荐 [OpenSim]CMC Tool文件设置
[OpenSim]CMC Tool文件设置
< pathOpenSim-Model >\Arm26\OutputReference\ComputedMuscleControl
其中< pathOpenSim-Model >为模型Model文件的保存路径
你不要理会Desired Kinematics栏里的这个红色的背景标记。从上面两个图我们可以知道,Actuator constraints一栏可以不增加选择,而积分器设置也几乎不用修改。那么我们知道,必要的输入文件为:
1)期望的模型运动 - .mot 格式文件
2)Tracking tasks - ComputedMuscleControl_Task.xml 文件
3)Additional force files - xml文件,本例为arm26_Reserve_Actuators.xml
Desired Kinematics.mot文件
Units are S.I. units (second, meters, Newtons, ...)
Angles are in degrees.
time r_shoulder_elev r_elbow_flex
0.00000000 -0.03394423 -0.05440752
0.00833333 -0.03657365 0.01417949
0.01666667 -0.03908443 0.08815700
0.02500000 -0.04126018 0.17357577
0.03333333 -0.04302262 0.27576038
0.04166667 -0.04431782 0.39945264
0.05000000 -0.04510954 0.54869991
0.05833333 -0.04537808 0.72677247
0.06666667 -0.04512001 0.93612489
0.07500000 -0.04434823 1.17840384
0.08333333 -0.04309148 1.45449954
0.09166667 -0.04139335 1.76463436
0.10000000 -0.03931062 2.10847927
0.10833333 -0.03691091 2.48528740
0.11666667 -0.03427009 2.89403350
0.12500000 -0.03146918 3.33354847
0.13333333 -0.02859119 3.80263942
ComputedMuscleControl_Task.xml 文件
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<OpenSimDocument Version="30000">
<CMC_TaskSet name="arm26">
<CMC_Joint name="r_shoulder_elev">
<!--Flag (true or false) indicating whether or not a task is enabled.-->
<!--Weight with which a task is tracked relative to other tasks. To track a task more tightly, make the weight larger.-->
<weight> 1</weight>
<!--Array of 3 flags (each true or false) specifying whether a component of a task is active. For example, tracking the trajectory of a point in space could have three components (x,y,z). This allows each of those to be made active (true) or inactive (false). A task for tracking a joint coordinate only has one component.-->
<active> true false false</active>
<!--Position error feedback gain (stiffness). To achieve critical damping of errors, choose kv = 2*sqrt(kp).-->
<kp> 100</kp>
<!--Velocity error feedback gain (damping). To achieve critical damping of errors, choose kv = 2*sqrt(kp).-->
<kv> 20</kv>
<!--Feedforward acceleration gain. This is normally set to 1.0, so no gain.-->
<ka> 1</ka>
<!--Name of the coordinate to be tracked.-->
<!--Error limit on the tracking accuracy for this coordinate. If the tracking errors approach this limit, the weighting for this coordinate is increased. -->
<CMC_Joint name="r_elbow_flex">
<!--Flag (true or false) indicating whether or not a task is enabled.-->
<!--Weight with which a task is tracked relative to other tasks. To track a task more tightly, make the weight larger.-->
<weight> 1</weight>
<!--Array of 3 flags (each true or false) specifying whether a component of a task is active. For example, tracking the trajectory of a point in space could have three components (x,y,z). This allows each of those to be made active (true) or inactive (false). A task for tracking a joint coordinate only has one component.-->
<active> true false false</active>
<!--Position error feedback gain (stiffness). To achieve critical damping of errors, choose kv = 2*sqrt(kp).-->
<kp> 100</kp>
<!--Velocity error feedback gain (damping). To achieve critical damping of errors, choose kv = 2*sqrt(kp).-->
<kv> 20</kv>
<!--Feedforward acceleration gain. This is normally set to 1.0, so no gain.-->
<ka> 1</ka>
<!--Name of the coordinate to be tracked.-->
<!--Error limit on the tracking accuracy for this coordinate. If the tracking errors approach this limit, the weighting for this coordinate is increased. -->
<groups />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<OpenSimDocument Version="30000">
<ForceSet name="arm26">
<CoordinateActuator name="r_shoulder_elev_reserve">
<!--Flag indicating whether the force is disabled or not. Disabled means that the force is not active in subsequent dynamics realizations.-->
<!--Minimum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Maximum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Name of the generalized coordinate to which the actuator applies.-->
<!--The maximum generalized force produced by this actuator.-->
<CoordinateActuator name="r_elbow_flex_reserve">
<!--Flag indicating whether the force is disabled or not. Disabled means that the force is not active in subsequent dynamics realizations.-->
<!--Minimum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Maximum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Name of the generalized coordinate to which the actuator applies.-->
<!--The maximum generalized force produced by this actuator.-->
<groups />
1)在第二部分的ComputedMuscleControl_Task.xml 文件当中,
<CMC_Joint name="r_shoulder_elev">