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SQL Server会写入哪些注册表?

程序员文章站 2022-06-06 18:26:33


其实微软在2008 R2 SP1之后的版本中新增加了一个DMV可以查询SQLServer实例中Windows注册表中的配置信息和安装信息,美国空间,对于每个注册表项返回一行,美国空间,可以返回主机上可用的 SQL Server 服务或 SQL Server 实例的网络配置值等。。


下面的示例返回当前 SQL Server 实例的网络配置信息值。
SELECT registry_key, value_name, value_data FROM sys.dm_server_registry WHERE keyname LIKE N'%SuperSocketNetLib%';

以下示例返回在启动过程中传递到 SQL Server 实例的参数。
SELECT registry_key, value_name, value_data FROM sys.dm_server_registry WHERE registry_key LIKE N'%Parameters';


Parameter Ok To Set? Apparent Usage

AgentErrorLogFile Yes Path where SqlAgent service puts its SQLAGENT.OUT log file.

AgentWorkingDirectory Yes Path where SqlAgent stores temporary files. Possibly also default path for job step log files.

BackupDirectory Yes Path where BACKUP and RESTORE place DISK= files by default.

Collation No Collation specified at installation.

CurrentVersion No SQL Server version (seems to be same as Version).

DynamicPorts Yes Current dynamic port number for All IPs. Set to empty string '' to disable.

Edition No Edition of SQL Server installed, (e.g. Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition).

ErrorLog Yes -e followed by path where SQL Server writes ERRORLOG files.

FullTextDefaultPath Yes Path where Full-Text catalog files are kept. (?)

MasterDataFile No* -d followed by full path of master.mdf.

MasterLogFile No* -l followed by full path of mastlog.mdf

PatchLevel No Another flavor of Version, though not as specific. (?)

Port Yes Static port number for All IPs.

RegisteredOwner No Owner specified at installation.

SQLBinRoot No Full path to the Binn directory.

SQLDataRoot Yes Path to the level above the Data directory where new databases are created.

SQLPath No Full path to MSSQL level of installation.

SQLProgramDir No Full path to level above MSSQL.n installation directory.

SerialNumber No Apparently, serial number of installation. Blank on my installations.

Version No SQL Server version (seems to be same as CurrentVersion).

知道了这些值的含义后我们现在修改SQL Server的authentication mode,我们找到注册表

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQLServer\MSSQL.1\MSSQLServer\LoginMode

然后将值从1改为2,网站空间,重启SQL Server就可以看到认证模式已经更改。


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