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详解Asp.net Core 使用Redis存储Session

程序员文章站 2022-06-09 09:25:26
前言 asp.net core 改变了之前的封闭,现在开源且开放,下面我们来用redis存储session来做一个简单的测试,或者叫做中间件(middleware)。...


asp.net core 改变了之前的封闭,现在开源且开放,下面我们来用redis存储session来做一个简单的测试,或者叫做中间件(middleware)。




  "stackexchange.redis": "1.1.604-alpha",
  "microsoft.aspnetcore.session": "1.1.0-alpha1-21694"


这里并非我实现,而是借用不知道为什么之前还有这个类库,而现在nuget止没有了,为了不影响日后升级我的命名空间也用 microsoft.extensions.caching.redis


using system;
using system.threading.tasks;
using microsoft.extensions.caching.distributed;
using microsoft.extensions.options;
using stackexchange.redis;

namespace microsoft.extensions.caching.redis
  public class rediscache : idistributedcache, idisposable
    // keys[1] = = key
    // argv[1] = absolute-expiration - ticks as long (-1 for none)
    // argv[2] = sliding-expiration - ticks as long (-1 for none)
    // argv[3] = relative-expiration (long, in seconds, -1 for none) - min(absolute-expiration - now, sliding-expiration)
    // argv[4] = data - byte[]
    // this order should not change lua script depends on it
    private const string setscript = (@"
        redis.call('hmset', keys[1], 'absexp', argv[1], 'sldexp', argv[2], 'data', argv[4])
        if argv[3] ~= '-1' then
         redis.call('expire', keys[1], argv[3])
        return 1");
    private const string absoluteexpirationkey = "absexp";
    private const string slidingexpirationkey = "sldexp";
    private const string datakey = "data";
    private const long notpresent = -1;

    private connectionmultiplexer _connection;
    private idatabase _cache;

    private readonly rediscacheoptions _options;
    private readonly string _instance;

    public rediscache(ioptions<rediscacheoptions> optionsaccessor)
      if (optionsaccessor == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(optionsaccessor));

      _options = optionsaccessor.value;

      // this allows partitioning a single backend cache for use with multiple apps/services.
      _instance = _options.instancename ?? string.empty;

    public byte[] get(string key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      return getandrefresh(key, getdata: true);

    public async task<byte[]> getasync(string key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      return await getandrefreshasync(key, getdata: true);

    public void set(string key, byte[] value, distributedcacheentryoptions options)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      if (value == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(value));

      if (options == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(options));


      var creationtime = datetimeoffset.utcnow;

      var absoluteexpiration = getabsoluteexpiration(creationtime, options);

      var result = _cache.scriptevaluate(setscript, new rediskey[] { _instance + key },
        new redisvalue[]
            absoluteexpiration?.ticks ?? notpresent,
            options.slidingexpiration?.ticks ?? notpresent,
            getexpirationinseconds(creationtime, absoluteexpiration, options) ?? notpresent,

    public async task setasync(string key, byte[] value, distributedcacheentryoptions options)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      if (value == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(value));

      if (options == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(options));

      await connectasync();

      var creationtime = datetimeoffset.utcnow;

      var absoluteexpiration = getabsoluteexpiration(creationtime, options);

      await _cache.scriptevaluateasync(setscript, new rediskey[] { _instance + key },
        new redisvalue[]
            absoluteexpiration?.ticks ?? notpresent,
            options.slidingexpiration?.ticks ?? notpresent,
            getexpirationinseconds(creationtime, absoluteexpiration, options) ?? notpresent,

    public void refresh(string key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      getandrefresh(key, getdata: false);

    public async task refreshasync(string key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      await getandrefreshasync(key, getdata: false);

    private void connect()
      if (_connection == null)
        _connection = connectionmultiplexer.connect(_options.configuration);
        _cache = _connection.getdatabase();

    private async task connectasync()
      if (_connection == null)
        _connection = await connectionmultiplexer.connectasync(_options.configuration);
        _cache = _connection.getdatabase();

    private byte[] getandrefresh(string key, bool getdata)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));


      // this also resets the lru status as desired.
      // todo: can this be done in one operation on the server side? probably, the trick would just be the datetimeoffset math.
      redisvalue[] results;
      if (getdata)
        results = _cache.hashmemberget(_instance + key, absoluteexpirationkey, slidingexpirationkey, datakey);
        results = _cache.hashmemberget(_instance + key, absoluteexpirationkey, slidingexpirationkey);

      // todo: error handling
      if (results.length >= 2)
        // note we always get back two results, even if they are all null.
        // these operations will no-op in the null scenario.
        datetimeoffset? absexpr;
        timespan? sldexpr;
        mapmetadata(results, out absexpr, out sldexpr);
        refresh(key, absexpr, sldexpr);

      if (results.length >= 3 && results[2].hasvalue)
        return results[2];

      return null;

    private async task<byte[]> getandrefreshasync(string key, bool getdata)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      await connectasync();

      // this also resets the lru status as desired.
      // todo: can this be done in one operation on the server side? probably, the trick would just be the datetimeoffset math.
      redisvalue[] results;
      if (getdata)
        results = await _cache.hashmembergetasync(_instance + key, absoluteexpirationkey, slidingexpirationkey, datakey);
        results = await _cache.hashmembergetasync(_instance + key, absoluteexpirationkey, slidingexpirationkey);

      // todo: error handling
      if (results.length >= 2)
        // note we always get back two results, even if they are all null.
        // these operations will no-op in the null scenario.
        datetimeoffset? absexpr;
        timespan? sldexpr;
        mapmetadata(results, out absexpr, out sldexpr);
        await refreshasync(key, absexpr, sldexpr);

      if (results.length >= 3 && results[2].hasvalue)
        return results[2];

      return null;

    public void remove(string key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));


      _cache.keydelete(_instance + key);
      // todo: error handling

    public async task removeasync(string key)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      await connectasync();

      await _cache.keydeleteasync(_instance + key);
      // todo: error handling

    private void mapmetadata(redisvalue[] results, out datetimeoffset? absoluteexpiration, out timespan? slidingexpiration)
      absoluteexpiration = null;
      slidingexpiration = null;
      var absoluteexpirationticks = (long?)results[0];
      if (absoluteexpirationticks.hasvalue && absoluteexpirationticks.value != notpresent)
        absoluteexpiration = new datetimeoffset(absoluteexpirationticks.value, timespan.zero);
      var slidingexpirationticks = (long?)results[1];
      if (slidingexpirationticks.hasvalue && slidingexpirationticks.value != notpresent)
        slidingexpiration = new timespan(slidingexpirationticks.value);

    private void refresh(string key, datetimeoffset? absexpr, timespan? sldexpr)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      // note refresh has no effect if there is just an absolute expiration (or neither).
      timespan? expr = null;
      if (sldexpr.hasvalue)
        if (absexpr.hasvalue)
          var relexpr = absexpr.value - datetimeoffset.now;
          expr = relexpr <= sldexpr.value ? relexpr : sldexpr;
          expr = sldexpr;
        _cache.keyexpire(_instance + key, expr);
        // todo: error handling

    private async task refreshasync(string key, datetimeoffset? absexpr, timespan? sldexpr)
      if (key == null)
        throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(key));

      // note refresh has no effect if there is just an absolute expiration (or neither).
      timespan? expr = null;
      if (sldexpr.hasvalue)
        if (absexpr.hasvalue)
          var relexpr = absexpr.value - datetimeoffset.now;
          expr = relexpr <= sldexpr.value ? relexpr : sldexpr;
          expr = sldexpr;
        await _cache.keyexpireasync(_instance + key, expr);
        // todo: error handling

    private static long? getexpirationinseconds(datetimeoffset creationtime, datetimeoffset? absoluteexpiration, distributedcacheentryoptions options)
      if (absoluteexpiration.hasvalue && options.slidingexpiration.hasvalue)
        return (long)math.min(
          (absoluteexpiration.value - creationtime).totalseconds,
      else if (absoluteexpiration.hasvalue)
        return (long)(absoluteexpiration.value - creationtime).totalseconds;
      else if (options.slidingexpiration.hasvalue)
        return (long)options.slidingexpiration.value.totalseconds;
      return null;

    private static datetimeoffset? getabsoluteexpiration(datetimeoffset creationtime, distributedcacheentryoptions options)
      if (options.absoluteexpiration.hasvalue && options.absoluteexpiration <= creationtime)
        throw new argumentoutofrangeexception(
          "the absolute expiration value must be in the future.");
      var absoluteexpiration = options.absoluteexpiration;
      if (options.absoluteexpirationrelativetonow.hasvalue)
        absoluteexpiration = creationtime + options.absoluteexpirationrelativetonow;

      return absoluteexpiration;

    public void dispose()
      if (_connection != null)

using microsoft.extensions.options;

namespace microsoft.extensions.caching.redis
  /// <summary>
  /// configuration options for <see cref="rediscache"/>.
  /// </summary>
  public class rediscacheoptions : ioptions<rediscacheoptions>
    /// <summary>
    /// the configuration used to connect to redis.
    /// </summary>
    public string configuration { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// the redis instance name.
    /// </summary>
    public string instancename { get; set; }

    rediscacheoptions ioptions<rediscacheoptions>.value
      get { return this; }

using system.threading.tasks;
using stackexchange.redis;

namespace microsoft.extensions.caching.redis
  internal static class redisextensions
    private const string hmgetscript = (@"return redis.call('hmget', keys[1], unpack(argv))");

    internal static redisvalue[] hashmemberget(this idatabase cache, string key, params string[] members)
      var result = cache.scriptevaluate(
        new rediskey[] { key },

      // todo: error checking?
      return (redisvalue[])result;

    internal static async task<redisvalue[]> hashmembergetasync(
      this idatabase cache,
      string key,
      params string[] members)
      var result = await cache.scriptevaluateasync(
        new rediskey[] { key },

      // todo: error checking?
      return (redisvalue[])result;

    private static redisvalue[] getredismembers(params string[] members)
      var redismembers = new redisvalue[members.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++)
        redismembers[i] = (redisvalue)members[i];

      return redismembers;



        serviceprovider =>
          new rediscache(new rediscacheoptions
            configuration = "",
            instancename = "sample:"


app.usesession(new sessionoptions() { idletimeout = timespan.fromminutes(30) });




if (string.isnullorempty(httpcontext.session.getstring("d")))
        var d = datetime.now.tostring();
        httpcontext.session.setstring("d", d);
        httpcontext.response.contenttype = "text/plain";
        await httpcontext.response.writeasync("hello first timer///" + d);
        httpcontext.response.contenttype = "text/plain";
        await httpcontext.response.writeasync("hello old timer///" + httpcontext.session.getstring("d"));

运行我们发现第一次出现了hello first timer字样,刷新后出现了hello old timer字样,证明session成功,再查看一下redis看一下,有值了,这样一个分布式的session就成功实现了。


tianwei.microsoft.extensions.caching.redis ,只是id加了tianwei 空间名还是microsoft.extensions.caching.redis

