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使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

程序员文章站 2022-06-10 18:57:45

In this 18th article of the series, we will discuss the concepts of database backup-and-restore of SQL Server Docker containers using Azure Data Studio. Before proceeding, you need to have Docker engine installed and Azure Data Studio configured on your host machine.

在本系列的 18篇文章中,我们将讨论使用Azure Data Studio进行SQL Server Docker容器的数据库备份和还原的概念。 在继续之前,您需要在主机上安装Docker引擎并配置Azure Data Studio。

This article covers the following topics:


  1. Overview of Azure Data Studio (ADS)

    Azure Data Studio(ADS)概述
  2. How to use Azure Data Studio integrated terminal

    如何使用Azure Data Studio集成终端
  3. Definition of Docker containers

  4. Step by step instructions to initiate backup-and-restore of SQL Server 2017 Docker containers using the Azure Data Studio interface

    分步说明以使用Azure Data Studio界面启动SQL Server 2017 Docker容器的备份和还原
  5. And more…


Azure数据工作室 (Azure Data Studio)

Microsoft release of new light-weight cross-platform GUI tool into the SQL Server Management umbrella is called Azure Data Studio. Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform graphical user interface for working with SQL Server instances. 

Microsoft在SQL Server管理工具中发布了新的轻量级跨平台GUI工具,称为Azure Data Studio。 Azure Data Studio是一个跨平台的图形用户界面,用于处理SQL Server实例。

Feature Highlights


  • It provides a cross-platform support to manage SQL Server databases for Windows, mac, and Linux or Docker containers on any platform

    它提供了跨平台支持,可以在任何平台上管理Windows,Mac和Linux或Docker容器SQL Server数据库。
  • SQL Server Connection Management that supports
    • Connection Dialog
    • Server Groups creation
    • Azure Integration
    • Create Registered Servers list

    支持SQL Server连接管理
    • 连接对话框
    • 服务器组创建
    • Azure集成
    • 创建注册服务器列表
  • It can also be used to connect to Microsoft’s cloud databases, including Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

    它还可以用于连接到Microsoft的云数据库,包括Azure SQL数据库和Azure SQL数据仓库。
  • In-built Object Explorer support

  • Advanced T-SQL query editor support

  • New Query Results Viewer with data grid support

  • The result-set can be exported to JSON\CSV\Excel

    结果集可以导出到JSON \ CSV \ Excel
  • Derive custom charts

  • Manage Dashboard using standard and customizable widgets and insights

  • Backup and Restore database dialog

  • Task History window to view the task execution status

  • In-house database scripting options

  • In-built Git integration

  • In-built shell support using an integrated terminal options

  • And more…


The list continues…


I would recommend go ahead and download the version for your platform of choice to see how it works.


Docker容器 (Docker containers)

Docker carves up a running system into small containers, each of which is sealed, segmented, with its own programs and isolated from anything else. Docker’s mission is to build, ship, and run distributed applications across anywhere and on any platform. It can be on your Local Laptop, or on the Cloud, or On-premise servers

Docker将一个正在运行的系统分割成多个小容器,每个小容器都用自己的程序密封,分段,并与其他任何对象隔离。 Docker的使命是跨任何地方,在任何平台上构建,交付和运行分布式应用程序。 它可以在您的本地笔记本电脑上,也可以在云上,或在本地服务器上

  • Containers are highly portable programs and it is kept as small as possible, and don’t have any external dependencies

  • It is that easy to create a Docker image and then move or copy it to another and be certain that it’ll still work in the same way.

  • To run SQL Server in a Docker container
    • Docker Engine 1.8 or higher
    • Minimum of two gigabytes of hard disk space to store the container image, as well as two gigabytes of RAM

    在Docker容器中运行SQL Server
    • Docker Engine 1.8或更高版本
    • 至少有2 GB的硬盘空间来存储容器映像,以及2 GB的RAM

入门 (Getting started)

Let’s start Azure Data Studio and open the interactive terminal.

让我们启动Azure Data Studio并打开交互式终端。

First, let’s download the latest SQL Server 2017 extract from the docker hub. To extract, run the docker pull command with the SQL Server 2017 image-tag. It is also possible to extract the specific Docker container images from the docker hub repository. To get the latest SQL image, type in the word “latest”, the tag, after the colon. This gives us the most recent SQL Server 2017 image.

首先,让我们从Docker中心下载最新SQL Server 2017摘录。 要提取数据,请运行带有SQL Server 2017 image-tag的docker pull命令 。 还可以从Docker Hub存储库中提取特定的Docker容器映像。 要获取最新SQL映像,请在冒号后键入单词“ latest”(即标记)。 这为我们提供了最新SQL Server 2017映像。

[aaa@qq.com thanvitha]# docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest

Now, run the docker image using docker run command.

现在,使用docker run命令运行docker映像。

[aaa@qq.com thanvitha]# docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'aaa@qq.com' -p 1401:1433 --name SQLOpsBackupDemo -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

The SQL Instance is ready to accept the connections. Next, to connect to the SQL Instance, click on the Server icon on the left corner of the window.

SQL实例已准备就绪,可以接受连接。 接下来,要连接到SQL实例,请单击窗口左上角的“服务器”图标。

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

Add the connection details


  • Enter the IP address ( of the host machine followed by the incoming port number, in this case, 1401.

  • Enter the SA login credentials

  • Click Connect


使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

Next, follow the below steps for backing up the databases


  1. To accomplish the backup task, right-click the database and select databases manage window.

    使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

    要完成备份任务,请右键单击数据库,然后选择“ 数据库管理”窗口。

  2. For instance, right-click on SQLShackDemo database and choose manage. In the database dashboard pane, we have some useful information including the current recovery model, the last time backups were performed on the database and the log backup, and the database’s owner account

    使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

    例如,右键单击SQLShackDemo数据库,然后选择manage 。 在数据库仪表板窗格中,我们提供了一些有用的信息,包括当前的恢复模型,上次对数据库和日志备份执行备份的时间以及数据库的所有者帐户

  3. Now, let’s go ahead and click the backup icon. A new window would pop up where we can specify a backup name. Azure Data Studio suggests the name of the database that reference today’s date and time.

    现在,让我们继续,然后单击备份图标。 将会弹出一个新窗口,我们可以在其中指定备份名称。 Azure Data Studio建议引用今天日期和时间的数据库名称。
  4. Let’s go ahead and choose the type of backup, in this case, its full backup type.

  5. The backup file location, in this case, it’s displaying the full path that is relative to the Docker container. We can also set the settings using advanced configuration options.

    在这种情况下,备份文件位置将显示相对于Docker容器的完整路径。 我们还可以使用高级配置选项来设置设置。
  6. Press Backup button to initiate the backup task.

    使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作


  7. Now, you can see, the sidebar is changed to the task-history view on the left. You can check the statuses of the backup job here.

    使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

    现在,您可以看到侧边栏更改为左侧的任务历史视图。 您可以在此处检查备份作业的状态。

  8. When you’re done taking a look at that, you can switch back over to your server sidebar. Connect to the SQL Container and open the interactive bash terminal using docker command to verify the backup file that got created using the Azure Data Studio backup dialog.

    看完之后,您可以切换回服务器侧边栏。 连接到SQL容器,并使用docker命令打开交互式bash终端,以验证使用Azure Data Studio备份对话框创建的备份文件。
[aaa@qq.com thanvitha]# docker exec -it SQLOpsBackupDemo bash
aaa@qq.com:/# ls -l /var/opt/mssql/data/*.bak
-rw-r-----. 1 root root 434176 May 25 14:26 /var/opt/mssql/data/SQLShackDemo-2018525-10-24-39.bak

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

Now, let’s dig into the second part of the process.


To perform database restore, I will be instantiating a new SQL instance SQLOpRestoreDemo using the following docker run command.

为了执行数据库还原,我将使用以下docker run命令实例化一个新SQL实例SQLOpRestoreDemo

[aaa@qq.com thanvitha]# docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'aaa@qq.com' -p 1402:1433 --name SQLOpRestoreDemo -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest

Let’s copy the backup file to host machine by navigating to a backup file directory. Now, copy the backup file from the host machine to the other SQL docker container using the following docker cp command.

让我们通过导航到备份文件目录将备份文件复制到主机。 现在,使用以下docker cp命令将备份文件从主机复制到另一个SQL docker容器。

[aaa@qq.com thanvitha]# docker cp SQLOpsBackupDemo:/var/opt/mssql/data/SQLShackDemo-2018525-10-24-39.bak /tmp
[aaa@qq.com thanvitha]# docker cp /tmp/SQLShackDemo-2018525-10-24-39.bak SQLOpRestoreDemo:/var/opt/mssql/data/

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

Now, connect to the SQL instance by entering the required details. Here, you can see that IP address followed by a port number is entered to connect to an instance.

现在,通过输入所需的详细信息连接到SQL实例。 在这里,您可以看到输入IP地址和端口号以连接到实例。

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

Next, click the restore icon on the dashboard.


使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

In the restore database screen, select the general section; choose the backup file by navigating to the backup directory.

在还原数据库屏幕中,选择常规部分; 通过导航到备份目录来选择备份文件。

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

In the files tab, specify the location to relocate the data and log files.


使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

In the options tab, choose the overwrite options.


使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

You can also generate a script and run it or just press the restore button to complete the restore process.


The task history appears on the right part of the Azure Data Studio. This concludes that the database SQLShackDemo restored successfully.

任务历史记录显示在Azure Data Studio的右侧。 得出结论,数据库SQLShackDemo已成功还原。

使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

You can also browse the SQL instance to verify the database.


使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作

That’s all for now…


结语 (Wrapping Up)

Thus far, we see the step by step instructions to initiate a database backup and restore SQL Docker containers using Azure Data Studio interface.

到目前为止,我们看到了逐步说明以使用Azure Data Studio界面启动数据库备份和还原SQL Docker容器。

We can say that it’s a light-weight version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). The interface is very simple, straight-forward and self-explanatory. It is built with several options and is very well laid-out to walk you through common procedures.

我们可以说它是SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)的轻量级版本。 界面非常简单,简单明了。 它具有多个选项,并且布局合理,可引导您完成常见的过程。

目录 (Table of contents)

Database Backup and Restore process in SQL Server – series intro
An overview of the process of SQL Server backup-and-restore
Understanding the SQL Server Data Management Life Cycle
Understanding SQL Server database recovery models
Understanding SQL Server Backup Types
Backup and Restore (or Recovery) strategies for SQL Server database
Discussing Backup and Restore Automation using SQLCMD and SQL Server agent
Understanding Database snapshots vs Database backups in SQL Server
SqlPackage.exe – Automate SQL Server Database Restoration using bacpac with PowerShell or Batch techniques
Smart database backup in SQL Server 2017
How to perform a Page Level Restore in SQL Server
Backup Linux SQL Server databases using PowerShell and Windows task scheduler
SQL Server Database backup and restore operations using the Cloud
Tail-Log Backup and Restore in SQL Server
SQL Server Database Backup and Restore reports
Database Filegroup(s) and Piecemeal restores in SQL Server
In-Memory Optimized database backup and restore in SQL Server
Understanding Backup and Restore operations in SQL Server Docker Containers
Backup and Restore operations with SQL Server 2017 on Docker containers using Azure Data Studio
Interview questions on SQL Server database backups, restores and recovery – Part I
Interview questions on SQL Server database backups, restores and recovery – Part II
Interview questions on SQL Server database backups, restores and recovery – Part III
Interview questions on SQL Server database backups, restores and recovery – Part IV
SQL Server中的数据库备份和还原过程–系列简介
SQL Server备份和还原过程概述
了解SQL Server数据管理生命周期
了解SQL Server数据库恢复模型
了解SQL Server备份类型
SQL Server数据库的备份和还原(或恢复)策略
讨论使用SQLCMD和SQL Server代理进行备份和还原自动化
了解SQL Server中的数据库快照与数据库备份
SqlPackage.exe –使用bacpac和PowerShell或Batch技术自动执行SQL Server数据库还原
SQL Server 2017中的智能数据库备份
如何在SQL Server中执行页面级还原
使用PowerShell和Windows任务计划程序备份Linux SQL Server数据库
使用CloudSQL Server数据库备份和还原操作
SQL Server中的尾日志备份和还原
SQL Server数据库备份和还原报告
SQL Server中的数据库文件组和零碎还原
在SQL Server中进行内存优化的数据库备份和还原
了解SQL Server Docker容器中的备份和还原操作
使用Azure Data Studio在Docker容器上使用SQL Server 2017进行备份和还原操作
有关SQL Server数据库备份,还原和恢复的面试问题–第一部分
有关SQL Server数据库备份,还原和恢复的面试问题–第二部分
有关SQL Server数据库备份,还原和恢复的面试问题–第三部分
有关SQL Server数据库备份,还原和恢复的面试问题–第IV部分

参考资料 (References)

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/backup-and-restore-operations-with-sql-server-2017-on-docker-containers-using-azure-data-studio/