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eos 源码资源限制两个对象

程序员文章站 2022-06-09 19:11:45

resource_usage_object 实际使用资源

struct resource_usage_object 
      id_type id;
      account_name owner; //< owner should not be changed within a chainbase modifier lambda
      usage_accumulator        net_usage;
      usage_accumulator        cpu_usage;
      uint64_t                 ram_usage = 0;

resource_limits_object 购买的资源

struct resource_limits_object : public chainbase::object<resource_limits_object_type, resource_limits_object> {


      id_type id;
      account_name owner; //< owner should not be changed within a chainbase modifier lambda
      bool pending = false; //< pending should not be changed within a chainbase modifier lambda

      int64_t net_weight = -1;
      int64_t cpu_weight = -1;
      int64_t ram_bytes = -1;

相关标签: 2019