本文主要是介绍c#实现打造气泡屏幕保护效果,首先说一下制作要点:1 窗口要全屏置顶 2 模拟气泡的滚动和粘滞效果 3 支持快捷键esc退出
random ra = new random(); //初始化随机数 bmp = new bitmap(clientsize.width,clientsize.height, e.graphics); graphics bmpgraphics = graphics.fromimage(bmp); // 绘制圆形 for (int i=1;i<=13;i++)//这里绘制13个圆形 { bmpgraphics.drawellipse(new pen(color.fromname(colours[i]),2),//根据事先定义好的颜色绘制不同颜色的圆 ballarray[i, 1], ballarray[i, 2], 70+ra.next(1, 10), 70+ra.next(1, 10)); //注意上面的最后两个参数利用随机数产生粘滞效果 } e.graphics.drawimageunscaled(bmp, 0, 0); bmpgraphics.dispose(); bmp.dispose();//这里是非托管的垃圾回收机制,避免产生内存溢出
[dllimport("user32.dll")]//引用user32.dll public static extern uint32 registerhotkey(intptr hwnd, uint32 id, uint32 fsmodifiers, uint32 vk); //声明函数原型
由于引用了一个dll文件,我们不要忘了在文件头加入dllimport的类声明using system.runtime.interopservices;然后在form1的构造函数中来注册一个系统热键,这里我们注册esc:registerhotkey(this.handle, 247696411, 0, (uint32)keys.escape); 通过以上步骤,我们就可以注册一个或多个系统热键,但是,注册系统热键后我们还不能立即使用,因为我们在程序中还无法对这个消息进行响应,我们重载一下默认的wndproc过程来响应我们的热键消息:
protected override void wndproc(ref message m)//注意是保护类型的过程 { const int wm_hotkey = 0x0312; } if (m.msg == wm_hotkey & & m.wparam.toint32() == 247696411) //判断热键消息是不是我们设置的 { application.exit();//如果消息等于我们的热键消息,程序退出 } base.wndproc(ref m);//其他消息返回做默认处理
1.this.backcolor = system.drawing.color.fromargb(((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))));
2.this.transparencykey = system.drawing.color.fromargb(((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))));
using system; using system.drawing; using system.collections; using system.componentmodel; using system.windows.forms; using system.runtime.interopservices; /* 屏幕保护程序 使用技术:系统热键,随机数,graphics类绘制圆形 编译环境:visualstudio 2005 运行要求:安装.net framework 2.0 框架 其他:使用esc退出 说明:由于使用了循环控制图形位移,cpu占用在20%-30%左右 程序具有自动垃圾回收机制避免造成内存溢出 2009年3月15日 */ namespace animatball { /// <summary> /// summary description for form1. /// </summary> public class form1 : system.windows.forms.form { public int[,] ballarray = new int[20,20]; public string[] colours = new string[16]; public bitmap bmp; private system.windows.forms.timer timer1; private system.componentmodel.icontainer components; [dllimport("user32.dll")] public static extern uint32 registerhotkey(intptr hwnd, uint32 id, uint32 fsmodifiers, uint32 vk); //api //重写消息循环 protected override void wndproc(ref message m) { const int wm_hotkey = 0x0312; if (m.msg == wm_hotkey && m.wparam.toint32() == 247696411) //判断热键 { application.exit(); } base.wndproc(ref m); } public form1() { // // required for windows form designer support // initializecomponent(); //colours[0]="red"; colours[1]="red"; colours[2]="blue"; colours[3]="black"; colours[4]="yellow"; colours[5]="crimson"; colours[6]="gold"; colours[7]="green"; colours[8]="magenta"; colours[9]="aquamarine"; colours[10]="brown"; colours[11]="red"; colours[12]="darkblue"; colours[13]="brown"; colours[14]="red"; colours[15]="darkblue"; initializecomponent(); registerhotkey(this.handle, 247696411, 0, (uint32)keys.escape); //注册热键 // // todo: add any constructor code after initializecomponent call // } /// <summary> /// clean up any resources being used. /// </summary> protected override void dispose( bool disposing ) { if( disposing ) { if (components != null) { components.dispose(); } } base.dispose( disposing ); } #region windows form designer generated code /// <summary> /// required method for designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void initializecomponent() { this.components = new system.componentmodel.container(); this.timer1 = new system.windows.forms.timer(this.components); this.suspendlayout(); // // timer1 // this.timer1.interval = 25; this.timer1.tick += new system.eventhandler(this.timer1_tick); // // form1 // this.autoscalebasesize = new system.drawing.size(6, 14); this.backcolor = system.drawing.color.fromargb(((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(192))))); this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(373, 294); this.doublebuffered = true; this.formborderstyle = system.windows.forms.formborderstyle.none; this.name = "form1"; this.showintaskbar = false; this.text = "小焱屏幕保护"; this.topmost = true; this.transparencykey = system.drawing.color.fromargb(((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(192))))); this.windowstate = system.windows.forms.formwindowstate.maximized; this.load += new system.eventhandler(this.form1_load); this.resumelayout(false); } #endregion /// <summary> /// the main entry point for the application. /// </summary> [stathread] static void main() { application.run(new form1()); } private void timer1_tick(object sender, system.eventargs e) { for (int i=1;i<=13;i++) { //add direction vectors to coordinates ballarray[i,1] = ballarray[i,1] + ballarray[i,3]; ballarray[i,2] = ballarray[i,2] + ballarray[i,4]; //if ball goes of to right if ((ballarray[i,1]+50)>=clientsize.width) { ballarray[i,1]=ballarray[i,1]-ballarray[i,3]; ballarray[i,3]=-ballarray[i,3]; } //if ball goes off bottom else if ((ballarray[i,2]+50)>=clientsize.height) { ballarray[i,2]=ballarray[i,2]-ballarray[i,4]; ballarray[i,4]=-ballarray[i,4]; } //if ball goes off to left else if (ballarray[i,1]<=1) { ballarray[i,1]=ballarray[i,1]-ballarray[i,3]; ballarray[i,3]=-ballarray[i,3]; } //if ball goes over top else if (ballarray[i,2]<=1) { ballarray[i,2]=ballarray[i,2]-ballarray[i,4]; ballarray[i,4]=-ballarray[i,4]; } } this.refresh(); //force repaint of window } //called from timer event when window needs redrawing protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e) { random ra = new random(); bmp = new bitmap(clientsize.width,clientsize.height, e.graphics); graphics bmpgraphics = graphics.fromimage(bmp); // draw here for (int i=1;i<=13;i++) { bmpgraphics.drawellipse(new pen(color.fromname(colours[i]),2), ballarray[i, 1], ballarray[i, 2], 70+ra.next(1, 10), 70+ra.next(1, 10));//利用随机数产生粘滞效果 } e.graphics.drawimageunscaled(bmp, 0, 0); //draw ellipse acording to mouse coords. bmpgraphics.dispose(); bmp.dispose(); } private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { random r = new random(); //set ball coords and vectors x,y,xv,yv for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { ballarray[i, 1] = +r.next(10) + 1; //+1 means i lose zero values ballarray[i, 2] = +r.next(10) + 1; ballarray[i, 3] = +r.next(10) + 1; ballarray[i, 4] = +r.next(10) + 1; } timer1.start(); } } }
上一篇: C#中常用的正则表达式实例
下一篇: C#如何检测操作系统版本