2022-06-09 23:44:06
2、运行 regsvr32 scrrun.dll,即打开运行输入cmd,输入regsvr32 scrrun.dll,再回车。
3、最关键的一步,即看看注册表里的这个位置hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows script host\settings在右边的窗口中是不是有个名为 enabled的dword键值,有的话把它删除或者把值该为 1 即可。
'****************** const **************** '---- cursortypeenum values ---- const adopenforwardonly = 0 const adopenkeyset = 1 const adopendynamic = 2 const adopenstatic = 3 '---- locktypeenum values ---- const adlockreadonly = 1 const adlockpessimistic = 2 const adlockoptimistic = 3 const adlockbatchoptimistic = 4 '---- cursorlocationenum values ---- const aduseserver = 2 const aduseclient = 3 '---- custom values ---- const cudsn = "test" const cuusername = "sa" const cupassword = "" '*************** main sub ****************** call imageexport() '*************** define function *********** function imageexport() 'on error resume next dim ssql,rs,conn,sfzrs,sfilepath,simgfile,xml dim ados,fso,f,oshell,serrfile,ssucfile,ierr,isuc set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") ' create stream object set ados=createobject("adodb.stream") ados.mode=3 ados.type=1 set conn=createobject ("adodb.connection") conn.cursorlocation =aduseclient call init_connection(conn) set rs=createobject ("adodb.recordset") set sfzrs=createobject ("adodb.recordset") sfilepath=wscript.scriptfullname sfilepath=left(sfilepath,len(sfilepath)-len(wscript.scriptname)) ssql="select rybh, photo from tp_zpxx where (rybh in (select distinct rybh from tp_bmkm where (kszqbh = 18) and (jfbz = 1)))" sfzrs.open ssql,conn,adopenforwardonly isuc=sfzrs.recordcount 'get sfzh from database and import images while not sfzrs.eof simgfile= sfilepath & sfzrs("rybh") & ".jpg" ados.open ados.write (sfzrs("photo").getchunk(4500000)) ados.savetofile simgfile,1 sfzrs.movenext ados.close wend sfzrs.close conn.close 'release object set rs=nothing:set sfzrs=nothing:set conn=nothing:set ados=nothing msgbox isuc & "张照片导出成功",64 ,"照片导出" 'quit wscript.quit end function function init_connection(conn) on error resume next connstr = "provider=sqloledb;data source=;" & _ "initial catalog=voteinfo;user id=sa;password=123456;timeout=50" conn.open connstr if err.number then msgbox "数据库联接失败",16 ,"照片导出" exit function end if end function
'****************** const **************** '---- cursortypeenum values ---- const adopenforwardonly = 0 const adopenkeyset = 1 const adopendynamic = 2 const adopenstatic = 3 '---- locktypeenum values ---- const adlockreadonly = 1 const adlockpessimistic = 2 const adlockoptimistic = 3 const adlockbatchoptimistic = 4 '---- cursorlocationenum values ---- const aduseserver = 2 const aduseclient = 3 '---- custom values ---- const cudsn = "test" const cuusername = "sa" const cupassword = "" '*************** main sub ****************** call imageexport() '*************** define function *********** function imageexport() 'on error resume next dim ssql,rs,conn,sfzrs,xml dim ados,fso,f,oshell,serrfile,ssucfile,ierr,isuc 'isuc 文件总数 dim picpath,physicpath,delcount '删除文件数 set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") ' create stream object set ados=createobject("adodb.stream") ados.mode=3 ados.type=1 set conn=createobject ("adodb.connection") conn.cursorlocation =aduseclient call init_connection(conn) set rs=createobject ("adodb.recordset") set sfzrs=createobject ("adodb.recordset") ssql="select spath,sfile from scanfile" sfzrs.open ssql,conn,adopenforwardonly isuc=sfzrs.recordcount 'get sfzh from database and import images while not sfzrs.eof physicpath="e:\vbs删除照片小程序" '物理路径 ados.open picpath =physicpath & sfzrs("spath") &"\" & sfzrs("sfile") if (fso.fileexists(picpath)) then fso.deletefile(picpath) delcount=delcount+1 end if sfzrs.movenext ados.close if isuc-delcount=isuc then delcount=0 end if wend sfzrs.close conn.close 'release object set rs=nothing:set sfzrs=nothing:set conn=nothing:set ados=nothing:set fso=nothing msgbox "共需要删除" & isuc & "张照片,其中" & delcount & "张照片删除成功," &isuc-delcount & "张照片未找到!",64 ,"照片删除" 'quit wscript.quit end function function init_connection(conn) on error resume next connstr = "provider=sqloledb;data source=;" & _ "initial catalog=voteinfo;user id=sa;password=123456;timeout=50" conn.open connstr if err.number then msgbox "数据库联接失败",16 ,"照片删除" exit function end if end function