Python 制作子弹图
可以看出,我们需要多个组件图层,使用 matplotlib 来实现会比较方便
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from matplotlib.ticker import funcformatter %matplotlib inline
这里我们还导入了 seaborn
,是因为 seaborn
我们需要生成调色板的主要原因是我们很可能希望为各种定性范围生成视觉上吸引人的配色方案,直接使用 seaborn 来完成会方便很多
在下面的例子中,我们可以使用 palplot
便利函数来显示 5 种绿色色调的调色板
sns.palplot(sns.light_palette("green", 5))
sns.palplot(sns.light_palette("purple",8, reverse=true))
以相反的顺序制作 8 种不同深浅的紫色
我们现在知道了如何设置调色板,接下来让我们使用 matplotlib 根据上面列出的原则创建一个简单的子弹图
limits = [80, 100, 150] data_to_plot = ("example 1", 105, 120)
这个将创建 3 个范围:0-80、81-100、101-150 和一个值为 105 和目标线为 120 的“示例”线 接下来,构建一个蓝色调色板:
palette = sns.color_palette("blues_r", len(limits))
fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_yticks([1]) ax.set_yticklabels([data_to_plot[0]]) prev_limit = 0 for idx, lim in enumerate(limits): ax.barh([1], lim-prev_limit, left=prev_limit, height=15, color=palette[idx]) prev_limit = lim
然后我们可以添加一个较小的条形图来表示 105 的值:
ax.barh([1], data_to_plot[1], color='black', height=5)
最后一步是使用 axvline 添加目标标记:
ax.axvline(data_to_plot[2], color="gray", ymin=0.10, ymax=0.9)
def bulletgraph(data=none, limits=none, labels=none, axis_label=none, title=none, size=(5, 3), palette=none, formatter=none, target_color="gray", bar_color="black", label_color="gray"): # determine the max value for adjusting the bar height # dividing by 10 seems to work pretty well h = limits[-1] / 10 # use the green palette as a sensible default if palette is none: palette = sns.light_palette("green", len(limits), reverse=false) # must be able to handle one or many data sets via multiple subplots if len(data) == 1: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size, sharex=true) else: fig, axarr = plt.subplots(len(data), figsize=size, sharex=true) # add each bullet graph bar to a subplot for idx, item in enumerate(data): # get the axis from the array of axes returned when the plot is created if len(data) > 1: ax = axarr[idx] # formatting to get rid of extra marking clutter ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_yticklabels([item[0]]) ax.set_yticks([1]) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(false) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(false) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(false) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(false) prev_limit = 0 for idx2, lim in enumerate(limits): # draw the bar ax.barh([1], lim - prev_limit, left=prev_limit, height=h, color=palette[idx2]) prev_limit = lim rects = ax.patches # the last item in the list is the value we're measuring # draw the value we're measuring ax.barh([1], item[1], height=(h / 3), color=bar_color) # need the ymin and max in order to make sure the target marker # fits ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines( item[2], ymin * .9, ymax * .9, linewidth=1.5, color=target_color) # now make some labels if labels is not none: for rect, label in zip(rects, labels): height = rect.get_height() ax.text( rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2, -height * .4, label, ha='center', va='bottom', color=label_color) if formatter: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if axis_label: ax.set_xlabel(axis_label) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=14) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0)
data_to_plot2 = [("张三", 105, 120), ("李四", 99, 110), ("王五", 109, 125), ("赵六", 135, 123), ("钱七", 45, 105)] bulletgraph(data_to_plot2, limits=[20, 60, 100, 160], labels=["poor", "ok", "good", "excellent"], size=(8,5), axis_label="performance measure", label_color="black", bar_color="#252525", target_color='#f7f7f7', title="销售代表表现")
我们还可以进行一些优化,格式化 x 轴以便更一致地显示信息
def money(x, pos): 'the two args are the value and tick position' return "${:,.0f}".format(x) money_fmt = funcformatter(money) data_to_plot3 = [("hr", 50000, 60000), ("marketing", 75000, 65000), ("sales", 125000, 80000), ("r&d", 195000, 115000)] palette = sns.light_palette("grey", 3, reverse=false) bulletgraph(data_to_plot3, limits=[50000, 125000, 200000], labels=["below", "on target", "above"], size=(10,5), axis_label="annual budget", label_color="black", bar_color="#252525", target_color='#f7f7f7', palette=palette, title="营销渠道预算绩效", formatter=money_fmt)
到此这篇关于python 制作子弹图的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关python 制作子弹图内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!
上一篇: Go语言nil:空值/零值