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[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备

程序员文章站 2022-06-10 10:25:33
星期三, 05. 九月 2018 02:03上午 beautifulzzzz ![][ bar] 1、前言 上一篇讲了如何编译安装BlueZ 5,本篇主要在于玩BlueZ,用命令行去操作BLE设备: [ [BlueZ] 1、Download install and use the BlueZ and ......

星期三, 05. 九月 2018 02:03上午 - beautifulzzzz

[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备



[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备

2、gatttool —— 老工具趟坑

刚开始跟着 get started with bluetooth low energy on linux 操作gatttool,发现坑太多(主要原因是工具老了):

采用sudo gatttool -b 4d:69:98:0e:91:5e -i去连接
发现会报错:error: connect error: connection refused (111)

➜  ~  sudo gatttool -b 4d:69:98:0e:91:5e -i
[4d:69:98:0e:91:5e][le]> connect
attempting to connect to 4d:69:98:0e:91:5e
error: connect error: connection refused (111)
[4d:69:98:0e:91:5e][le]> exit
➜  ~  sudo gatttool  -t random  -b 4d:69:98:0e:91:5e -i
[4d:69:98:0e:91:5e][le]> connect
attempting to connect to 4d:69:98:0e:91:5e
connection successful
(gatttool:3104): glib-warning **: invalid file descriptor.


there are new tools to use with gatt, bluetoothctl/bluetoothd is the preferred since with that you have gap, etc, 
but if want to use a stand alone tool then i suggest you use btgatt-client.

[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备




我在手机上用lightblue模拟一个ble设备ty_prod,之后对其service进行修改,调用scan on进行搜索还是老的,
最终发现要先用remove移除之前的设备,之后再scan就会出现[new] device 72:3b:e1:81:4e:4f ty_prod设备
注: 用lightblue模拟的设备的mac不是固定的
注: 我发现在lightblue中无论怎么模拟ble设备,一旦被连上搜索到的service都是ipone的

[bluetooth]# devices
device 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 ty_prod
device 58:71:33:00:00:24 bluetooth keyboard
device 00:1a:7d:da:71:0a shen-pc
device 94:87:e0:b3:ac:6f mi phone
[bluetooth]# remove 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 
[bluetooth]# scan on
discovery started
[new] device 72:3b:e1:81:4e:4f ty_prod
[bluetooth]# scan off
discovery stopped
[bluetooth]# connect 72:3b:e1:81:4e:4f
attempting to connect to 72:3b:e1:81:4e:4f
[chg] device 72:3b:e1:81:4e:4f connected: yes
connection successful


[ty_prod]# info
device 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 (public)
    name: tuya_mdev_test
    alias: tuya_mdev_test
    appearance: 0x0040
    icon: phone
    paired: yes
    trusted: no
    blocked: no
    connected: yes
    legacypairing: no
    uuid: fax                       (00001111-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    uuid: generic access profile    (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    uuid: generic attribute profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    uuid: current time service      (00001805-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    uuid: device information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    uuid: battery service           (0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    uuid: vendor specific           (7905f431-b5ce-4e99-a40f-4b1e122d00d0)
    uuid: vendor specific           (89d3502b-0f36-433a-8ef4-c502ad55f8dc)
    uuid: vendor specific           (9fa480e0-4967-4542-9390-d343dc5d04ae)
    uuid: vendor specific           (d0611e78-bbb4-4591-a5f8-487910ae4366)
[chg] device 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 servicesresolved: no
[chg] device 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 connected: no

我们用current time service,列出所有attributes操作如下:

[tuya_mdev_test]# menu gatt
[tuya_mdev_test]# list-attributes 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7
primary service
    current time service
    local time information
    current time
    client characteristic configuration

上面current time service对应的服务如下图:

[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备

我们选择current time进行操作uuid:0x2a2b

[ty_prod]# select-attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0041/char0042
[tuya_mdev_test:/service0041/char0042]# read
attempting to read /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0041/char0042
[chg] attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0041/char0042 value:
  e2 07 09 05 01 24 11 03 f1 02                    .....$....      
  e2 07 09 05 01 24 11 03 f1 02                    .....$.... 
[tuya_mdev_test:/service0041/char0042]# attribute-info
characteristic - current time
    uuid: 00002a2b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
    service: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0041
  e2 07 09 05 01 2e 01 03 f5 02                    ..........      
    notifying: yes
    flags: read
    flags: notify

读出结果大致意思应该是:2018-9/5-1:36:17 周三

读取一下0x180a的device information:

[tuya_mdev_test:/service0006/char0007]# select-attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0047/char004a
[tuya_mdev_test:/service0047/char004a]# attribute-info
characteristic - model number string
    uuid: 00002a24-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
    service: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0047
    flags: read
[tuya_mdev_test:/service0047/char004a]# read
attempting to read /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0047/char004a
[chg] attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_47_b1_26_c1_81_18/service0047/char004a value:
  69 50 68 6f 6e 65 36 2c 32                       iphone6,2       
  69 50 68 6f 6e 65 36 2c 32                       iphone6,2    


[tuya_mdev_test:/service0047/char004a]# disconnect 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7
attempting to disconnect from 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7
[chg] device 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 servicesresolved: no
successful disconnected
[chg] device 28:ed:6a:a0:26:b7 connected: no
[bluetooth]# quit

[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备

[1].cannot connect to ble device on raspberry pi
[2].invalid file descriptor gatttool of bluez 5.32
[3].get started with bluetooth low energy on linux
[4].reverse engineering a bluetooth low energy light bulb
[5].doing bluetooth low energy on linux
[6].tutorial: ble pairing the raspberry pi 3 model b with hexiwear

[BlueZ] 2、使用bluetoothctl搜索、连接、配对、读写、使能notify蓝牙低功耗设备
