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Access restriction: The constructor SunJCE() is not accessib

程序员文章站 2022-06-05 22:46:52

问题现象: Access restriction: The constructor SunJCE() is not accessible due to restriction on required library 原因分析: 大致意识是依赖库SunJCE() 构造函数被限制访问; 解决思路: 方案一: Window - Preferences - Java - Compiler - Errors/War


Access restriction: The constructor SunJCE() is not accessible due to restriction on required library


大致意识是依赖库 SunJCE() 构造函数被限制访问;


方案一:Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings -> Deprecated and restricted API -> Forbidden reference (access rules) -> Warnings

Access restriction: The constructor SunJCE() is not accessib未完待续....