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Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

程序员文章站 2022-06-15 14:06:07
Google I/O 2021结束了, 都有什么精彩内容呢? Android部分的Playlist附上: Android & Play at Google I/O 2021 Developer Keynote (Google I/O '21) 对于Android的部分来说, 主要是: Android ......

google i/o 2021结束了, 都有什么精彩内容呢?
android部分的playlist附上: android & play at google i/o 2021

developer keynote (google i/o '21)

对于android的部分来说, 主要是:

android 12

  • user safety.
  • performance; improved app startup; customizable launch animations.
  • user experience; widgets.

create beautiful apps, easier


  • android studio的升级.
  • kotlin: kotlin symbol processing.
  • jetpack: 各种libraries和compose.

build across screens.

  • 各种屏幕.
  • voice.
  • watches: health services.

the top 3 things to know in modern android development | android @ google i/o'21

android开发的三个top topic:

  • jetpack: 一系列的jetpack libraries发布了新版.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

  • tooling: android studio的升级, 有了workmanager inspector, ui的inspector支持了view和compose.
  • kotlin.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

what's new in android | keynote

android 12 -> s.

  • @deprecated -> deprecated.
  • color.
  • widgets.
  • launch animations: 系统自带启动动画, 可以定制.
  • notifications: 新的template style; trampoline(?) 优化点开notification的那个短暂延迟.
  • toasts: 带icon, 说明是哪个app弹的toasts; 控制个数.
  • picture in picture的改善.
  • imageview有个setrendereffect可以模糊照片了.
  • 可以用theme定制模糊.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

  • list的弹力拉伸效果. (我自己起的名字, 其实人家叫stretch overscroll).
  • graphics: avif. 可以过滤支持的media类型.
  • privacy: 关于permission的一些改进; 剪贴板内容会有toast说明来源; foreground restrictions.

what’s new in android development tools | session

android studio版本号设计.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

  • preview工具可以设置横屏, 定制尺寸, 显示blueprints, play animation. compose的preview有交互模式.
  • accessibility test framework scanner.
  • 适配多种屏幕: layout validation.
  • 折叠屏, 手表.
  • 模拟器还可以模拟heart rate.
  • snapshots test.
  • workmanager的tasks.
  • migrate to non-transitive r classes...

what’s new in jetpack | session


  • experimental annotations -> stable.
  • camerax -> stable.
  • appsearch -> alpha.
  • datastore -> 用来取代sharedpreferences.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

  • security crypto -> stable.
  • hilt -> stable.
  • workmanager -> stable. (android studio也推出了新的workmanager inspector.)
  • room -> stable.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

  • constraintlayout -> stable. motionlayout + motion editor.
  • fragment -> stable.
    (详见release notes:
    重建了fragmentmanager; 新增了get result的callback; 废弃了一些api, 并且fragment strictmode可以检测项目中是否还在使用.
  • navigation -> alpha. 现在支持多个backstacks.
  • google shortcuts -> alpha.
  • emojicompat -> alpha. (appcompat 1.4.0以后默认包含.)
  • paging -> stable.
  • macrobenchmark -> alpha. (app启动和滚动效率; local/ci.)
  • compose integrations.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

what's new in jetpack compose | session

为什么我们需要一个全新的ui toolkit呢. -> 为了适应更加现代化的开发方式.

faster & easier.



Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容
ui完全由参数控制. -> single source of truth. 没有其他的状态需要sync.


Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

  • you completely describe your ui for a given state.
  • the framework updates your ui when the state changes.

这里有个图, 推荐viewmodel暴露一个screen状态, 集中管理, 然后下发到每个composable.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容


compose实现了material design, 提供了组件, 还有theming system.

有一个owl app的实现解说.


Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

state of kotlin on android | session

  • kotlin变得越来越流行, 不仅app, 还有server.
  • kotlin symbol processing目前发布了alpha.
  • 编译器的升级.
  • 好多好多的ktx库.
  • protobuf的支持:
  • coroutines的debugger -> coming soon. 可以在线程之间跳转, 查看信息.

what’s new in android gradle plugin | session

new apis in the android gradle plugin

using jetpack libraries in compose | session

jetpack compose和jetpack中其他库可以很好的结合使用.

Google I/O 2021 Android精华内容

top 12 tips to get ready for android 12 | session

getting ready for android 12.

  • developer options -> app compatibility changes.
  • foreground services were designed for multi-tasking and completing a user action. -> 从后台启动foreground services将被限制.
  • expedited jobs with workmanager apis.
  • user may turn off the mic and camera sensors using mic and camera toggles.
  • apps that have not been used for an extended period will be hibernated. (permissions, storage, services)
  • nearby device permission. decouple bluetooth scanning from location.
  • mac address restriction.
  • safe component exporting. 有intent filter就必须显式声明exported.
  • custom notifications deprecation.
  • app link improvements.
  • webview samesite.
  • new stretch overscroll.