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PostgreSQL 10分区表及性能测试报告小结

程序员文章站 2022-06-09 22:58:06
目录一、 测试环境二、 编译安装postgresql 10range分区表list分区表多级分区表使用alter table xxx attach[detach] partition 增加或删除分区添...



一、 测试环境

操作系统:centos 6.4


cpu:intel(r) xeon(r) cpu e5-2407 v2 @ 2.40ghz 4核心 4线程


硬盘:2t sas 7200

二、 编译安装postgresql 10


[root@ad source]# git clone git://git.postgresql.org/git/postgresql.git
[root@ad source]# cd postgresql
[root@ad source]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql10
[root@ad postgresql]# gmake -j 4
[root@ad postgresql]# gmake install
[root@ad postgresql]# su postgres
[postgres@ad postgresql]# /usr/local/pgsql10/bin/initdb --no-locale -e utf8 -d /home/postgres/data10/ -u postgres


listen_addresses = '*'
port = 10000
shared_buffers = 8096mb
maintenance_work_mem = 512mb
effective_cache_size = 30gb
log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'log'
log_filename = 'postgresql-%y-%m-%d_%h%m%s.log'
log_file_mode = 0600
log_checkpoints = off
log_connections = off
log_disconnections = off
log_duration = off
log_line_prefix = '%m %h %a %u %d %x [%p] '
log_statement = 'none'
log_timezone = 'prc'
track_activity_query_size = 4096
max_wal_size = 32gb
min_wal_size = 2gb
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.5


host    all             all             trust


[postgres@ad data10]$ /usr/local/pgsql10/bin/pg_ctl start -d /home/postgres/data10/   
[postgres@ad data10]$ /usr/local/pgsql10/bin/psql -p 10000 -u postgres -h -d postgres
psql (10devel)
type "help" for help.




create table order_range(id bigserial not null,userid integer,product text, createdate date) partition by range ( createdate );

分区主表不能建立全局约束,使用partition by range(xxx)说明分区的方式,xxx可以是多个字段,表达式……,具体见https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/sql-createtable.html


create table order_range(id bigserial not null,userid integer,product text, 
          createdate date not null) partition by range ( createdate );
create table order_range_201701 partition of order_range(id primary key,userid,product, 
          createdate) for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01');
create table order_range_201702 partition of order_range(id primary key,userid,product, 
          createdate) for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01');
  • 说明:
  • 建立分区表时必需指定主表。
  • 分区表和主表的 列数量,定义 必须完全一致。
  • 分区表的列可以单独增加default值,或约束。
  • 当用户向主表插入数据库时,系统自动路由到对应的分区,如果没有找到对应分区,则抛出错误。
  • 指定分区约束的值(范围,list值),范围,list不能重叠,重叠的路由会卡壳。
  • 指定分区的列必需设置成not null,如建立主表时没设置系统会自动加上。
  • range分区范围为 >=最小值 and <最大值……
  • 不支持通过更新的方法把数据从一个区移动到另外一个区,这样做会报错。如果要这样做的话需要删除原来的记录,再insert一条新的记录。
  • 修改主表的字段名,字段类型时,会自动同时修改所有的分区。
  • truncate 主表时,会清除所有继承表分区的记录,如果要清除单个分区,请对分区进行操作。
  • drop主表时会把所有子表一起给drop掉,如果drop单个分区,请对分区进行操作。
  • 使用psql能查看分区表的详细定义。
postgres=# \d+ order_range
                                              table "public.order_range"
   column   |  type   | collation | nullable |                 default                 | storage  | stats target | description 
 id         | bigint  |           | not null | nextval('order_range_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 userid     | integer |           |          |                                         | plain    |              | 
 product    | text    |           |          |                                         | extended |              | 
 createdate | date    |           | not null |                                         | plain    |              | 
partition key: range (createdate)
partitions: order_range_201701 for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01'),
            order_range_201702 for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01')




create table order_list(id bigserial not null,userid integer,product text,area text, createdate date) partition by list( area );


create table order_list_gd partition of order_list(id primary key,userid,product,area,createdate) for values in ('广东');
create table order_list_bj partition of order_list(id primary key,userid,product,area,createdate) for values in ('北京');  




create table order_range_list(id bigserial not null,userid integer,product text,area text, createdate date) partition by list ( area );


create table order_range_list_gd partition of order_range_list for values in ('广东') partition by range(createdate); 
create table order_range_list_bj partition of order_range_list for values in ('北京') partition by range(createdate); 


create table order_range_list_gd_201701 partition of order_range_list_gd(id primary 
key,userid,product,area,createdate) for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01'); 
create table order_range_list_gd_201702 partition of order_range_list_gd(id primary 
key,userid,product,area,createdate) for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01'); 

create table order_range_list_bj_201701 partition of order_range_list_bj(id primary 
key,userid,product,area,createdate) for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01'); 
create table order_range_list_bj_201702 partition of order_range_list_bj(id primary 
key,userid,product,area,createdate) for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01'); 


postgres=# insert into order_range_201702 (id,userid,product,createdate) values(1,
error:  new row for relation "order_range_201702" violates partition constraint
detail:  failing row contains (1, 322345, 51a9357a78416d11a018949a42dd2f8d, 2017-01-01).


postgres=# update order_range_201701 set createdate='2017-02-01' where createdate='2017-01-17'; 
error:  new row for relation "order_range_201701" violates partition constraint
detail:  failing row contains (1, 163357, 7e8fbe7b632a54ba1ec401d969f3259a, 2017-02-01).


使用alter table xxx attach[detach] partition 增加或删除分区



postgres=# insert into order_range (userid,product,createdate) 
insert 0 1
time: 25.006 ms
postgres=# insert into order_range (userid,product,createdate) 
insert 0 1
time: 7.601 ms
postgres=# select * from order_range;
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  1 | 163357 | 7e8fbe7b632a54ba1ec401d969f3259a | 2017-01-17
  2 | 349759 | 8095c9036295d3c800dace9069f9c102 | 2017-01-27
(2 rows)


postgres=# alter table order_range detach partition order_range_201701;
alter table
time: 14.129 ms


postgres=# \d+ order_range;
                                                  table "public.order_range"
   column   |  type   | collation | nullable |                 default                 | storage  | stats target | description 
 id         | bigint  |           | not null | nextval('order_range_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 userid     | integer |           |          |                                         | plain    |              | 
 product    | text    |           |          |                                         | extended |              | 
 createdate | date    |           | not null |                                         | plain    |              | 
partition key: range (createdate)
partitions: order_range_201702 for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01')


postgres=# select * from order_range;
 id | userid | product | createdate 
(0 rows)
time: 0.505 ms


postgres=# select * from order_range_201701;
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  1 | 163357 | 7e8fbe7b632a54ba1ec401d969f3259a | 2017-01-17
  2 | 349759 | 8095c9036295d3c800dace9069f9c102 | 2017-01-27
(2 rows)
time: 0.727 ms


postgres=# alter table order_range attach partition order_range_201701 for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01');          
error:  column "createdate" in child table must be marked not null
time: 0.564 ms


postgres=# alter table order_range_201701 alter column createdate set not null;
alter table
time: 17.345 ms
postgres=# alter table order_range attach partition order_range_201701 for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-01-15');      
error:  partition constraint is violated by some row
time: 1.276 ms


postgres=# alter table order_range attach partition order_range_201701 for values from 
('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01');    
alter table
time: 18.407 ms


postgres=# \d+ order_range
                                                  table "public.order_range"
   column   |  type   | collation | nullable |                 default                 | storage  | stats target | description 
 id         | bigint  |           | not null | nextval('order_range_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 userid     | integer |           |          |                                         | plain    |              | 
 product    | text    |           |          |                                         | extended |              | 
 createdate | date    |           | not null |                                         | plain    |              | 
partition key: range (createdate)
partitions: order_range_201701 for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01'),
            order_range_201702 for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01')

postgres=# select * from order_range;
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  1 | 163357 | 7e8fbe7b632a54ba1ec401d969f3259a | 2017-01-17
  2 | 349759 | 8095c9036295d3c800dace9069f9c102 | 2017-01-27
(2 rows)

time: 0.627 ms



[postgres@ad root]$ /usr/local/pgsql10/bin/psql -p 10000 -u postgres -h -d postgres
psql (10devel)
type "help" for help.
postgres=# create database postgres_fdw;
create database
postgres_fdw=# create table order_range_fdw(id bigserial not null,userid integer,product text, createdate date not null);
create table


postgres_fdw=# insert into order_range_fdw (userid,product,createdate) 
insert 0 1
postgres_fdw=# select * from order_range_fdw;
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  2 | 300686 | 55956a07742d6aebdef7ebb78c2400d7 | 2016-12-22
(1 row)


[postgres@ad root]$ /usr/local/pgsql10/bin/psql -p 10000 -u postgres -h -d postgres
psql (10devel)
type "help" for help.
postgres=# create extension postgres_fdw;
create extension
postgres=# create server foreign_server  
        foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw
        options (host '', port '10000', dbname 'postgres_fdw');
create server
postgres=# create user mapping for postgres
postgres-#         server foreign_server
postgres-#         options (user 'postgres', password '');
create user mapping
postgres=# create foreign table order_range_fdw (
postgres(#         id bigint not null,
postgres(#         userid integer,
postgres(#         product text, 
postgres(#         createdate date not null
postgres(# )
postgres-# server foreign_server
postgres-# options (schema_name 'public', table_name 'order_range_fdw');
create foreign table
postgres=# select * from order_range_fdw;
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  2 | 300686 | 55956a07742d6aebdef7ebb78c2400d7 | 2016-12-22
(1 row)
postgres=# alter table order_range attach partition order_range_fdw for values from ('1900-01-01') to ('2017-01-01');  
alter table
postgres=# \d+ order_range
                                                  table "public.order_range"
   column   |  type   | collation | nullable |                 default                 | storage  | stats target | description 
 id         | bigint  |           | not null | nextval('order_range_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 userid     | integer |           |          |                                         | plain    |              | 
 product    | text    |           |          |                                         | extended |              | 
 createdate | date    |           | not null |                                         | plain    |              | 
partition key: range (createdate)
partitions: order_range_201701 for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01'),
            order_range_201702 for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01'),
            order_range_fdw for values from ('1900-01-01') to ('2017-01-01')
postgres=# select * from order_range where createdate<'2017-01-01';
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  2 | 300686 | 55956a07742d6aebdef7ebb78c2400d7 | 2016-12-22
(1 row)
postgres=# explain select * from order_range where createdate<'2017-01-01';
                                   query plan                                   
 append  (cost=100.00..131.79 rows=379 width=48)
   ->  foreign scan on order_range_fdw  (cost=100.00..131.79 rows=379 width=48)
(2 rows)
postgres=# insert into order_range (userid,product,createdate) 
error:  cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table
postgres=# update order_range set createdate='2016-12-01' where createdate='2016-12-22';                           
update 1
postgres=# select * from order_range where createdate<'2017-01-01';
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  2 | 300686 | 55956a07742d6aebdef7ebb78c2400d7 | 2016-12-01
(1 row)
postgres=# delete from order_range where createdate='2016-12-01';
delete 1
postgres=# select * from order_range where createdate<'2017-01-01';
 id | userid | product | createdate 
(0 rows)

插入数据时竟然不能路由到外部表,这个是处于什么考虑呢???,源码中只是提示 /* we do not yet have a way to insert into a foreign partition */




postgres=# \d+  order_range
                                                  table "public.order_range"
   column   |  type   | collation | nullable |                 default                 | storage  | stats target | description 
 id         | bigint  |           | not null | nextval('order_range_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 userid     | integer |           |          |                                         | plain    |              | 
 product    | text    |           |          |                                         | extended |              | 
 createdate | date    |           | not null |                                         | plain    |              | 
partition key: range (createdate)
partitions: order_range_201701 for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01'),
            order_range_201702 for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01'),
            order_range_fdw for values from ('1900-01-01') to ('2017-01-01')
postgres=# insert into order_range_fdw (id,userid,product,createdate) values(1,
insert 0 1
postgres=# select * from order_range;
 id | userid |             product              | createdate 
  1 | 163357 | 7e8fbe7b632a54ba1ec401d969f3259a | 2017-01-17
  2 | 349759 | 8095c9036295d3c800dace9069f9c102 | 2017-01-27
  1 | 621895 | 5546c6e2a7006b52b5c2df55e19b3759 | 2017-02-01
  4 | 313019 | 445316004208e09fb4e7eda2bf5b0865 | 2017-01-01
  1 | 505836 | 6e9232c4863c82a2e97b9157996572ea | 2017-01-01
(5 rows)
postgres=# select * from order_range where createdate ='2017-01-01';
 id | userid | product | createdate 
(0 rows)




postgres=# delete from order_range_fdw;
delete 1
postgres=# insert into order_range_fdw (id,userid,product,createdate) values(1,
insert 0 1
postgres=# insert into order_range_fdw (id,userid,product,createdate) values(1,
insert 0 1
postgres=# explain analyze select count(1) from order_range where createdate<'2017-01-01';
                               query plan                                            
 aggregate  (cost=178.27..178.28 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.656..0.656 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  append  (cost=100.00..175.42 rows=1138 width=0) (actual time=0.647..0.649 rows=2 loops=1)
         ->  foreign scan on order_range_fdw  (cost=100.00..175.42 rows=1138 width=0) (actual 
time=0.647..0.648 rows=2 loops=1)
 planning time: 0.267 ms
 execution time: 1.122 ms
(5 rows)
postgres=# explain analyze select count(1) from order_range_fdw where createdate<'2017-01-01';
                                          query plan                         
 foreign scan  (cost=102.84..155.54 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.661..0.662 rows=1 loops=1)
   relations: aggregate on (public.order_range_fdw)
 planning time: 0.154 ms
 execution time: 1.051 ms
(4 rows)

3、sql查询需要访问的分区表中包含了“外部分区表”和“非外部分区表”时, 无法使用parallel seq scan,如下所示

postgres=# insert into order_range (userid,product,createdate) select 
(random()*58)::integer) from generate_series(1,1000000);   
insert 0 1000000
postgres=# explain select count(1) from order_range;
                                      query plan                                       
 aggregate  (cost=24325.22..24325.23 rows=1 width=8)
   ->  append  (cost=0.00..21558.23 rows=1106797 width=0)
         ->  seq scan on order_range_201701  (cost=0.00..11231.82 rows=580582 width=0)
         ->  seq scan on order_range_201702  (cost=0.00..10114.02 rows=522802 width=0)
         ->  foreign scan on order_range_fdw  (cost=100.00..212.39 rows=3413 width=0)
(5 rows)
postgres=# explain select count(1) from order_range where createdate>='2017-01-01';
                                         query plan                            
 finalize aggregate  (cost=17169.84..17169.85 rows=1 width=8)
   ->  gather  (cost=17169.62..17169.83 rows=2 width=8)
         workers planned: 2
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=16169.62..16169.63 rows=1 width=8)
               ->  append  (cost=0.00..15803.52 rows=146440 width=0)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on order_range_201701  (cost=0.00..8449.86 
rows=80636 width=0)
                           filter: (createdate >= '2017-01-01'::date)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on order_range_201702  (cost=0.00..7353.66 
rows=65804 width=0)
                           filter: (createdate >= '2017-01-01'::date)
(9 rows)


将业务库上的不再修改的冷数全部分离到另一个节点上面,然后做为外部分区表挂上来。这样可以保持业务库的容量尽可以的轻,同时也不会对业务有侵入,这一点是非常的友好。但要注意sql执行无法下推的问题,无法使用parallel seq scan问题。

如果在后面版本中能解决fdw partition insert路由问题和sql语句执行下推问题那么就可以拿来做olap应用了。




create table t_pay_all (id serial not null primary key,userid integer not null,pay_money float8 not 
null,createdate date not null);
create index t_pay_all_userid_idx on t_pay_all using btree(userid);  
create index t_pay_all_createdate_idx on t_pay_all using btree(createdate);



create table t_pay (id serial not null,userid integer not null,pay_money float8 not null,createdate 
date not null) partition by range (createdate);
create table t_pay_201701 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01');
create index t_pay_201701_createdate_idx on t_pay_201701 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201701_userid_idx on t_pay_201701 using btree(userid); 
create table t_pay_201702 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01');
create index t_pay_201702_createdate_idx on t_pay_201702 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201702_userid_idx on t_pay_201702 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201703 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-03-01') to ('2017-04-01');
create index t_pay_201703_createdate_idx on t_pay_201703 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201703_userid_idx on t_pay_201703 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201704 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-04-01') to ('2017-05-01');
create index t_pay_201704_createdate_idx on t_pay_201704 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201704_userid_idx on t_pay_201704 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201705 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-05-01') to ('2017-06-01');
create index t_pay_201705_createdate_idx on t_pay_201705 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201705_userid_idx on t_pay_201705 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201706 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-06-01') to ('2017-07-01');
create index t_pay_201706_createdate_idx on t_pay_201706 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201706_userid_idx on t_pay_201706 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201707 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-07-01') to ('2017-08-01');
create index t_pay_201707_createdate_idx on t_pay_201707 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201707_userid_idx on t_pay_201707 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201708 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-08-01') to ('2017-09-01');
create index t_pay_201708_createdate_idx on t_pay_201708 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201708_userid_idx on t_pay_201708 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201709 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-09-01') to ('2017-10-01');
create index t_pay_201709_createdate_idx on t_pay_201709 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201709_userid_idx on t_pay_201709 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201710 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-10-01') to ('2017-11-01');
create index t_pay_201710_createdate_idx on t_pay_201710 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201710_userid_idx on t_pay_201710 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201711 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-11-01') to ('2017-12-01');
create index t_pay_201711_createdate_idx on t_pay_201711 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201711_userid_idx on t_pay_201711 using btree(userid);  
create table t_pay_201712 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for values 
from ('2017-12-01') to ('2018-01-01');
create index t_pay_201712_createdate_idx on t_pay_201712 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201712_userid_idx on t_pay_201712 using btree(userid);  




postgres=# copy (select (random()::numeric(7,6)*1000000)::integer as 
userid,round((random()*100)::numeric,2) as pay_money,('2017-01-01'::date+ (random()*364)::integer)
 as createtime from generate_series(1,10000000)) to '/home/pg/data.txt';
copy 10000000
time: 42674.548 ms (00:42.675)


postgres=# copy  t_pay_all(userid,pay_money,createdate) from '/home/pg/data.txt';    
copy 10000000
time: 114258.743 ms (01:54.259)


postgres=# copy  t_pay(userid,pay_money,createdate) from '/home/pg/data.txt'; 
copy 10000000
time: 186358.447 ms (03:06.358)




postgres=# explain  (analyze,buffers) select * from t_pay_all where createdate ='2017-06-01';
                                             query plan                                                
 bitmap heap scan on t_pay_all  (cost=592.06..50797.88 rows=27307 width=20) (actual 
time=14.544..49.039 rows=27384 loops=1)
   recheck cond: (createdate = '2017-06-01'::date)
   heap blocks: exact=22197
   buffers: shared hit=22289
   ->  bitmap index scan on t_pay_all_createdate_idx  (cost=0.00..585.24 rows=27307 width=0) 
(actual time=7.121..7.121 rows=27384 loops=1)
         index cond: (createdate = '2017-06-01'::date)
         buffers: shared hit=92
 planning time: 0.153 ms
 execution time: 51.583 ms
(9 rows)
time: 52.272 ms


postgres=# explain  (analyze,buffers) select * from t_pay where createdate ='2017-06-01';
                                  query plan               
 append  (cost=608.92..6212.11 rows=27935 width=20) (actual time=4.880..27.032 rows=27384 loops=1)
   buffers: shared hit=5323
   ->  bitmap heap scan on t_pay_201706  (cost=608.92..6212.11 rows=27935 width=20) (actual 
time=4.879..21.990 rows=27384 loops=1)
         recheck cond: (createdate = '2017-06-01'::date)
         heap blocks: exact=5226
         buffers: shared hit=5323
         ->  bitmap index scan on t_pay_201706_createdate_idx  (cost=0.00..601.94 rows=27935 
width=0) (actual time=3.399..3.399 rows=27384 loops=1)
               index cond: (createdate = '2017-06-01'::date)
               buffers: shared hit=97
 planning time: 0.521 ms
 execution time: 30.061 ms
(11 rows)

结论:分区表的planning time时间明显比非分区表要高,但比起execution time基本可以忽略。




postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers)select * from t_pay_all where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01';
                                       query plan               
 bitmap heap scan on t_pay_all  (cost=19802.01..95862.00 rows=819666 width=20) (actual 
time=115.210..459.547 rows=824865 loops=1)
   recheck cond: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
   heap blocks: exact=63701
   buffers: shared read=66578
   ->  bitmap index scan on t_pay_all_createdate_idx  (cost=0.00..19597.10 rows=819666 width=0)
(actual time=101.453..101.453 rows=825865 loops=1)
         index cond: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
         buffers: shared read=2877
 planning time: 0.166 ms
 execution time: 504.297 ms
(9 rows)

time: 505.021 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers)select count(1) from t_pay_all where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01'; 
                                            query plan
 finalize aggregate  (cost=90543.96..90543.97 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=335.334..335.335 
rows=1 loops=1)
   buffers: shared hit=351 read=66593
   ->  gather  (cost=90543.74..90543.95 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=334.988..335.327 rows=3
         workers planned: 2
         workers launched: 2
         buffers: shared hit=351 read=66593
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=89543.74..89543.75 rows=1 width=8) (actual
time=330.796..330.797 rows=1 loops=3)
               buffers: shared read=66578
               ->  parallel bitmap heap scan on t_pay_all  (cost=19802.01..88689.92 rows=341528
 width=0) (actual time=124.126..303.125 rows=274955 loops=3)
                     recheck cond: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate <
                     heap blocks: exact=25882
                     buffers: shared read=66578
                     ->  bitmap index scan on t_pay_all_createdate_idx  (cost=0.00..19597.10 
rows=819666 width=0) (actual time=111.233..111.233 rows=825865 loops=1)
                           index cond: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < 
                           buffers: shared read=2877
 planning time: 0.213 ms
 execution time: 344.013 ms
(17 rows)

time: 344.759 ms


postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers)select * from t_pay where createdate >='2017-06-01' and 
                              query plan                            
 append  (cost=0.00..17633.97 rows=824865 width=20) (actual time=0.020..272.926 rows=824865
   buffers: shared hit=5261
   ->  seq scan on t_pay_201706  (cost=0.00..17633.97 rows=824865 width=20) (actual 
time=0.019..170.128 rows=824865 loops=1)
         filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
         buffers: shared hit=5261
 planning time: 0.779 ms
 execution time: 335.351 ms
(7 rows)

time: 336.676 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers)select count(1) from t_pay where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01';
                                   query plan                              
 finalize aggregate  (cost=12275.86..12275.87 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=144.023..144.023 
rows=1 loops=1)
   buffers: shared hit=5429
   ->  gather  (cost=12275.64..12275.85 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=143.966..144.016 rows=3
         workers planned: 2
         workers launched: 2
         buffers: shared hit=5429
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=11275.64..11275.65 rows=1 width=8) (actual
 time=140.230..140.230 rows=1 loops=3)
               buffers: shared hit=5261
               ->  append  (cost=0.00..10416.41 rows=343694 width=0) (actual time=0.022..106.973
 rows=274955 loops=3)
                     buffers: shared hit=5261
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201706  (cost=0.00..10416.41 rows=343694
 width=0) (actual time=0.020..68.952 rows=274955 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate <
                           buffers: shared hit=5261
 planning time: 0.760 ms
 execution time: 145.289 ms
(15 rows)

time: 146.610 ms




postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers)select count(1) from t_pay_all where createdate >='2017-06-01'
 and createdate<'2017-12-01';
                                           query plan    
 finalize aggregate  (cost=132593.42..132593.43 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=717.848..717.848
 rows=1 loops=1)
   buffers: shared hit=33571 read=30446 dirtied=9508 written=4485
   ->  gather  (cost=132593.20..132593.41 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=717.782..717.841 rows=3
         workers planned: 2
         workers launched: 2
         buffers: shared hit=33571 read=30446 dirtied=9508 written=4485
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=131593.20..131593.21 rows=1 width=8) (actual
 time=714.096..714.097 rows=1 loops=3)
               buffers: shared hit=33319 read=30446 dirtied=9508 written=4485
               ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_all  (cost=0.00..126330.64 rows=2105024 width=0)
 (actual time=0.059..545.016 rows=1675464 loops=3)
                     filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate <
                     rows removed by filter: 1661203
                     buffers: shared hit=33319 read=30446 dirtied=9508 written=4485
 planning time: 0.178 ms
 execution time: 721.822 ms
(14 rows)

time: 722.521 ms


postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers)select count(1) from t_pay where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-12-01';
                                  query plan  
 finalize aggregate  (cost=69675.98..69675.99 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=714.560..714.560 rows=1
   buffers: shared hit=27002 read=5251
   ->  gather  (cost=69675.77..69675.98 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=714.426..714.551 rows=3
         workers planned: 2
         workers launched: 2
         buffers: shared hit=27002 read=5251
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=68675.77..68675.78 rows=1 width=8) (actual
 time=710.416..710.416 rows=1 loops=3)
               buffers: shared hit=26774 read=5251
               ->  append  (cost=0.00..63439.94 rows=2094330 width=0) (actual time=0.023..536.033
 rows=1675464 loops=3)
                     buffers: shared hit=26774 read=5251
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201706  (cost=0.00..10416.41 rows=343694
 width=0) (actual time=0.021..67.935 rows=274955 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate <
                           buffers: shared hit=5261
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201707  (cost=0.00..10728.06 rows=354204
 width=0) (actual time=0.007..54.999 rows=283363 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate <
                           buffers: shared hit=5415
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201708  (cost=0.00..10744.08 rows=354738 
width=0) (actual time=0.007..55.117 rows=283791 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < 
                           buffers: shared hit=5423
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201709  (cost=0.00..10410.71 rows=343714 
width=0) (actual time=0.007..53.402 rows=274971 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < 
                           buffers: shared hit=5255
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201710  (cost=0.00..10737.41 rows=354494 
width=0) (actual time=0.007..55.475 rows=283595 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < 
                           buffers: shared hit=5420
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201711  (cost=0.00..10403.29 rows=343486 
width=0) (actual time=0.036..57.635 rows=274789 loops=3)
                           filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < 
                           buffers: shared read=5251
 planning time: 1.217 ms
 execution time: 718.372 ms
(30 rows)





postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers) select * from t_pay_all where createdate>='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01' and userid=268460;    
                               query plan                              
 index scan using t_pay_all_userid_idx on t_pay_all  (cost=0.43..48.68 rows=1 width=20) 
(actual time=0.053..0.071 rows=7 loops=1)
   index cond: (userid = 268460)
   filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
   rows removed by filter: 10
   buffers: shared hit=20
 planning time: 0.149 ms
 execution time: 0.101 ms
(7 rows)

time: 0.676 ms


postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers) select * from t_pay where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01' and userid=268460;    
                                   query plan                            
 append  (cost=0.42..12.47 rows=2 width=20) (actual time=0.019..0.032 rows=7 loops=1)
   buffers: shared hit=10
   ->  index scan using t_pay_201706_userid_idx on t_pay_201706  (cost=0.42..12.47 rows=2 width=20) 
(actual time=0.018..0.029 rows=7 loops=1)
         index cond: (userid = 268460)
         filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
         buffers: shared hit=10
 planning time: 0.728 ms
 execution time: 0.064 ms
(8 rows)

time: 1.279 ms

在返回记录极少的情况下由于分布表的planning time开销较大,所以非分区表有优势



postgres=#  explain (analyze,buffers) select * from t_pay_all where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01' and userid=302283 ; 
                                          query plan                                                                       
 bitmap heap scan on t_pay_all  (cost=19780.69..22301.97 rows=683 width=20) (actual
 time=91.778..91.803 rows=2 loops=1)
   recheck cond: ((userid = 302283) and (createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
   heap blocks: exact=9
   buffers: shared hit=2927
   ->  bitmapand  (cost=19780.69..19780.69 rows=683 width=0) (actual time=91.767..91.767 rows=0 loops=1)
         buffers: shared hit=2918
         ->  bitmap index scan on t_pay_all_userid_idx  (cost=0.00..183.00 rows=8342 width=0)
 (actual time=0.916..0.916 rows=11013 loops=1)
               index cond: (userid = 302283)
               buffers: shared hit=41
         ->  bitmap index scan on t_pay_all_createdate_idx  (cost=0.00..19597.10 rows=819666 
width=0) (actual time=90.837..90.837 rows=825865 loops=1)
               index cond: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
               buffers: shared hit=2877
 planning time: 0.172 ms
 execution time: 91.851 ms
(14 rows)

time: 92.534 ms


postgres=# explain (analyze,buffers) select * from t_pay where createdate >='2017-06-01' 
and createdate<'2017-07-01' and userid=302283 ; 
                                         query plan                                                                  
 append  (cost=0.42..12.47 rows=2 width=20) (actual time=0.042..0.046 rows=2 loops=1)
   buffers: shared hit=7
   ->  index scan using t_pay_201706_userid_idx on t_pay_201706  (cost=0.42..12.47 rows=2 width=20) 
(actual time=0.041..0.045 rows=2 loops=1)
         index cond: (userid = 302283)
         filter: ((createdate >= '2017-06-01'::date) and (createdate < '2017-07-01'::date))
         buffers: shared hit=7
 planning time: 0.818 ms
 execution time: 0.096 ms
(8 rows)

time: 1.499 ms




postgres=# reindex index t_pay_all_createdate_idx;
time: 11827.344 ms (00:11.827)


postgres=# reindex index t_pay_201706_createdate_idx;
time: 930.439 ms




postgres=# delete from t_pay_all where createdate >='2017-06-01' and createdate<'2017-07-01';
delete 824865
time: 5775.545 ms (00:05.776)


postgres=# truncate table t_pay_201706;
truncate table
time: 177.809 ms




postgres=# explain analyze select count(1) from t_pay; 
                                       query plan           
 finalize aggregate  (cost=107370.96..107370.97 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=971.561..971.561 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  gather  (cost=107370.75..107370.96 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=971.469..971.555 rows=3 loops=1)
         workers planned: 2
         workers launched: 2
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=106370.75..106370.76 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=967.378..967.378 rows=1 loops=3)
             ->  append  (cost=0.00..96800.40 rows=3828141 width=0) (actual time=0.019..698.882 rows=3061712 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201701  (cost=0.00..8836.14 rows=349414 
width=0) (actual time=0.017..48.716 rows=279531 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201702  (cost=0.00..8119.94 rows=321094 
width=0) (actual time=0.007..33.072 rows=256875 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201703  (cost=0.00..9079.47 rows=359047 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..37.153 rows=287238 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201704  (cost=0.00..8672.67 rows=342968 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..35.317 rows=274374 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201705  (cost=0.00..8975.23 rows=354923 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..36.571 rows=283938 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201706  (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=0) 
(actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201707  (cost=0.00..8957.04 rows=354204 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..36.393 rows=283363 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201708  (cost=0.00..8970.38 rows=354738 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..37.015 rows=283791 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201709  (cost=0.00..8692.14 rows=343714 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..35.187 rows=274971 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201710  (cost=0.00..8964.94 rows=354494 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..36.566 rows=283595 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201711  (cost=0.00..8685.86 rows=343486 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..35.198 rows=274789 loops=3)
                     ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_201712  (cost=0.00..8826.59 rows=349059 
width=0) (actual time=0.006..36.523 rows=279247 loops=3)
 planning time: 0.706 ms
 execution time: 977.364 ms
(20 rows)

time: 978.705 ms


postgres=# explain analyze select count(1) from t_pay_all;
                                  query plan                   
 finalize aggregate  (cost=116900.63..116900.64 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=644.093..644.093 
rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  gather  (cost=116900.42..116900.63 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=644.035..644.087 rows=3 loops=1)
         workers planned: 2
         workers launched: 2
         ->  partial aggregate  (cost=115900.42..115900.43 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=640.587..640.587 rows=1 loops=3)
               ->  parallel seq scan on t_pay_all  (cost=0.00..105473.33 rows=4170833 width=0) 
(actual time=0.344..371.965 rows=3061712 loops=3)
 planning time: 0.164 ms
 execution time: 645.438 ms
(8 rows)

time: 646.027 ms




copy (select userid,pay_money,createdate+31 as createdate from t_pay_201712) to '/home/pg/201801.txt';


create table t_pay_201801 partition of t_pay(id primary key,userid,pay_money,createdate) for 
values from ('2018-01-01') to ('2018-02-01');
create index t_pay_201801_createdate_idx on t_pay_201801 using btree(createdate); 
create index t_pay_201801_userid_idx on t_pay_201801 using btree(userid); 


postgres=# copy t_pay_all(userid,pay_money,createdate) from '/home/pg/201801.txt';       
copy 837741
time: 18105.024 ms (00:18.105)


postgres=# copy t_pay(userid,pay_money,createdate) from '/home/pg/201801.txt';     
copy 837741
time: 13864.950 ms (00:13.865)


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