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程序员文章站 2022-06-05 21:31:25
本文实例讲述了php的mssql数据库连接类实例代码,分享给大家供大家参考。 具体实现代码如下: 复制代码 代码如下:class db_sql {   v...



复制代码 代码如下:
class db_sql {
  var $host     = "";
  var $database = "";
  var $user     = "";
  var $password = "";
  var $link_id  = 0;
  var $query_id = 0;
  var $record   = array();
  var $row      = 0;
  var $errno    = 0;
  var $error    = "";
  var $auto_free = 0;     ## set this to 1 to automatically free results
  function db_sql($query = "") {
  function connect() {
    if ( 0 == $this->link_id ) {
      $this->link_id=mssql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password);
      if (!$this->link_id)
        $this->halt("link-id == false, mssql_pconnect failed");
          @mssql_select_db($this->database, $this->link_id);
  function free_result(){
      $this->query_id = 0;
  function query($query_string) 
    /* no empty queries, please, since php4 chokes on them. */
    if ($query_string == "")
      /* the empty query string is passed on from the constructor,
       * when calling the class without a query, e.g. in situations
       * like these: '$db = new db_sql_subclass;'
      return 0;
      if (!$this->link_id)
#   printf("<br>debug: query = %s<br> ", $query_string);
 $this->query_id = mssql_query($query_string, $this->link_id);
    $this->row = 0;
    if (!$this->query_id) {
      $this->errno = 1;
      $this->error = "general error (the mssql interface cannot return detailed error messages).";
      $this->halt("invalid sql: ".$query_string);
    return $this->query_id;
  function next_record() {
    if ($this->record = mssql_fetch_row($this->query_id)) {
      // add to record[<key>]
      $count = mssql_num_fields($this->query_id);
      for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
          $fieldinfo = mssql_fetch_field($this->query_id,$i);
        $this->record[strtolower($fieldinfo->name)] = $this->record[$i];
      $this->row += 1;
      $stat = 1;
    } else {
      if ($this->auto_free) {
      $stat = 0;
    return $stat;
  function seek($pos) {
      $this->row = $pos;
  function metadata($table) {
    $count = 0;
    $id    = 0;
    $res   = array();
    $id = mssql_query("select * from $table", $this->link_id);
    if (!$id) {
      $this->errno = 1;
      $this->error = "general error (the mssql interface cannot return detailed error messages).";
      $this->halt("metadata query failed.");
    $count = mssql_num_fields($id);
    for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
        $info = mssql_fetch_field($id, $i);
      $res[$i]["table"] = $table;
      $res[$i]["name"]  = $info["name"];
      $res[$i]["len"]   = $info["max_length"];
      $res[$i]["flags"] = $info["numeric"];
    return $res;
  function affected_rows() {
// not a supported function in php3/4.  chris johnson, 16may2001.
//    return mssql_affected_rows($this->query_id);
    $rsrows = mssql_query("select @@rowcount as rows", $this->link_id);
    if ($rsrows) {       
       return mssql_result($rsrows, 0, "rows");
  function num_rows() {
    return mssql_num_rows($this->query_id);
  function num_fields() {
    return mssql_num_fields($this->query_id);
  function nf() {
    return $this->num_rows();
  function np() {
    print $this->num_rows();
  function f($field_name) {
    return $this->record[strtolower($field_name)];
  function p($field_name) {
    print $this->f($field_name);
  function halt($msg) {
    printf("</td></tr></table><b>database error:</b> %s<br> ", $msg);
    printf("<b>mssql error</b>: %s (%s)<br> ",
    die("session halted.");
