2022-06-09 17:09:26
最近不知怎么的,想研究一下图表。先上效果图: 功能代码: unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, TeeEdit, E ......
unit unit1; interface uses windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls, forms, dialogs, teeedit, extctrls, teeprocs, teengine, series, chart, stdctrls, comctrls; type tform1 = class(tform) charteditorpanel1: tcharteditorpanel; charteditor1: tcharteditor; charteditorpanel2: tcharteditorpanel; chart1: tchart; series1: tbarseries; series2: tbarseries; button1: tbutton; combobox1: tcombobox; label1: tlabel; combobox2: tcombobox; label2: tlabel; procedure formcreate(sender: tobject); procedure button1click(sender: tobject); procedure combobox1change(sender: tobject); procedure combobox2change(sender: tobject); procedure chart1clickaxis(sender: tcustomchart; axis: tchartaxis; button: tmousebutton; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); procedure chart1clicklegend(sender: tcustomchart; button: tmousebutton; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var form1: tform1; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure tform1.formcreate(sender: tobject); begin self.position := poscreencenter; //右下角图表编辑器树形显示 charteditorpanel2.editor.tree.visible := true; //随机添加10个数 series1.fillsamplevalues(10); series2.fillsamplevalues(10); end; procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); begin charteditor1.execute; end; procedure tform1.combobox1change(sender: tobject); var pos: ttabposition; begin pos := tptop; case combobox1.itemindex of 0: pos := tptop; 1: pos := tpbottom; 2: pos := tpleft; 3: pos := tpright; end; charteditorpanel1.editor.tabgeneral.pagecontrol.tabposition := pos; end; procedure tform1.combobox2change(sender: tobject); var ts: ttabstyle; begin ts := tstabs; case combobox2.itemindex of 0: ts := tstabs; 1: ts := tsbuttons; 2: ts := tsflatbuttons; end; := ts; end; procedure tform1.chart1clickaxis(sender: tcustomchart; axis: tchartaxis; button: tmousebutton; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); begin; charteditorpanel1.editor.tabaxis.pagecontrol.activepage.pageindex; end; procedure tform1.chart1clicklegend(sender: tcustomchart; button: tmousebutton; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); begin; end; end.
object form1: tform1 left = 304 top = 219 width = 1312 height = 679 caption = '图表编辑器charteditor和charteditorpanel功能演示' color = clbtnface font.charset = default_charset font.color = clwindowtext font.height = -11 = 'ms sans serif' = [] oldcreateorder = false oncreate = formcreate pixelsperinch = 96 textheight = 13 object label1: tlabel left = 248 top = 35 width = 60 height = 13 caption = 'tabs位置:' end object label2: tlabel left = 464 top = 35 width = 60 height = 13 caption = 'tabs风格:' end object charteditorpanel1: tcharteditorpanel left = 0 top = 88 width = 409 height = 550 chart = chart1 taborder = 0 end object charteditorpanel2: tcharteditorpanel left = 888 top = 88 width = 409 height = 550 chart = chart1 taborder = 1 end object chart1: tchart left = 412 top = 88 width = 473 height = 549 title.text.strings = ( '图表编辑器测试') onclickaxis = chart1clickaxis onclicklegend = chart1clicklegend taborder = 2 object series1: tbarseries marks.callout.brush.color = clblack marks.visible = true seriescolor = 16744448 gradient.direction = gdtopbottom = 'x' xvalues.order = loascending = 'bar' yvalues.order = lonone end object series2: tbarseries marks.callout.brush.color = clblack marks.visible = true seriescolor = clsilver gradient.direction = gdtopbottom = 'x' xvalues.order = loascending = 'bar' yvalues.order = lonone end end object button1: tbutton left = 16 top = 16 width = 177 height = 49 caption = '调用图表编辑器' taborder = 3 onclick = button1click end object combobox1: tcombobox left = 312 top = 32 width = 145 height = 21 style = csdropdownlist itemheight = 13 taborder = 4 onchange = combobox1change items.strings = ( 'top' 'bottom' 'left' 'right') end object combobox2: tcombobox left = 528 top = 32 width = 145 height = 21 style = csdropdownlist itemheight = 13 itemindex = 0 taborder = 5 text = 'tabs' onchange = combobox2change items.strings = ( 'tabs' 'buttons' 'flatbuttons') end object charteditor1: tcharteditor chart = chart1 left = 856 top = 64 end end