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.NET 6新增的20个API介绍

程序员文章站 2022-06-15 19:10:23
dateonly & timeonly.net 6 引入了两种期待已久的类型 - dateonly 和 timeonly, 它们分别代表datetime的日期和时间部分。dateonly da...

dateonly & timeonly

.net 6 引入了两种期待已久的类型 - dateonly 和 timeonly, 它们分别代表datetime的日期和时间部分。

dateonly dateonly = new(2021, 9, 25);

timeonly timeonly = new(19, 0, 0);

dateonly dateonlyfromdate = dateonly.fromdatetime(datetime.now);

timeonly timeonlyfromdate = timeonly.fromdatetime(datetime.now);



var userhandlers = new[]

using httpclient client = new()
    baseaddress = new uri("https://api.github.com"),
client.defaultrequestheaders.useragent.add(new productinfoheadervalue("dotnet", "6"));

paralleloptions options = new()
    maxdegreeofparallelism = 3
await parallel.foreachasync(userhandlers, options, async (uri, token) =>
    var user = await client.getfromjsonasync<githubuser>(uri, token);
    console.writeline($"name: {user.name}\nbio: {user.bio}\n");

public class githubuser
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string bio { get; set; }

// output:
// name: david fowler
// bio: partner software architect at microsoft on the asp.net team, creator of signalr
// name: oleg kyrylchuk
// bio: software developer | dotnet | c# | azure
// name: jared parsons
// bio: developer on the c# compiler


argumentnullexception 的小改进, 在抛出异常之前不需要在每个方法中检查 null, 现在只需要写一行, 和 response.ensuresuccessstatuscode(); 类似。


void examplemethod(object param)
    // do something


.net 6 新增的数据结构, priorityqueue, 队列每个元素都有一个关联的优先级,它决定了出队顺序, 编号小的元素优先出列。

priorityqueue<string, int> priorityqueue = new();

priorityqueue.enqueue("second", 2);
priorityqueue.enqueue("fourth", 4);
priorityqueue.enqueue("third 1", 3);
priorityqueue.enqueue("third 2", 3);
priorityqueue.enqueue("first", 1);

while (priorityqueue.count > 0)
    string item = priorityqueue.dequeue();

// output:
// first
// second
// third 2
// third 1
// fourth


提供基于偏移量的 api,用于以线程安全的方式读取和写入文件。

using safefilehandle handle = file.openhandle("file.txt", access: fileaccess.readwrite);

// write to file
byte[] strbytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes("hello world");
readonlymemory<byte> buffer1 = new(strbytes);
await randomaccess.writeasync(handle, buffer1, 0);

// get file length
long length = randomaccess.getlength(handle);

// read from file
memory<byte> buffer2 = new(new byte[length]);
await randomaccess.readasync(handle, buffer2, 0);
string content = encoding.utf8.getstring(buffer2.toarray());
console.writeline(content); // hello world


认识一个完全异步的“periodictimer”, 更适合在异步场景中使用, 它有一个方法 waitfornexttickasync

// one constructor: public periodictimer(timespan period)
using periodictimer timer = new(timespan.fromseconds(1));

while (await timer.waitfornexttickasync())

// output:
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:05 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:06 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:07 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:08 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:09 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:10 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:11 pm
// 13 - oct - 21 19:58:12 pm
// ...

metrics api

.net 6 实现了 opentelemetry metrics api 规范, 内置了指标api, 通过 meter 类创建下面的指标

  • counter
  • histogram
  • observablecounter
  • observablegauge


var builder = webapplication.createbuilder(args);
var app = builder.build();

// create meter
var meter = new meter("metricsapp", "v1.0");
// create counter
counter<int> counter = meter.createcounter<int>("requests");

app.use((context, next) =>
    // record the value of measurement
    return next(context);

app.mapget("/", () => "hello world");

// create and start meter listener
void startmeterlistener()
    var listener = new meterlistener();
    listener.instrumentpublished = (instrument, meterlistener) =>
        if (instrument.name == "requests" && instrument.meter.name == "metricsapp")
            // start listening to a specific measurement recording
            meterlistener.enablemeasurementevents(instrument, null);

    listener.setmeasurementeventcallback<int>((instrument, measurement, tags, state) =>
        console.writeline($"instrument {instrument.name} has recorded the measurement: {measurement}");




  • parameterinfo 参数
  • fieldinfo 字段
  • propertyinfo 属性
  • eventinfo 事件
var example = new example();
var nullabilityinfocontext = new nullabilityinfocontext();
foreach (var propertyinfo in example.gettype().getproperties())
    var nullabilityinfo = nullabilityinfocontext.create(propertyinfo);
    console.writeline($"{propertyinfo.name} property is {nullabilityinfo.writestate}");

// output:
// name property is nullable
// value property is notnull

class example
    public string? name { get; set; }
    public string value { get; set; }


它允许您获取嵌套元素的可为空的信息, 您可以指定数组属性必须为非空,但元素可以为空,反之亦然。

type exampletype = typeof(example);
propertyinfo notnullablearraypi = exampletype.getproperty(nameof(example.notnullablearray));
propertyinfo nullablearraypi = exampletype.getproperty(nameof(example.nullablearray));

nullabilityinfocontext nullabilityinfocontext = new();

nullabilityinfo notnullablearrayni = nullabilityinfocontext.create(notnullablearraypi);
console.writeline(notnullablearrayni.readstate);              // notnull
console.writeline(notnullablearrayni.elementtype.readstate);  // nullable

nullabilityinfo nullablearrayni = nullabilityinfocontext.create(nullablearraypi);
console.writeline(nullablearrayni.readstate);                // nullable
console.writeline(nullablearrayni.elementtype.readstate);    // nullable

class example
    public string?[] notnullablearray { get; set; }
    public string?[]? nullablearray { get; set; }

processid & processpath

直接通过 environment 获取进程id和路径。

int processid = environment.processid
string path = environment.processpath;


configuration 新增 getrequiredsection()

和 di 的 getrequiredservice() 是一样的, 如果缺失, 则会抛出异常。

webapplicationbuilder builder = webapplication.createbuilder(args);
webapplication app = builder.build();

mysettings mysettings = new();

// throws invalidoperationexception if a required section of configuration is missing

class mysettings
    public string? settingvalue { get; set; }

cspng 密码安全伪随机数生成器

您可以从密码安全伪随机数生成器 (cspng) 轻松生成随机值序列。





// fills an array of 300 bytes with a cryptographically strong random sequence of values.
// getbytes(byte[] data);
// getbytes(byte[] data, int offset, int count)
// getbytes(int count)
// getbytes(span<byte> data)
byte[] bytes = randomnumbergenerator.getbytes(300);

native memory api

.net 6 引入了一个新的 api 来分配本机内存, nativememory 有分配和释放内存的方法。

    byte* buffer = (byte*)nativememory.alloc(100);


    /* this class contains methods that are mainly used to manage native memory.
    public static class nativememory
        public unsafe static void* alignedalloc(nuint bytecount, nuint alignment);
        public unsafe static void alignedfree(void* ptr);
        public unsafe static void* alignedrealloc(void* ptr, nuint bytecount, nuint alignment);
        public unsafe static void* alloc(nuint bytecount);
        public unsafe static void* alloc(nuint elementcount, nuint elementsize);
        public unsafe static void* alloczeroed(nuint bytecount);
        public unsafe static void* alloczeroed(nuint elementcount, nuint elementsize);
        public unsafe static void free(void* ptr);
        public unsafe static void* realloc(void* ptr, nuint bytecount);

power of 2

.net 6 引入了用于处理 2 的幂的新方法。

  • 'ispow2' 判断指定值是否为 2 的幂。
  • 'rounduptopowerof2' 将指定值四舍五入到 2 的幂。
// ispow2 evaluates whether the specified int32 value is a power of two.
console.writeline(bitoperations.ispow2(128));            // true

// rounduptopowerof2 rounds the specified t:system.uint32 value up to a power of two.
console.writeline(bitoperations.rounduptopowerof2(200)); // 256

waitasync on task

您可以更轻松地等待异步任务执行, 如果超时会抛出 “timeoutexception”

task operationtask = dosomethinglongasync();

await operationtask.waitasync(timespan.fromseconds(5));

async task dosomethinglongasync()
    console.writeline("dosomethinglongasync started.");
    await task.delay(timespan.fromseconds(10));
    console.writeline("dosomethinglongasync ended.");

// output:
// dosomethinglongasync started.
// unhandled exception.system.timeoutexception: the operation has timed out.



  • sincos
  • reciprocalestimate
  • reciprocalsqrtestimate


  • min, max, abs, sign, clamp 支持 nint 和 nuint
  • divrem 返回一个元组, 包括商和余数。
// new methods sincos, reciprocalestimate and reciprocalsqrtestimate
// simultaneously computes sin and cos
(double sin, double cos) = math.sincos(1.57);
console.writeline($"sin = {sin}\ncos = {cos}");

// computes an approximate of 1 / x
double recest = math.reciprocalestimate(5);
console.writeline($"reciprocal estimate = {recest}");

// computes an approximate of 1 / sqrt(x)
double recsqrtest = math.reciprocalsqrtestimate(5);
console.writeline($"reciprocal sqrt estimate = {recsqrtest}");

// new overloads
// min, max, abs, clamp and sign supports nint and nuint
(nint a, nint b) = (5, 10);
nint min = math.min(a, b);
nint max = math.max(a, b);
nint abs = math.abs(a);
nint clamp = math.clamp(abs, min, max);
nint sign = math.sign(a);
console.writeline($"min = {min}\nmax = {max}\nabs = {abs}");
console.writeline($"clamp = {clamp}\nsign = {sign}");

// divrem variants return a tuple
(int quotient, int remainder) = math.divrem(2, 7);
console.writeline($"quotient = {quotient}\nremainder = {remainder}");

// output:
// sin = 0.9999996829318346
// cos = 0.0007963267107331026
// reciprocal estimate = 0.2
// reciprocal sqrt estimate = 0.4472135954999579
// min = 5
// max = 10
// abs = 5
// clamp = 5
// sign = 1
// quotient = 0
// remainder = 2


这个是在字典中循环或者修改结可变结构体时用, 可以减少结构的副本复制, 也可以避免字典重复进行哈希计算,这个有点晦涩难懂,有兴趣的可以看看这个


dictionary<int, mystruct> dictionary = new()
    { 1, new mystruct { count = 100 } }

int key = 1;
ref mystruct value = ref collectionsmarshal.getvaluerefornullref(dictionary, key);
// returns unsafe.nullref<tvalue>() if it doesn't exist; check using unsafe.isnullref(ref value)
if (!unsafe.isnullref(ref value))
    console.writeline(value.count); // output: 100

    // mutate in-place
    console.writeline(value.count); // output: 101

struct mystruct
    public int count { get; set; }


ihostbuilder 上的新 configurehostoptions api, 可以更简单的配置应用。

public class program
    public static void main(string[] args)

    public static ihostbuilder createhostbuilder(string[] args) =>
            .configurehostoptions(o =>
                o.shutdowntimeout = timespan.fromminutes(10);

async scope

.net 6 引入了一种新的createasyncscope方法, 当您处理 iasyncdisposable 的服务时现有的createscope方法会引发异常, 使用 createasyncscope 可以完美解决。

await using var provider = new servicecollection()

await using (var scope = provider.createasyncscope())
    var example = scope.serviceprovider.getrequiredservice<example>();

class example : iasyncdisposable
    public valuetask disposeasync() => default;


  • decryptcbc
  • decryptcfb
  • decryptecb
  • encryptcbc
  • encryptcfb
  • encryptecb
static byte[] decrypt(byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] ciphertext)
    using (aes aes = aes.create())
        aes.key = key;
        return aes.decryptcbc(ciphertext, iv, paddingmode.pkcs7);

到此这篇关于.net 6新增的20个api介绍的文章就介绍到这了。希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持。