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Oracle ORA_ROWSCN 伪列 说明

程序员文章站 2022-06-14 14:06:46

也就是说,使用表的默认创建参数,即norowdependencies时,此时的ora_rawscn 取自data block header的SCN,那么这时候,对于同一

一. 官网对该伪列的说明



Foreach row, ORA_ROWSCN returns the conservative upper bound system change number(SCN) of the most recent change to the row in the current session. Thispseudocolumn is useful for determining approximately when a row was lastupdated.

Itis not absolutely precise, because Oracle tracks SCNs by transaction committedfor the block in which the row resides. You can obtain a more fine-grainedapproximation of the SCN by creating your tables with row-level dependencytracking. Refer to CREATE TABLE ... for more information on row-level dependency tracking.

ROWDEPENDENCIESSpecify ROWDEPENDENCIES if you want to enable row-level dependency tracking.This setting is useful primarily to allow for parallel propagation inreplication environments. It increases the size of each row by 6 bytes.

NOROWDEPENDENCIESSpecify NOROWDEPENDENCIES if you do not want table to use the row-leveldependency tracking feature. This is the default.

也就是说,使用表的默认创建参数,即norowdependencies时,此时的ora_rawscn 取自data block header的SCN,那么这时候,对于同一个block里的row而言,他们的ora_rowscn 是一样的。

而在创建table时指定为rowdependencies时,那么会为每行row 保存一个ora_rowscn. 这样对于同一个block里的row,会有多个ora_rowscn 值。通过dump block,可以发现每个row 会多出一个dscn的信息,该信息就是用来保存ora_rowscn的。


tab 0, row 1, @0×1f88
tl: 12 fb: –H-FL– lb: 0×2 cc: 1
dscn 0×0000.00000000

tab 0, row 1, @0×1f88
tl: 12 fb: –H-FL– lb: 0×0 cc: 1
dscn 0×0005.105a6cc1

这是同一个row的dump 信息,第一次dscn 为0. 此时信息是从itl的Scn/Fsc中获得的,当itl发生cleanout时会把Scn/Fsc刷到dscn,就是上面的第二段信息。具体这块后面会实验证明。

关于block dump 和 itl 说明,参考:

Oracle datafile block 格式 说明

Orace ITL(InterestedTransaction List) 说明

You cannot use this pseudocolumn in a query to a view.However, you can use it to refer to the underlying table when creating a view.You can also use this pseudocolumn in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETEstatement.


ORA_ROWSCN is not supported for Flashback Query.Instead, use the version query pseudocolumns, which are provided explicitly forFlashback Query. Refer to the SELECT ... for information on Flashback Query and for additional information on thosepseudocolumns.

--ora_rowscn 不支持Flashbackquery。

Restriction on ORA_ROWSCN: This pseudocolumn is notsupported for external tables.

--ora_rowscn 不支持外部表


Thefirst statement below uses the ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn to get the system changenumber of the last operation on the employees table.


FROM employees

WHERE employee_id = 188;

--使用ORA_ROWSCN获取该row 最后一次更新时的SCN

The second statement uses the pseudocolumnwith the SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP function to determine the timestamp of the operation:


FROM employees

WHERE employee_id = 188;

--使用SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP 和 ORA_ROWSCN,获取最后一次修改row的时间


ORA_ROWSCN伪列是Oracle10g引入的,可以查询表中记录最后变更的SCN。这个新的伪列在某些环境下会非常有用,比如执行乐观锁定,或者增量数据抽取的时候。但是,默认情况下,每行记录的ORA_ROWSCN是基于Block的,除非在建表的时候执行开启行级跟踪(createtable … rowdependencies)。

2.1 乐观锁和ORA_ROWSCN

需要select ... for update做悲观锁定的时候,,通过使用ORA_ROWSCN可以改成乐观锁定。一开始select数据的时候将ORA_ROWSCN查出来,修改后如果要写回数据库之前再比对下最新的ORA_ROWSCN就可以知道这期间数据是否有发生变化。

2.2 增量数据抽取和ORA_ROWSCN




Oracle ORA_ROWSCN 伪列 说明