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程序员文章站 2022-06-09 08:41:53
PHP5.2.2以上版本的GD库实现了两个截屏函数 imagegrabscreen 和 imagegrabwindow
1. 截取整个屏幕 Screenshot
$im = imagegrabscreen () ;
imagepng ( $im , " myscreenshot.png " ) ;
2. 截取一个窗口 Capture a window (IE for example)
$browser = new COM ( " InternetExplorer.Application " ) ;
$handle = $browser -> HWND ;
$browser -> Visible = true ;
$im = imagegrabwindow ( $handle ) ;
$browser -> Quit () ;
imagepng ( $im , " iesnap.png " ) ;
$im = imagegrabscreen () ;
3. 截取IE内容 Capture a window (IE for example) but with its content!
$browser = new COM ( " InternetExplorer.Application " ) ;
$handle = $browser -> HWND ;
$browser -> Visible = true ;
$browser -> Navigate ( " http://www.21andy.com/blog/ " ) ;

/* Still working? */
while ( $browser -> Busy ) {
com_message_pump ( 4000 ) ;
$im = imagegrabwindow ( $handle , 0 ) ;
$browser -> Quit () ;
imagepng ( $im , " iesnap.png " ) ;
4. 截取IE的全屏模式 IE in fullscreen mode
$browser = new COM ( " InternetExplorer.Application " ) ;
$handle = $browser -> HWND ;

$browser -> Visible = true ;
$browser -> FullScreen = true ;
$browser -> Navigate ( " http://www.21andy.com/blog/ " ) ;

/* Is it completely loaded? (be aware of frames!)*/
while ( $browser -> Busy ) {
com_message_pump ( 4000 ) ;
$im = imagegrabwindow ( $handle , 0 ) ;
$browser -> Quit () ;
imagepng ( $im , " iesnap.png " ) ;
I use Internet Example Explorer as example, if you like to play more with IE and com, check out the IBrowser2 documentation at MSDN. It should work with any kind of window as long as you give the correct handle (usually $obj->HWND).
* php_gd2.dll for 5.2.x thread safe build
* php gd image documentation
* IE manual (useful to tweak it from com_dotnet

可能有两种情况,第一种情况就是这个COM组件只适用于WINDOWS服务器,因为他没有IE浏览器;第二种情况就是没有打开允许服务与桌面交互!其中第二种情况最为常见(默认是关闭的),打开的方法:点击计算机(我的电脑) -> 右键 -> 管理 -> 服务和应用程序 -> 服务 -> Apache -> 右键 -> 属性 -> 登录 -> 选中允许服务与桌面交互。


摘自 张大鹏