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程序员文章站 2022-06-14 17:25:38
本文实例讲述了c#使用控制台列出当前所有可用打印机列表的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: // the initial c# code for the wm...


// the initial c# code for the wmi query was generated by wmi code
//generator, version 5.00, http://www.robvanderwoude.com/wmigen.php
using system;
using system.management;
using system.collections;
namespace robvanderwoude
 public class listprinters
  public static int main( string[] args )
    string computer = string.empty;
    #region command line parsing
    // only 1 optional argument allowed: a remote computer name
    if ( args.length > 1 )
     throw new exception( "invalid command line arguments" );
    if ( args.length == 1 )
     // we'll display a 'friendly' message if help was requested
     if ( args[0].startswith( "/" ) || args[0].startswith( "-" ) )
      switch ( args[0].toupper( ) )
       case "/?":
       case "-?":
       case "/h":
       case "-h":
       case "--h":
       case "/help":
       case "-help":
       case "--help":
        return writeerror( string.empty );
        return writeerror( "invalid command line argument" );
      computer = "\\\\" + args[0] + "\\";
    string wmins = computer + "root\\cimv2";
    managementobjectsearcher searcher = new managementobjectsearcher( wmins, "select * from win32_printer" );
    arraylist printers = new arraylist( );
    foreach ( managementobject queryobj in searcher.get( ) )
     printers.add( queryobj["deviceid"] );
    printers.sort( );
    foreach ( string printer in printers )
     console.writeline( printer );
    return 0;
   catch ( exception e )
    return writeerror( e );
  public static int writeerror( exception e )
   return writeerror( e == null ? null : e.message );
  public static int writeerror( string errormessage )
   string fullpath = environment.getcommandlineargs( ).getvalue( 0 ).tostring( );
   string[] program = fullpath.split( '\\' );
   string exename = program[program.getupperbound( 0 )];
   exename = exename.substring( 0, exename.indexof( '.' ) );
   if ( string.isnullorempty( errormessage ) == false )
    console.error.writeline( );
    console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.red;
    console.error.write( "error: " );
    console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
    console.error.writeline( errormessage );
    console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( exename + ", version 1.10" );
   console.error.writeline( "list all local printers on the specified computer" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.write( "usage: " );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.white;
   console.error.write( exename.toupper( ) );
   console.error.writeline( " [ computername ]" );
   console.resetcolor( );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "where: 'computername' is the (optional) name of a remote computer" );
   console.error.writeline( " (default if not specified: local computer)" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "written by rob van der woude" );
   return 1;
