SonarQube 5.5 发布,代码质量分析系统
全新的 SonarQube 质量模型,三大特性:
“Reliability” characteristic, based on “bugs”
“Security” characteristic, based on “vulnerabilities”
“Maintainability” characteristic, based on “code smells”
Purpose is to highlight operational risk while remaining committed to manage the technical debt of the code (the default quality gate highlights
使用新的 Measures 项目页替换老的度量钻取页面
More usable and reactive
Offers various visualizations (Treemaps, Bubble charts, Timelines) on top of drilldown capability
Report processing by the Compute Engine (i.e. background tasks) is now done in a dedicated process
This processing can be multi-threaded to increase the throughput of the Compute Engine
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