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笨办法学Python 3 习题5

程序员文章站 2022-06-15 18:41:42


my_name = 'Zed A. Shaw'
my_age = 35 # not a lie
my_height = 74 # inches
my_weight = 180 # lbs
my_eyes = 'Blue'
my_teeth = 'White'
my_hair = 'Brown'

print(f"Let's talk about {my_name}.")
print(f"He's {my_height} inches tall.")
print(f"He's {my_weight} pounds heavy.")
print("Actually that's not too heavy.")
print(f"He's got {my_eyes} eyes and {my_hair} hair.")
print(f"His teeth are usually {my_teeth} depending on the coffee.")

# this line is tricky, try to get it exactly right
total = my_age + my_height + my_weight
print(f"If I add {my_age}, {my_height}, and {my_weight} I get {total}.")


PS E:\lpthw> python .\ex5.py
Let's talk about Zed A. Shaw.
He's 74 inches tall.
He's 180 pounds heavy.
Actually that's not too heavy.
He's got Blue eyes and Brown hair.
His teeth are usually White depending on the coffee.
If I add 35, 74, and 180 I get 289.
PS E:\lpthw>

1 用f、引号和{}的组合,可以创建嵌入变量内容的字符串
2 尝试了一下,使用单引号也可以;引号中没有{}(变量)也可以

print(f'test {my_age}')
test 35
相关标签: python