php mysql数据库操作分页类_PHP教程
2022-06-12 13:37:41
复制代码 代码如下:
* mysql数据库 分页类
* @package pagelist
* @author yytcpt(无影)
* @version 2008-03-27
* @copyrigth
* 分页样式
.page{float: left;font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding:6px 0; margin: 0px 10%; margin-top: 10px;}
.page a, .page strong{padding: 2px 6px; border: solid 1px #ddd; background: #fff; text-decoration: none;}
.page a:visited{padding: 2px 6px; border: solid 1px #ddd; background: #fff; text-decoration: none;}
.page .break{padding: 2px 6px; border: none; background: #fff; text-decoration: none;}
.page strong{padding: 2px 6px; border-color: #999; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; vertical-align: top; background: #fff;}
.page a:hover{color: #fff; background: #0063DC; border-color: #036; text-decoration: none;}
.page a:hover div{color: #FFF;cursor: pointer !important;cursor: hand;}
class pagelist{
var $page; //分页页码
var $sql; //分页sql
var $img_path; //图标路径
var $img; //图标名称
var $img_btn; //图标地址
var $page_size; //设置每页显示条数
var $num_btn; //设置数字分页的显示个数
var $total_pages; //一共分多少页
var $total_records; //一共有多少条记录
var $url;
var $table;
var $new_sql; //指定的SQL语句
var $db;
function __construct(){
global $db;
$this->db = $db;
$tmp_page = intval(trim($_GET["page"]));
$this->page = empty($tmp_page)?1:$tmp_page;
$this->page_size = 20;
$this->num_btn = 9;
$this->img_path = '/images/';
$this->img = array("ico_first.gif", "ico_front.gif", "ico_next.gif", "ico_last.gif");
function set_table(){
$this->table["tablename"] = "";
$this->table["id"] = "id";
$this->table["orderby"] = $this->table["id"];
$this->table["descasc"] = "DESC";
$this->table["fileds"] = "*";
$this->table["where"] = "";
function set_img(){
$this->img_btn[0] = "";
$this->img_btn[1] = "";
$this->img_btn[2] = "";
$this->img_btn[3] = "";
function set_show_page(){
$this->set_img(); //设置翻页图片路径
if ($this->total_recordspage_size){
$this->total_pages = 1;
$this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_records/$this->page_size);
if ($this->page>$this->total_pages){
$this->page = $this->total_pages;
function show_first_prv(){
if ($this->page==1){
$str = "".$this->img_btn[0]." ".$this->img_btn[1]."";
$str = "".$this->img_btn[0]." "; //此处1为首页,page值为1
$str.= "".$this->img_btn[1]."";
return $str;
function show_next_last(){
if ($this->page>=$this->total_pages){
$str = "".$this->img_btn[2]." ".$this->img_btn[3]."";
$str = "".$this->img_btn[2]." ";
$str.= "".$this->img_btn[3]."";
return $str;
function show_num_text(){
$str = " 转到第 页 ";
$str.= "url."'+document.getElementById('go_num_text').value;\" style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;'>[Go]";
return $str;
function show_num_select(){
if ($this->total_pages $str = " ";
$str = "";
return $str;
function show_num_btn(){
if ($this->page>=1 and $this->pagetotal_pages){
$tmp_p = ($this->num_btn-1)/2;
if (($this->page - $tmp_p) $start_p = 1;
if (($this->page-$tmp_p)>$this->num_btn and ($this->page-$tmp_p)>($this->total_pages - $this->num_btn+1)){
$start_p = $this->total_pages - $this->num_btn + 1;
$start_p = $this->page - $tmp_p;
if (($this->page+$tmp_p) total_pages){
$end_p = ($this->page + $tmp_p)num_btn?$this->num_btn:($this->page + $tmp_p);
if ($end_p>$this->total_pages){
$end_p = $this->total_pages;
$end_p = $this->total_pages;
$str = "";
for ($i=$start_p; $i if ($i==$this->page){
$str.= " ".$i." ";
$str.= " ".$i." ";
return $str;
function show_page_info(){
$str = " 共".$this->total_records."条/".$this->total_pages."页";
return $str;
function show_page(){
if ($this->total_records $this->set_show_page();
$str = $this->total_pages>1 ? $this->show_first_prv().$this->show_num_btn().$this->show_next_last().$this->show_page_info().$this->show_num_text():"";
return $str;
function set_total_pages(){
$this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_records/$this->page_size);
function set_total_records(){
if ($this->total_records==0 or !isset($this->total_records)){
if (empty($this->count_sql) and !empty($this->table["tablename"])){
$sql = "SELECT count(".$this->table["id"].") as count_id FROM `".$this->table["tablename"]."` ".($this->table["where"]!=""?" WHERE ".$this->table["where"]:"");
$sql = preg_replace("/SELECT(.*?)FROM(.*?)/i", "SELECT count(id) AS count_id FROM\\2", $this->sql);
$arr = $this->db->row_query_one($sql);
$this->total_records = $arr["count_id"];
* 根据sql返回查询数据
* 指定$sql时,不必指定limit
function get_rows_by_sql($sql){
$this->sql = $sql." LIMIT ".$this->page_size*($this->page-1).", ".$this->page_size; //指定的SQL;
return $this->db->row_query($this->sql);
* 最常用的分页方法,只需要传3个参数
* $tablename 表名, $where 查询条件, $orderby 排序字段(默认以id倒序排列)
function get_rows($tablename, $where="", $orderby=""){
$this->table["tablename"] = $tablename;
$this->table["where"] = $where;
$orderby ? $this->table["orderby"] = $orderby : "";
$arr = array(
"page" => $this->show_page(), //分页代码
"rows" => $this->get_rows_by_sql(), //记录数
"sum" => $this->total_records, //总记录数
return $arr;
* 特殊查询,$sql_query 查询sql语句, $row_count 统计总数
function get_rows_sql($sql_query, $row_count=0) {
$this->total_records = $row_count;
$arr["rows"] = $this->get_rows_by_sql($sql_query);
$arr["page"] = $this->show_page();
$arr["sum"] = $this->total_records;
return $arr;
function get_sql(){
if ($this->total_records>10000) {
$this->sql = "SELECT ".$this->table["fileds"]." FROM `".$this->table["tablename"]."` ".($this->table["where"]!=""?" WHERE ".$this->table["where"].' AND '.$this->table["id"].'>=':' WHERE '.$this->table["id"].'>=').'(SELECT '.$this->table["id"].' FROM `'.$this->table["tablename"].'` ORDER BY '.$this->table["id"].' LIMIT '.$this->page_size*($this->page-1).', 1)'." ORDER BY ".$this->table["orderby"]." ".$this->table["descasc"]." LIMIT ".$this->page_size;
$this->sql = "SELECT ".$this->table["fileds"]." FROM `".$this->table["tablename"]."` ".($this->table["where"]!=""?" WHERE ".$this->table["where"]:"")." ORDER BY ".$this->table["orderby"]." ".$this->table["descasc"]." LIMIT ".$this->page_size*($this->page-1).", ".$this->page_size;
//SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 20
//SELECT * FROM articles WHERE category_id = 123 AND id >= (SELECT id FROM articles ORDER BY id LIMIT 10000, 1) LIMIT 10
return $this->sql; //SQL语句
function set_url(){
$arr_url = array();
parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $arr_url);
if (empty($arr_url)){
$str = "page=";
$str = http_build_query($arr_url)."&page=";
$this->url = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?".$str;
复制代码 代码如下:
$db_config["hostname"] = ""; //服务器地址
$db_config["username"] = "root"; //数据库用户名
$db_config["password"] = "root"; //数据库密码
$db_config["database"] = "wap_blueidea_com"; //数据库名称
$db_config["charset"] = "utf8";
$config["charset"] = "utf-8"; //网站编码
$db = new db();
$pl = new pagelist();
$arr = $pl->get_rows('table_name');
echo '
echo '
//指定特殊 sql 时候
$pl = new pagelist();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `wap_article` AS a, `wap_article_info` AS b WHERE';
$arr = $pl->get_rows_sql($sql);
echo '
echo '
上一篇: 一个复杂函数的了解为啥就这么难