Oracle Apps DBA工具:ADADMIN使用说明
ADADMIN用途ADADMIN主要用于Oracle Apps文件系统和数据库的维护工作,是Apps DBA常用的工具。(ADADMIN执行文件位于$AD_TOP/bin下
ADADMIN主要用于Oracle Apps文件系统和数据库的维护工作,是Apps DBA常用的工具。
[oracle@ ~]$ adadmin
如果ADADMIN命令无法运行,很可能是环境变量没有设置,可以运行下". $APPL_TOP/instance.env"来设置环境变量。adadmin执行过程中,需要数据库system用户的密码和apps用户的密码
AD Administration Main Menu
1.Generate Applications Files menu
2.Maintain Applications Files menu
3.Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu
4.Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
5.Change Maintenance Mode
6.Exit AD Administration
Generate Applications Files
如果系统用户无法访问Message,Form或者Report,你可以尝试使用“Generate Applications Files” 下的菜单来解决问题。
1.Generate message files
This task generates message binary files in the $PROD_TOP/mesg directory from oracle application object library tables.We generally perform this task only when instructed to do so in a readme file of a patch.
2.Generate form files
3.Generate report files
4.Generate graphics files
This task generates Oracle graphics files for all installed languages. Extension of the file name like (*.ogd),The serious of prompts and actions in this task are very similar to the prompts and actions in the Generate form files task.
5.Generate product JAR files
GenerateJava archive (JAR) files whenever you upgrade the Developer technology stack orwhen recommended by Oracle Support Services. It signs JAR files (if on the Webserver) and does the following:
■Generates product JAR files in JAVA_TOP and copies them to APPL_TOP.
■Generates other Java-related files under APPL_TOP and JAVA_TOP.
■Recreates Java libraries ( and under APPL_TOP andJAVA_TOP.
6.Return to Main Menu
Maintain Applications Files
“Maintain Applications Files”主要是用于保持你的系统文件最新。比如,,你需要拷贝文件从一个特定位置或者转换文件的字符集
1.Relink Applications programs
Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with the Oracle server libraries so that they function with the Oracle database. For each product, choose whether to link all executables or only specific ones.
Note:The default is to relink without debug information. Use the debug option only when requested to do so by Oracle Support Services.
2.Create Applications environment file
3.Copy files to destinations
Copies files from each product area to central locations where they can be easily referenced by non-Applications programs. This option uses revision-based copy logic to ensure that the destination file versions are the same as, or higher than, the source file versions.
Note:Were commend that you do not use the force option to overwrite existing files unless instructed by Oracle Support Services. Copying files with this option updates all JAR files. JInitiator then downloads required JAR files to each client again, causing runtime performance degradation.
The file types and their respective destinations are shown in the following table:
These files: copied to (UNIX)
Java files $JAVA_TOP
Media files $OAM_TOP
Note:When this option is used to copy reports or graphics files, the default destinationis under AU_TOP.
4.Convert character set
Preparesthe files in the APPL_TOP for conversion to another character set, and then performs the conversion.
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下一篇: Oracle教程 误添加数据文件删除方法