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MYSQL is marked as crashed and should be repaired解决办法

程序员文章站 2022-06-12 19:51:48

本文章总结了关于MYSQL is marked as crashed and should be repaired解决办法,有需要的朋友可参考一下。






代码如下 复制代码
myisamchk -c -r d:mysqldataabc.MYI



/etc/init.d/mysql stopDann kann man sich mit dem Brachial-Tool ans Werk machen:

hist-web:/var/lib/mysql/wsu# myisamchk smt_stats.MYI
Checking MyISAM file: smt_stats.MYI
Data records: 139144 Deleted blocks: 0
myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
- check file-size
myisamchk: error: Size of datafile is: 10473472 Should be: 10473480
- check record delete-chain
- check key delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
myisamchk: error: Found 139145 keys of 139144
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Recordlink that points outside datafile at 10473420
MyISAM-table 'smt_stats.MYI' is corrupted
Fix it using switch "-r" or "-o"Ich tat, wie mir befohlen wurde:

hist-web:/var/lib/mysql/wsu# myisamchk -r smt_stats.MYI
- recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table 'smt_stats.MYI'
Data records: 139144
- Fixing index 1
Found block that points outside data file at 10473420Zur Sicherheit überprüfte ich die Tabelle erneut:

hist-web:/var/lib/mysql/wsu# myisamchk smt_stats.MYI
Checking MyISAM file: smt_stats.MYI
Data records: 139144 Deleted blocks: 0
- check file-size
- check record delete-chain
- check key delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check record linksDa alles wieder rosig aussah, konnte man MySQL wieder hochfahren:

/etc/init.d/mysql start