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asp 判断是否为搜索引擎蜘蛛的代码

程序员文章站 2022-06-11 13:18:05
复制代码 代码如下: <% function getbot() '查询蜘蛛 dim s_agent getbot="" s_agent=req...

复制代码 代码如下:

function getbot()
dim s_agent
s_agent=request.servervariables("http_user_agent") ‘关键判断语句
if instr(1,s_agent,"googlebot",1) >0 then
end if
if instr(1,s_agent,"msnbot",1) >0 then
end if
if instr(1,s_agent,"slurp",1) >0 then
end if
if instr(1,s_agent,"baiduspider",1) >0 then
end if
if instr(1,s_agent,"sohu-search",1) >0 then
end if
if instr(1,s_agent,"lycos",1) >0 then
end if
if instr(1,s_agent,"robozilla",1) >0 then
end if
end function
if getbot="baidu" then
elseif getbot="google" then
'给google 定制的内容
end if

复制代码 代码如下:

class systeminfo_cls
public browser, version, platform, issearch, alexatoolbar
private sub class_initialize()
dim agent, tmpstr
issearch = false
if not isempty(session("systeminfo_cls")) then
tmpstr = split(session("systeminfo_cls"), "|||")
browser = tmpstr(0)
version = tmpstr(1)
platform = tmpstr(2)
alexatoolbar = tmpstr(4)
if tmpstr(3) = "1" then
issearch = true
end if
exit sub
end if
browser = "unknown"
version = "unknown"
platform = "unknown"
agent = request.servervariables("http_user_agent")
if instr(agent, "alexa toolbar") > 0 then
alexatoolbar = "yes"
alexatoolbar = "no"
end if
if left(agent, 7) = "mozilla" then '有此标识为浏览器
agent = split(agent, ";")
if instr(agent(1), "msie") > 0 then
browser = "internet explorer "
version = trim(left(replace(agent(1), "msie", ""), 6))
elseif instr(agent(4), "netscape") > 0 then
browser = "netscape "
tmpstr = split(agent(4), "/")
version = tmpstr(ubound(tmpstr))
elseif instr(agent(4), "rv:") > 0 then
browser = "mozilla "
tmpstr = split(agent(4), ":")
version = tmpstr(ubound(tmpstr))
if instr(version, ")") > 0 then
tmpstr = split(version, ")")
version = tmpstr(0)
end if
end if
if instr(agent(2), "nt 5.2") > 0 then
platform = "windows 2003"
elseif instr(agent(2), "windows ce") > 0 then
platform = "windows ce"
elseif instr(agent(2), "nt 5.1") > 0 then
platform = "windows xp"
elseif instr(agent(2), "nt 4.0") > 0 then
platform = "windows nt"
elseif instr(agent(2), "nt 5.0") > 0 then
platform = "windows 2000"
elseif instr(agent(2), "nt") > 0 then
platform = "windows nt"
elseif instr(agent(2), "9x") > 0 then
platform = "windows me"
elseif instr(agent(2), "98") > 0 then
platform = "windows 98"
elseif instr(agent(2), "95") > 0 then
platform = "windows 95"
elseif instr(agent(2), "win32") > 0 then
platform = "win32"
elseif instr(agent(2), "linux") > 0 then
platform = "linux"
elseif instr(agent(2), "sunos") > 0 then
platform = "sunos"
elseif instr(agent(2), "mac") > 0 then
platform = "mac"
elseif ubound(agent) > 2 then
if instr(agent(3), "nt 5.1") > 0 then
platform = "windows xp"
end if
if instr(agent(3), "linux") > 0 then
platform = "linux"
end if
end if
if instr(agent(2), "windows") > 0 and platform = "unknown" then
platform = "windows"
end if
elseif left(agent, 5) = "opera" then '有此标识为浏览器
agent = split(agent, "/")
browser = "mozilla "
tmpstr = split(agent(1), " ")
version = tmpstr(0)
if instr(agent(1), "nt 5.2") > 0 then
platform = "windows 2003"
elseif instr(agent(1), "windows ce") > 0 then
platform = "windows ce"
elseif instr(agent(1), "nt 5.1") > 0 then
platform = "windows xp"
elseif instr(agent(1), "nt 4.0") > 0 then
platform = "windows nt"
elseif instr(agent(1), "nt 5.0") > 0 then
platform = "windows 2000"
elseif instr(agent(1), "nt") > 0 then
platform = "windows nt"
elseif instr(agent(1), "9x") > 0 then
platform = "windows me"
elseif instr(agent(1), "98") > 0 then
platform = "windows 98"
elseif instr(agent(1), "95") > 0 then
platform = "windows 95"
elseif instr(agent(1), "win32") > 0 then
platform = "win32"
elseif instr(agent(1), "linux") > 0 then
platform = "linux"
elseif instr(agent(1), "sunos") > 0 then
platform = "sunos"
elseif instr(agent(1), "mac") > 0 then
platform = "mac"
elseif ubound(agent) > 2 then
if instr(agent(3), "nt 5.1") > 0 then
platform = "windows xp"
end if
if instr(agent(3), "linux") > 0 then
platform = "linux"
end if
end if
dim botlist, i
botlist = "google,isaac,webdup,surveybot,baiduspider,ia_archiver,p.arthur,fast-webcrawler,java,microsoft-atl-native,turnitinbot,webgather,sleipnir"
botlist = split(botlist, ",")
for i = 0 to ubound(botlist)
if instr(agent, botlist(i)) > 0 then
platform = botlist(i) & "搜索器"
issearch = true
exit for
end if
end if
if issearch then
browser = ""
version = ""
session("systeminfo_cls") = browser & "|||" & version & "|||" & platform & "|||1|||" & alexatoolbar
session("systeminfo_cls") = browser & "|||" & version & "|||" & platform & "|||0|||" & alexatoolbar
end if
end sub
end class