2022-06-09 11:44:06
对于smarty理解不是太深,但是$smarty->caching = false;不是对于cache的应用吗?对于不需要即时更新的网站cache不是应该打开比较好吗?但是为什么好多网站的的cache都是false呢?
Caching is used to speed up a call to display() or fetch() by saving its output to a file. If a cached version of the call is available, that is displayed instead of regenerating the output. Caching can speed things up tremendously, especially templates with longer computation times. Since the output of display() or fetch() is cached, one cache file could conceivably be made up of several template files, config files, etc.
Since templates are dynamic, it is important to be careful what you are caching and for how long. For instance, if you are displaying the front page of your website that does not change its content very often, it might work well to cache this page for an hour or more. On the other hand, if you are displaying a page with a weather map containing new information by the minute, it would not make sense to cache this page.
对于smarty理解不是太深,但是$smarty->caching = false;不是对于cache的应用吗?对于不需要即时更新的网站cache不是应该打开比较好吗?但是为什么好多网站的的cache都是false呢?
Caching is used to speed up a call to display() or fetch() by saving its output to a file. If a cached version of the call is available, that is displayed instead of regenerating the output. Caching can speed things up tremendously, especially templates with longer computation times. Since the output of display() or fetch() is cached, one cache file could conceivably be made up of several template files, config files, etc.
Since templates are dynamic, it is important to be careful what you are caching and for how long. For instance, if you are displaying the front page of your website that does not change its content very often, it might work well to cache this page for an hour or more. On the other hand, if you are displaying a page with a weather map containing new information by the minute, it would not make sense to cache this page.
上一篇: 不用递归实现php树程序代码
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