2022-06-15 15:29:22
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1.copy(str,pos,num) 从str字符串的pos处开始,截取num个字符的串返回. 假设str为'abcdef',copy(str,3,2)='cd',copy(str,4,10)='def' 2.concat(str1,str2{,strn}) 把各自变量连接起来,返回连接后的字符串(长度不能超过255) 3.length(str) 返回str的字符个数,即其长度. 4.pos(obj,target) 在target字符串中找出第一个出现obj的第一个字符位置,如果找不到,返回0. 5.ansistrlastchar('你好')结果是“好”。如果有半个汉字出现,返回这半个汉字。二者字符串长度分别为2和1。 6.comparestr - 区分大小写 7.comparetext - 不区分大小写 8.stringreplace(const s, oldpattern, newpattern: string;flags: treplaceflags): string; 字符串替换函数,需要引用sysutils单元 rfreplaceall:全部替换 rfignorecase:忽略大小写 使用方法lg: str:='01231142211 :655767';//需要把:替换成---- s:=stringreplace(str,':','----',[rfreplaceall]); for example: var astr: string; begin astr := 'this is a book, not a pen!'; showmessage(stringreplace (astr, 'a', 'two', [])); //this is two book, not a pen!只替换了第一个符合的字 showmessage(stringreplace (astr, 'a', 'two', [rfreplaceall])); //this is two book, not two pen!替换了所有符合的字 astr := 'this is a book, not a pen!'; showmessage(stringreplace (astr, 'a', 'two', [rfreplaceall])); //this is two book, not a pen!只替换了符合的字(小写a) showmessage(stringreplace (astr, 'a', 'two', [rfreplaceall, rfignorecase])); //this is two book, not two pen!不管大小写替换了所有符合的字 end; 9.delete 是删除一个 字符串中的 某部分字符 用法是 delete(str,//被删除的字符串 index,//从第几个字符开始删除 count //删除几个 ); delete(s, 2, 2); 就是从s中的第二个开始删除,删除2个字符即2、3.所以结果是145. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// leftstr, midstr, rightstr的介绍 这几个函数都包含在strutils中,所以需要uses strutils; 假设字符串是 dstr := ’delphi is the best’, 那么 leftstr(dstr, 5) := ’delph’ midstr(dstr, 6, 7) := ’i is th’ rightstr(dstr, 6) := ’e best’ 8.{判断字符是否是数字} function isdigit(ch: char): boolean; begin result := ch in ['0'..'9']; end; 9、{判断字符是否是大写字符} function isupper(ch: char): boolean; begin result := ch in ['a'..'z']; end; 10、{判断字符是否是小写字符} function islower(ch: char): boolean; begin result := ch in ['a'..'z']; end; 11、{转换为大写字符} function toupper(ch: char): char; begin result := chr(ord(ch) and $df); end; 12、{转换为小写字符} function tolower(ch: char): char; begin result := chr(ord(ch) or $20); end; { capitalizes first letter of every word in s } function proper(const s: string): string; var i: integer; capitalizenextletter: boolean; begin result := lowercase(s); capitalizenextletter := true; for i := 1 to length(result) do begin if capitalizenextletter and islower(result[i]) then result[i] := toupper(result[i]); capitalizenextletter := result[i] = ' '; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13.{返回两个子字符串之间字符的个数} function p2pcount( s, ss1, ss2 : string ): integer; var i, j, slen : integer; begin i := pos( ss1, s ); j := pos( ss2, s ); slen := length(ss2); if j >= i then result := j - i + slen else result := 0; end; 14.{更快速的字符查询,快40%} function scanstr(toscan: pchar; sign: char):pchar; begin result:= nil; if toscan <> nil then while (toscan^ <> #0) do begin if toscan^ = sign then begin result:= toscan; break; end; inc(toscan); end; end; ///////////////////////////// 15.替换字符串中子串的函数,他可以从字符串中找出指定子串,并替换为另一子串。 function replacing(s,source,target:string):string; var site,strlen:integer; begin {source在s中出现的位置} site:=pos(source,s); {source的长度} strlen:=length(source); {删除source字符串} delete(s,site,strlen); {插入target字符串到s中} insert(target,s,site); {返回新串} replacing:=s; end; /////////////////////// 另两个替换字符串中子串的函数 function repl_substr( sub1, sub2, s: string ): string; var i: integer; begin repeat i := pos( sub1, s ) ; if i > 0 then begin delete( s, i, length(sub1)); insert( sub2, s, i ); end; until i < 1; result := s; end; function replacetext(const s,replacepiece,replacewith: string):string; var position: integer; tempstr: string; begin position := pos(replacepiece,s); if position > 0 then begin tempstr := s; delete(tempstr,1,position-1+length(replacepiece)); result := copy(s,1,position-1)+replacewith+replacetext(tempstr,replacepiece,replacewith) end else result := s; end; //////////////////////// 替换全部子字符串的函数 function replacesub(str, sub1, sub2: string): string; var apos: integer; rslt: string; begin apos := pos(sub1, str); rslt := ''; while (apos <> 0) do begin rslt := rslt + copy(str, 1, apos - 1) + sub2; delete(str, 1, apos + length(sub1)); apos := pos(sub1, str); end; result := rslt + str; end; ///////////////////////// 在字符串左右填充指定数量的指定字符 function ut_padstring(instring :string; maxlength :integer; padchar :char; left :boolean) :string; begin result := instring; while (length(result) < maxlength) do if (left) then result := padchar + result else result := result + padchar; end; ///////////////////////////////////// 提取字符串中指定子字符串前的字符串 function before ( string ; var s:string ) : string ; < /span> var f : word ; begin f := pos (src,s) ; if f=0 then before := s else before := copy(s,1,f-1) ; end ; ////////////////////////////////// 提取字符串中指定子字符串后的字符串 function after ( string ; var s:string ) : string ; < /span> var f : word ; begin f := pos (src,s) ; if f=0 then after := '' else after := copy(s,f+length(src),length(s)) ; end ; //////////////////////////////////// 判断字符串是否可以转换为整数 function isintstr(const s: string): boolean; begin result:=strtointdef(s,0)=strtointdef(s,1); end; ////////////////////////////////////// 从字符串中删除指定字符串 procedure removeinvalid(what, where: string): string; var tstr: string; begin tstr:=where; while pos(what, tstr)>0 do tstr:=copy(tstr,1,pos(what,tstr)-1) + copy(tstr,pos(what,tstr)+length(tstr),length(tstr)); result:=tstr; end; 用法: newstr:=removeinvalid('<invalid>','this <invalid> is my string and i wan to remove the word <invalid>'); /////////////////////////////////////////// 根据某个字符分割字符串的函数 procedure separateterms(s : string;separator : char;terms : tstringlist); { this browses a string and divide it into terms whenever the given separator is found. the separators will be removed } var hs : string; p : integer; begin terms.clear; // first remove all remaining terms if length(s)=0 then // nothin' to separate exit; p:=pos(separator,s); while p<>0 do begin hs:=copy(s,1,p-1); // copy term terms.add(hs); // add to list delete(s,1,p); // remove term and separator p:=pos(separator,s); // search next separator end; if length(s)>0 then terms.add(s); // add remaining term end; ========== = 用 法 ========== var terms : tstringlist; i : integer; const teststr = '1st term;2nd term;3rd term'; begin terms:=tstringlist.create; separateterms(teststr,';',terms); for i:=0 to terms.count-1 do showmessage(terms.strings[i]);; end; ///////////////////////////// 根据一组字符分割字符串的函数 type charset = set of char; var f : text; s : string; procedure writestringsplitted(var s: string; separators: charset); var a,e : integer; {anfang und ende des w鰎tchens} begin a := 1; for e := 1 to length(s) do if s[e] in separators then begin writeln(copy(s, a, e-a)); a := e + 1; end; writeln(copy(s, a, e-a+1)); end; begin assign(f, 'c:/dingsbums/text.txt'); reset(f); while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s); writestringsplitted(s, [':', ',']); end; close(f); end. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultstring = hextobin(hexstring) { 目的 : 把十六进制字符串转换为二进制字符串 { {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultinteger = hexchartoint(hexchar) { 目的 : 转换一个十六进制字符为整数 {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultstring = hexchartobin(hexchar) { 目的 : 转换一个十六进制字符为二进制字符串 {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultinteger = pow(base,power) { 目的 : 指数函数 {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultinteger = binstrtoint(binstring) { 目的 : 把二进制字符串转换为整数 {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultstring = decodesms7bit (pdustring) { 目的 : 解码一个7-bit sms (gsm 03.38) 为ascii码 {===============================================================} { 函数 : resultstring = reversestr (sourcestring) { 目的 : 反转一个字符串 {===============================================================} unit binhextools; interface function hextobin(hexnr : string): string; function hexchartoint(hextoken : char):integer; function hexchartobin(hextoken : char): string; function pow(base, power: integer): integer; function binstrtoint(binstr : string) : integer; function decodesms7bit(pdu : string):string; function reversestr(sourcestr : string) : string; implementation uses sysutils, dialogs; function hexchartoint(hextoken : char):integer; begin {if hextoken>#97 then hextoken:=chr(ord(hextoken)-32); { use lowercase aswell } result:=0; if (hextoken>#47) and (hextoken<#58) then { chars 0....9 } result:=ord(hextoken)-48 else if (hextoken>#64) and (hextoken<#71) then { chars a....f } result:=ord(hextoken)-65 + 10; end; function hexchartobin(hextoken : char): string; var divleft : integer; begin divleft:=hexchartoint(hextoken); { first hex->bin } result:=''; { use reverse dividing } repeat { trick; divide by 2 } if odd(divleft) then { result = odd ? then bit = 1 } result:='1'+result { result = even ? then bit = 0 } else result:='0'+result; divleft:=divleft div 2; { keep dividing till 0 left and length = 4 } until (divleft=0) and (length(result)=4); { 1 token = nibble = 4 bits } end; function hextobin(hexnr : string): string; { only stringsize is limit of binnr } var counter : integer; begin result:=''; for counter:=1 to length(hexnr) do result:=result+hexchartobin(hexnr[counter]); end; function pow(base, power: integer): integer; var counter : integer; begin result:=1; for counter:=1 to power do result:=result*base; end; function binstrtoint(binstr : string) : integer; var counter : integer; begin if length(binstr)>16 then raise erangeerror.create(#13+binstr+#13+ 'is not within the valid range of a 16 bit binary.'+#13); result:=0; for counter:=1 to length(binstr) do if binstr[counter]='1' then result:=result+pow(2,length(binstr)-counter); end; function decodesms7bit(pdu : string):string; var octetstr : string; octetbin : string; charbin : string; prevoctet: string; counter : integer; counter2 : integer; begin prevoctet:=''; result:=''; for counter:=1 to length(pdu) do begin if length(prevoctet)>=7 then { if 7 bit overflow on previous } begin if binstrtoint(prevoctet)<>0 then result:=result+chr(binstrtoint(prevoctet)) else result:=result+' '; prevoctet:=''; end; if odd(counter) then { only take two nibbles at a time } begin octetstr:=copy(pdu,counter,2); octetbin:=hextobin(octetstr); charbin:=''; for counter2:=1 to length(prevoctet) do charbin:=charbin+prevoctet[counter2]; for counter2:=1 to 7-length(prevoctet) do charbin:=octetbin[8-counter2+1]+charbin; if binstrtoint(charbin)<>0 then result:=result+chr(binstrtoint(charbin)) else result:=result+' '; prevoctet:=copy(octetbin,1,length(prevoctet)+1); end; end; end; function reversestr(sourcestr : string) : string; var counter : integer; begin result:=''; for counter:=1 to length(sourcestr) do result:=sourcestr[counter]+result; end; end.
上一篇: 冬至吃汤圆的由来