11);
alter table studentinfo drop column abc;
alter table studentinfo alter column stuname set not null;
reorg table studentinfo;
alter table studentinfo alter column stutel set not null;
alter table studentinfo add constraint un_stutel unique(stutel);
alter table studentinfo add column stuAge int;
alter table studentinfo add constraint ch_stuAge check(stuAge > 0 and stuAge
alter table studentinfo add constraint pk_stuno primary key(stuno);
drop table studentinfo;
create table studentinfo(
stuNo int not null,
stuName varchar(8) not null,
stuAge int,
stuTel char(8),
constraint pk_stuNo primary key(stuNo),
constraint un_stuName unique(stuName),
constraint ch_stuAge check(stuAge >=0 and stuAge );
create table studentinfo(
stuNo int not null primary key,
stuName varchar(8) not null unique,
stuAge int check(stuAge >=0 and stuAge stuTel char(8)
create table classInfo(
classId int not null primary key,
className varchar(20)
create table studentinfo(
stuNo int not null,
stuName varchar(8) not null,
stuBirth date not null,
stuAge int,
stuTel char(8),
fclassId int,
stuBirth date not null,
constraint pk_stuNo primary key(stuNo),
constraint un_stuName unique(stuName),
constraint ch_stuAge check(stuAge >=0 and stuAge constraint fk_fcalssId foreign key(fclassid) references classInfo(classId)
-- 自增
create table studentinfo(
stuNo int not null generated always as identity(start with 1 ,increment by 1),
stuName varchar(8) not null,
stuAge int,
stuTel char(8),
fclassId int,
stuBirth date not null,
constraint pk_stuNo primary key(stuNo),
constraint un_stuName unique(stuName),
constraint ch_stuAge check(stuAge >=0 and stuAge constraint fk_fcalssId foreign key(fclassid) references classInfo(classId)