2022-03-10 14:44:50
<% '设置超时的时间 server.scripttimeout=9999 '############## '文件保存函数 '############# function savetofile(from,tofile) on error resume next dim geturl,objstream,imgs geturl=trim(from) mybyval=gethttpstr(geturl) set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream") objstream.type =1 objstream.open objstream.write mybyval objstream.savetofile tofile,2 objstream.close() set objstream=nothing if err.number<>0 then err.clear end function '############## '字符处理替换 '############# function geturlencodel(byval url)'中文文件名转换 dim i,code geturlencodel="" if trim(url)="" then exit function for i=1 to len(url) code=asc(mid(url,i,1)) if code<0 then code = code + 65536 if code>255 then geturlencodel=geturlencodel&"%"&left(hex(code),2)&"%"&right(hex(code),2) else geturlencodel=geturlencodel&mid(url,i,1) end if next end function '############## 'xml获取远程页面开始 '############# function gethttppage(url) on error resume next dim http set http=server.createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") http.open "get",url,false http.send() if http.readystate<>4 then exit function gethttppage=bytes2bstr(http.responsebody) set http=nothing if err.number<>0 then err.clear end function function bytes2bstr(vin) dim strreturn dim i,thischarcode,nextcharcode strreturn = "" for i = 1 to lenb(vin) thischarcode = ascb(midb(vin,i,1)) if thischarcode < &h80 then strreturn = strreturn & chr(thischarcode) else nextcharcode = ascb(midb(vin,i+1,1)) strreturn = strreturn & chr(clng(thischarcode) * &h100 + cint(nextcharcode)) i = i + 1 end if next bytes2bstr = strreturn end function '############## 'xml获取远程页面结束,这段是小偷程序都通用的部分 '############# '############## '分解地址,取得文件名 '############# function getfilename(byval filename) if instr(filename,"/")>0 then fileext_a=split(filename,"/") getfilename=lcase(fileext_a(ubound(fileext_a))) if instr(getfilename,"?")>0 then getfilename=left(getfilename,instr(getfilename,"?")-1) end if else getfilename=filename end if end function '############## '获取远程页面函数 '############# function gethttpstr(url) on error resume next dim http set http=server.createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") http.open "get",url,false http.send() if http.readystate<>4 then exit function gethttpstr=http.responsebody set http=nothing if err.number<>0 then err.clear end function '############## 'fso处理函数,创建目录 '############# function createdir(byval localpath) '建立目录的程序,如果有多级目录,则一级一级的创建 on error resume next localpath = replace(localpath, "\", "/") set fileobject = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") patharr = split(localpath, "/") path_level = ubound(patharr) for i = 0 to path_level if i = 0 then pathtmp = patharr(0) & "/" else pathtmp = pathtmp & patharr(i) & "/" cpath = left(pathtmp, len(pathtmp) - 1) if not fileobject.folderexists(cpath) then fileobject.createfolder cpath next set fileobject = nothing if err.number <> 0 then createdir = false err.clear else createdir = true end if end function function getfileext(byval filename) fileext_a=split(filename,".") getfileext=lcase(fileext_a(ubound(fileext_a))) end function '############## '如何获取虚拟的路径 '############# function getvirtual(str,path,urlhead) if left(str,7)="http://" then url=str elseif left(str,1)="/" then start=instrrev(str,"/") if start=1 then url="/" else url=left(str,start) end if url=urlhead&url elseif left(str,3)="../" then str1=mid(str,instrrev(str,"../")+2) ar=split(str,"../") lv=ubound(ar)+1 ar=split(path,"/") url="/" for i=1 to (ubound(ar)-lv) url=url&ar(i) next url=url&str1 url=urlhead&url else url=urlhead&str end if getvirtual=url end function |
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